Extreme Rent Increases Are Killing US Businesses


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
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Unbelievable apartment rent increases of hundreds of $$$ per month, are tearing US businesses to shreds. In my own case, I was paying $600/month 3 years ago Te rent went waaay up and I movd out. That apartment is now $1600/mo for renovated, $1200 unrenovated.

So I moved out, and I now am in a better place, but I'm paying $1,014/month. So I now have $414 LESS to spend every month, than in 2021. $4,968 less per year. There goes the nice new violin and mandolin I was going to buy. Same thing for hundreds of other musical instrument buyers in my area. So guess what > our main musical instrument store (Sam Ash) closed up & went out of business, nationwide. They had been in business for exactly 100 years.

Guess who else is closing down stores. > Walgreens. No, they don't sell musical instruments, but what they do sell cost money too, and a significant part of their customer base now has hundreds of $$$ LESS per month, to buy things with.

How does YOUR rent increases on your home affect businesses?

Residential rents and commercial rents are two very different markets.
Walgreens is closing stores likely because of the horrendous crime.
They say it's inflation (housing the worst part), but surely crime is playing a part too, in some locations. Looks like you need security guards with machine guns to keep open.
Unbelievable apartment rent increases of hundreds of $$$ per month, are tearing US businesses to shreds. In my own case, I was paying $600/month 3 years ago Te rent went waaay up and I movd out. That apartment is now $1600/mo for renovated, $1200 unrenovated.

So I moved out, and I now am in a better place, but I'm paying $1,014/month. So I now have $414 LESS to spend every month, than in 2021. $4,968 less per year. There goes the nice new violin and mandolin I was going to buy. Same thing for hundreds of other musical instrument buyers in my area. So guess what > our main musical instrument store (Sam Ash) closed up & went out of business, nationwide. They had been in business for exactly 100 years.

Guess who else is closing down stores. > Walgreens. No, they don't sell musical instruments, but what they do sell cost money too, and a significant part of their customer base now has hundreds of $$$ LESS per month, to buy things with.

LMAO! Landowners have to deal with tax increases on their properties. Did you think they wouldn't pass those increases on to you? Yawn. Your monthly rent rant has run its course.
Wow. I just checked Sam Ash's website and all their expensive mandolins (Eastman, Weber, Gibson) are gone. Must have sold out fast in their Going Out of Business clearance. Nothing but a few cheapies left, and online (which is no way to buy a musical instrument)
Wow. I just checked Sam Ash's website and all their expensive mandolins (Eastman, Weber, Gibson) are gone. Must have sold out fast in their Going Out of Business clearance. Nothing but a few cheapies left, and online (which is no way to buy a musical instrument)
Snooze you lose.
Unbelievable apartment rent increases of hundreds of $$$ per month, are tearing US businesses to shreds. In my own case, I was paying $600/month 3 years ago Te rent went waaay up and I movd out. That apartment is now $1600/mo for renovated, $1200 unrenovated.

So I moved out, and I now am in a better place, but I'm paying $1,014/month. So I now have $414 LESS to spend every month, than in 2021. $4,968 less per year. There goes the nice new violin and mandolin I was going to buy. Same thing for hundreds of other musical instrument buyers in my area. So guess what > our main musical instrument store (Sam Ash) closed up & went out of business, nationwide. They had been in business for exactly 100 years.

Guess who else is closing down stores. > Walgreens. No, they don't sell musical instruments, but what they do sell cost money too, and a significant part of their customer base now has hundreds of $$$ LESS per month, to buy things with.

Just wait until you see the food prices shooting to the moon!
LMAO! Landowners have to deal with tax increases on their properties. Did you think they wouldn't pass those increases on to you? Yawn. Your monthly rent rant has run its course.
Landlords don't need to raise a rent from $600/mo to $1600/mo (110) apartments, to deal with a tax increases, or anything else.

Also landlords are not the topic. All other businesses are. I see lots of businesses being forced out of business. I dont see that happening to landlords.

Just wait until you see the food prices shooting to the moon!
Bad, but not as much as the rents.

LMAO! Landowners have to deal with tax increases on their properties. Did you think they wouldn't pass those increases on to you? Yawn. Your monthly rent rant has run its course.

Not to mention, there was a short-lived moratorium on evictions, and now we've magically inherited millions of illegals, which are being housed everywhere you look. No wonder rent's too high.

Thank God I chose a fixed mortgage rate, even if my insurance and property taxes keep rising.
But the ideologues keep telling us sub-poverty level wages are great for the economy, the lower the better, and we're all going to get rich selling each other Apple stock back and forth.
But the ideologues keep telling us sub-poverty level wages are great for the economy, the lower the better, and we're all going to get rich selling each other Apple stock back and forth.

I just quit my job at the coal mine and am taking a correspondence course on learning to code. :04:
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I just quit my job at the coal mine and am taking a correspondent course on learning to code. :04:

Those jobs go to Hindus and Red Chinese. Even Trump wants to hand out green cards to foreign graduates who squat in American universities. They work cheap and hate white people too, same as Democrats. You're supposed to use that money to gamble on Apple stock n stuff.
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