Exposing The White Phony Grievance Industry


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2009
A must-listen for the legion of Storm Fronters, White Supremecists and other assorted Alt-Righters of USMB.

Just sit back, relax, put your feet up for about 45 mins and take it all in.
A must-listen for the legion of Storm Fronters, White Supremecists and other assorted Alt-Righters of USMB.

Just sit back, relax, put your feet up for about 45 mins and take it all in.
A must-listen for the legion of Storm Fronters, White Supremecists and other assorted Alt-Righters of USMB.

Just sit back, relax, put your feet up for about 45 mins and take it all in.
When will BLM whining stop?
When will you white people stop moaning ? You don't even know any black people. There are no black people in Czech. Yet black people are still on ur mind.
Did your food stamps run out already? Ever coonsider getting a job?
I like MarcATL, so I did give it a spin, but I couldn't listen to this guy's horseshit for 45 minutes.
A must-listen for the legion of Storm Fronters, White Supremecists and other assorted Alt-Righters of USMB.

Just sit back, relax, put your feet up for about 45 mins and take it all in.

Na. You're being unfair. I mean look at these. These white people have major problems




I like MarcATL, so I did give it a spin, but I couldn't listen to this guy's horseshit for 45 minutes.
What did you disagree with?

I listened to about 30 minutes of it, and 99% of it was incoherent babbling about white people, the "white media", and my favorite, "white code". I guess I missed the whole white code part of the white training manual that we're all issued at birth.

This guy obviously has a hangup about white people, and it's not helping the discussion on race. It's only helping to divide us more.
I listened to about 30 minutes of it, and 99% of it was incoherent babbling about white people, the "white media", and my favorite, "white code". I guess I missed the whole white code part of the white training manual that we're all issued at birth.

This guy obviously has a hangup about white people, and it's not helping the discussion on race. It's only helping to divide us more.
"99% was not incoherent babble." Really?!? Can you site 2 or 3 examples of this?

The term "white media" is accurate, certainly as accurate as "liberal media."

"White code" is referring to white people's natural inclination to, not only punish blacks more harshly, but also excuse whites when found in the same circumstances. That's 1 example of white code. This is done instinctively, hence the "manual at birth"

You said he has a "hangup about white people", what would you say that is? And/or why would you say that is?

You brought up "the discussion on race." What is that exactly? Where does it currently take place? Who's taking part in it? How's it going? Lastly, where would you start with said discussion?
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I listened to about 30 minutes of it, and 99% of it was incoherent babbling about white people, the "white media", and my favorite, "white code". I guess I missed the whole white code part of the white training manual that we're all issued at birth.

This guy obviously has a hangup about white people, and it's not helping the discussion on race. It's only helping to divide us more.
"99% was not incoherent babble." Really?!? Can you site 2 or 3 examples of this?

White media is accurate, certainly as accurate as liberal media.

White code is referring to white people's natural inclination to, not only punish blacks more harshly, but also excuse whites when found in the same circumstances. That's 1 example of white code. This is done instinctively, hence the "manual at birth"

You said he has a "hangup about white people", what would you say that is? And/or why would you say that is?

You brought up "the discussion on race." What is that exactly? Where does it currently take place? Who's taking part it it? How's it going? Lastly, where would you start with said discussion?
Remember that little chat we had about whining? Now, go get a job. Since Trump, they're really not that hard to find even if you have an IQ of, what is it, 70, 75?
"99% was not incoherent babble." Really?!? Can you site 2 or 3 examples of this?

As I said I listened to about 30 minutes. So look at about 1:00 through 30:00.
This is what he said in the first two (2) minutes...

"Under white supremacy up is down and down is up."
"The so-called victims of reverse racism actually inflict the most harm."
"These are the same people that have the highest standard of living, highest life span, the most disposable income, yet they feel persecuted and yet they feel they want more."
"....most importantly, they have to make sure the people they are oppressing, don't have any opportunity to speak for themselves."

What part is untrue and/or do you have a problem with aaronleland?
"99% was not incoherent babble." Really?!? Can you site 2 or 3 examples of this?

As I said I listened to about 30 minutes. So look at about 1:00 through 30:00.
This is what he said in the first two (2) minutes...

"Under white supremacy up is down and down is up."
"The so-called victims of reverse racism actually inflict the most harm."
"These are the same people that have the highest standard of living, highest life span, the most disposable income, yet they feel persecuted and yet they feel they want more."
"....most importantly, they have to make sure the people they are oppressing, don't have any opportunity to speak for themselves."

What part is untrue and/or do you have a problem with aaronleland?

I agree with almost everything there, aside from "they feel they want more". We already have more. What some white people want is to maintain the status quo. What the person in your video does is fails to differentiate one white person from the next. It's all about "white people". He uses the term every sentence. He really doesn't like white people.
I agree with almost everything there, aside from "they feel they want more". We already have more. What some white people want is to maintain the status quo. What the person in your video does is fails to differentiate one white person from the next. It's all about "white people". He uses the term every sentence. He really doesn't like white people.
Is America a white country or not? Meaning, aren't all the systems of power ran and controlled by white people?
I like MarcATL, so I did give it a spin, but I couldn't listen to this guy's horseshit for 45 minutes.
What did you disagree with?

I listened to about 30 minutes of it, and 99% of it was incoherent babbling about white people, the "white media", and my favorite, "white code". I guess I missed the whole white code part of the white training manual that we're all issued at birth.

This guy obviously has a hangup about white people, and it's not helping the discussion on race. It's only helping to divide us more.

But you chumps sure can babble on and on endlessly about us and expect us to listen to it all.

Why is it that at criticism of your white asses is the only thing that can divide us more. You punks with your incessant lies and racist comments about us. How doesn't that work to divide us? Not to you bitches, you think its some kind truth we don't want to hear.

Marc just nailed it and you can't take the truth.
"99% was not incoherent babble." Really?!? Can you site 2 or 3 examples of this?

As I said I listened to about 30 minutes. So look at about 1:00 through 30:00.
This is what he said in the first two (2) minutes...

"Under white supremacy up is down and down is up."
"The so-called victims of reverse racism actually inflict the most harm."
"These are the same people that have the highest standard of living, highest life span, the most disposable income, yet they feel persecuted and yet they feel they want more."
"....most importantly, they have to make sure the people they are oppressing, don't have any opportunity to speak for themselves."

What part is untrue and/or do you have a problem with aaronleland?

I agree with almost everything there, aside from "they feel they want more". We already have more. What some white people want is to maintain the status quo. What the person in your video does is fails to differentiate one white person from the next. It's all about "white people". He uses the term every sentence. He really doesn't like white people.

Nobody wants to hear that whining. Not coming from whites. When you whites can start saying not all blacks are criminal, not all blacks are on welfare, not all blacks don't want get educated, not all blacks don't want to work, not all black men father children out of wedlock, not all black women are just fucking for a welfare check, not all blacks are democrats because they want free stuff, and I could go on and on, then you have not a word to say when whites get treated the same way. Nobody cares about your fragility. You reap what you sow.

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