Extortion in Seattle


Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2017
Texas hill country
Black Lives Matter protesters pushed their way into a Seattle Trader Joe's demanding the company give "15 percent at least." The group has repeated the tactic of harassing the store's staff and customers over the past few months.

A video tweeted Thursday night shows a large group of BLM activists entering a Seattle Trader Joe's store. They chanted and beat drums as they marched through the grocery chain location.

Seattle has five Trader Joe's locations, and Breitbart reports that three of them have been hit in this way. It shows that Trader Joe's, which resisted the demands, remains a target, based on Seattle's failure to send police to protect them.

No business of any kind can run a business with this kind of shakedown activity going on. The company is being held hostage to pirates, while the city stands by and does nothing.

In Seattle, Trader Joe's has in fact resisted on related matters, and not just in the package labeling. According to the Seattle Spectator, the company has been hit by march-in protests in early October over its refusal to permit employees to wear BLM gear on the job, plus boycotts to boot. The Trader Joe's near the CHOP zone this past summer did shut its doors indefinitely, not just because of the chaos and disorder of CHOP, but also because of the wokesterism of many employees. Who'd want to do business with those kinds of employees in permanent opposition? They relented when 22,000 customers signed a petition asking them to stay.

Seattle is getting pretty comparable to Venezuela without police to enforce rule of law, but Trader Joe's is no battered Venezuelan storefront shop. It's a huge national private corporation whose structure protects it from activist shareholders stirring up the pot and calling for woke acts, and it has always put the interests of its customers first. Instead of pay the danegeld, it's in a position to walk out.

It's shown backbone in standing up to rioters, and who knows how many shakedowns it has fended off. But if it gets bad — and Breitbart notes that three stores in Seattle have been targeted — it may well decide that the cost of doing business outweighs the benefits and pull out of the city.

Unfuckingbelievable. So far as I know, this isn't going on in Portland or other cities. But I'm guessing it won't be long. That's called anarchy folks. This is exactly how mafia works. Either you pay us something - il “pizzo” it’s called in Italian - or we burn down the place at least. This can happen when the State is absent, that’s why defunding the police in crucial in every mafia system.
Black Lives Matter protesters pushed their way into a Seattle Trader Joe's demanding the company give "15 percent at least." The group has repeated the tactic of harassing the store's staff and customers over the past few months.

A video tweeted Thursday night shows a large group of BLM activists entering a Seattle Trader Joe's store. They chanted and beat drums as they marched through the grocery chain location.

Seattle has five Trader Joe's locations, and Breitbart reports that three of them have been hit in this way. It shows that Trader Joe's, which resisted the demands, remains a target, based on Seattle's failure to send police to protect them.

No business of any kind can run a business with this kind of shakedown activity going on. The company is being held hostage to pirates, while the city stands by and does nothing.

In Seattle, Trader Joe's has in fact resisted on related matters, and not just in the package labeling. According to the Seattle Spectator, the company has been hit by march-in protests in early October over its refusal to permit employees to wear BLM gear on the job, plus boycotts to boot. The Trader Joe's near the CHOP zone this past summer did shut its doors indefinitely, not just because of the chaos and disorder of CHOP, but also because of the wokesterism of many employees. Who'd want to do business with those kinds of employees in permanent opposition? They relented when 22,000 customers signed a petition asking them to stay.

Seattle is getting pretty comparable to Venezuela without police to enforce rule of law, but Trader Joe's is no battered Venezuelan storefront shop. It's a huge national private corporation whose structure protects it from activist shareholders stirring up the pot and calling for woke acts, and it has always put the interests of its customers first. Instead of pay the danegeld, it's in a position to walk out.

It's shown backbone in standing up to rioters, and who knows how many shakedowns it has fended off. But if it gets bad — and Breitbart notes that three stores in Seattle have been targeted — it may well decide that the cost of doing business outweighs the benefits and pull out of the city.

Unfuckingbelievable. So far as I know, this isn't going on in Portland or other cities. But I'm guessing it won't be long. That's called anarchy folks. This is exactly how mafia works. Either you pay us something - il “pizzo” it’s called in Italian - or we burn down the place at least. This can happen when the State is absent, that’s why defunding the police in crucial in every mafia system.

I'm surprised that the FBI is not involved..if this is legit. Trader Joe's is interstate commerce..and interfering with interstate commerce via threats or violence is a violation of the Hobbs Act--it's extortion..and carries up to 20 years per count.

I go to Seattle every few months..just got back ..the one time I was in Trader Joe's..it was packed..with masked people. I think they're still making money..so I bet they weather the storm.
So no one is going to get arrested for this? No charges? No investigating whether this is the act of a few line dumbasses or if it’s a criminal conspiracy from the top?

I wonder what would happen if some other group tried to do this? What if the dreaded, evil Proud Boys went into a business and threatens them u less they “donated” 15% of their income?
What about if literally any other group that wasn’t a democrat Brownshirt organization pulled this?
We all know what would happen.
November 4th the process of cleaning up America begins in earnest, the objective is the complete and total annihilation of democrats, and their party, forever! Know where democrats are in your communities, do not ever allow a democrat arms, ammunition, or supplies, they can eat each other, and they will be! :banana:
Imagine a bunch of rednecks entering a Cabela Sport Shop trying to extort money...not that Seattle would
have a Cabela's store.
It's mind-boggling, it really is. For the city and state leadership to be so irresponsible as to allow such lawlessness for political reasons just surpasses all understanding. To leave their citizens and businesses defenseless and unprotected is reprehensible. And for anyone in a leadership position within the Democratic Party NOT to demand those state and local leaders to do their jobs and restore law and order is unacceptable. It's not enough to condemn the ongoing lawlessness, when so many livelihoods are destroyed and lives snuffed out. They don't have to be in a position of authority to speak out and apply the necessary political pressure to end this shit, especially if you are Joe Biden and have declared yourself to be Thee Democratic Party. But they have not done so, and that is why I cannot respect or support such a group that obviously cares more about their own well-being individually and collectively than that of their own constituents. Those cities and states are liberal democrat places where the people and businesses support the Democratic Party. And yet they are left to swing in the breeze when political expediency trumps their duty and obligations. Fuck 'em.
Trader Joes should shut down and move out, just like CVS and Walgreens have done.


Any business that is harassed by bad people and that is unable to get police protection should, of course, leave.

I was disappointed to read that some of Trader Joe's employees are woke. So maybe they deserve to be unemployed. I am sure that their BLM buddies will help them out with lodging & food.
Black Lives Matter protesters pushed their way into a Seattle Trader Joe's demanding the company give "15 percent at least." The group has repeated the tactic of harassing the store's staff and customers over the past few months.
They sell wine, "two-buck chuck" etc. Liquor stores always have problems with protections rackets. If the premise is that "guns are banned" especially for blacks --- then that is an even stronger encouragement and incentive for a protection racket.
Black Lives Matter shows everyone once more they are a criminal organization.
Extortion doesn't protect one single black life and neither does BurnLootMurder.

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