EXPOSED: Komen VP Targeted Planned Parenthood

With over 300,000 abortions ina year averaging over 800 a day I'd say their main function is not giving away contraceptives. And why should it? Hell they would be cutting their own throats if women didn't get pregnant.

4 million is bigger than 300000.

It'd be nice if you learned some basic fucking math douchtwizzle.

Planned Parenthood - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In 2009, Planned Parenthood provided 4,009,549 contraceptive services (35% of total), 3,955,926 sexually transmitted disease services (35% of total), 1,830,811 cancer related services (16% of total), 1,178,369 pregnancy/prenatal/midlife services (10% of total), 332,278 abortion services (3% of total), and 76,977 other services (1% of total), for a total of 11,383,900 services.[35][7][37][38][39][40] The organization also said its doctors and nurses annually conduct 1 million screenings for cervical cancer and 830,000 breast exams.

Wikipedia? Really?

Scroll to the bottom. See the section entitled "references". You can then use the numbers available above to verify the claims.

Sorry, I thought it'd be easier than posting 6 different references, I assumed you could use a compute.
I'm gonna put in another good word here about Phi Beta Psi a sorority started in the early 1900's by a group of teenage girls who wanted to change the world. Almost 100% of the funds we raise goes directly to the doctors doing the research to find a cure for cancer. There should be a chapter near you, if not, message me and I can give you an address to send a donation to the chapter I belong to...Gamma Delta. And yes, your donations are tax deductible.

Thanks and I'm not worried about tax deductions. I have never claimed any donation to charity as a deduction, to the chagrin of my accountant. I will research Phi Beta Psi.

You either like paying taxes you don't legally owe or don't itemize, which is it?

To be totally honest, I make enough money that the little bit of tax deductions I may recieve in charitable donations aren't worth it to me. I have bigger deductions that help keep my taxes on par. I donate app. 20 percent of my yearly income to charity which averages about 40K.
Thanks and I'm not worried about tax deductions. I have never claimed any donation to charity as a deduction, to the chagrin of my accountant. I will research Phi Beta Psi.

You either like paying taxes you don't legally owe or don't itemize, which is it?

To be totally honest, I make enough money that the little bit of tax deductions I may recieve in charitable donations aren't worth it to me. I have bigger deductions that help keep my taxes on par. I donate app. 20 percent of my yearly income to charity which averages about 40K.

If you take the tax deduction you'll have more money to give to charity.

By Laura Bassett

WASHINGTON -- Susan G. Komen for the Cure, the nation's leading anti-breast-cancer charity, has insisted that its since-reversed decision to pull funding from Planned Parenthood arose from a routine change in criteria for grant eligibility that had nothing to do with abortion politics.

But a Komen insider told HuffPost on Sunday that Karen Handel, Komen's staunchly anti-abortion vice president for public policy, was the main force behind the decision to defund Planned Parenthood and the attempt to make that decision look nonpolitical.

"Karen Handel was the prime instigator of this effort, and she herself personally came up with investigation criteria," the source, who requested anonymity for professional reasons, told HuffPost. "She said, 'If we just say it's about investigations, we can defund Planned Parenthood and no one can blame us for being political.'"

Emails between Komen leadership on the day the Planned Parenthood decision was announced, which were reviewed by HuffPost under the condition they not be published, confirm the source's description of Handel's sole "authority" in crafting and implementing the Planned Parenthood policy.

Handel's strategy to cut off Planned Parenthood involved drafting new guidelines that would prevent Komen from funding any organization that was under investigation by local, state or federal authorities. Since Planned Parenthood is currently the target of a congressional inquiry prompted by House Republicans into the way it uses government funds, the family planning provider would have been immediately disqualified from receiving new Komen grants.

After the initial uproar when news of the decision broke, the story that Komen told the public was that the cut-off was unrelated to a political agenda against Planned Parenthood.

Karen Handel, Susan G. Komen's Anti-Abortion VP, Drove Decision To Defund Planned Parenthood

Komen Cuts Planned Parenthood Grants Months After Arrival Of New VP, Who Is Abortion Foe

Abortion increase the risk of breast cancer, why they would of ever supported PP is beyond me.
You assume every aborted child would become a welfare recipient.

Based on universally accepted scientific criteria, a new cell, the human zygote, comes into existence at the moment of sperm-egg fusion, an event that occurs in less than a second. Upon formation, the zygote immediately initiates a complex sequence of events that establish the molecular conditions required for continued embryonic development. The behavior of the zygote is radically unlike that of either sperm or egg separately and is characteristic of a human organism. Thus, the scientific evidence supports the conclusion that a zygote is a human organism and that the life of a new human being commences at a scientifically well defined “moment of conception.” This conclusion is objective, consistent with the factual evidence, and independent of any specific ethical, moral, political, or religious view of human life or of human embryos.

Show me scientific data to the contrary.

Science has quite clearly and decidedly proven that human life begins at conception (i.e. fertilization. AKA the moment sperm and ovum meet and form an entirely new, self-directing living organism of the human species with its own individual DNA distinct from both mother and father.). The only ones who deny this are those blinded by their own religious dogma of so-called “choice” who have a stubborn need to deny scientific fact in order to stay faithful to their own ideology.

Really? That's your "scientific" evidence? A blog that quotes Dr. Robert George, who, by the way, is not a medical doctor! You'd have more clout quoting Dr. Ruth or even Dr. Phil!

The fact is, the Scientific Community has never come out clearly on this issue and we could sit here and post hours on end without coming to any kind of agreement. This topic is a matter of personal opinion and personal choice for everyone. But, of course, that's the part you object to. You don't want women to be able to decide this for themselves. YOU want to decide it for them.

So to re-cap your position, and correct me if I'm wrong here.

1) You don't want women to decide for themselves when life begins. You will make that decision for them.
2) You don't want women to be able to exercise their Constitutionally protected rights to make medical decisions for their own body.
3) You don't want women to exercise their right to give up their child for adoption to a committed gay couple.
4) You don't want any state assistance going to any woman who chooses to raise a child that she can't afford to raise.

Wow dude. Not sure why you hate women so much, but you might want to talk to someone about that.

I'm not going to answer any of your silly questions until you can convince me that life does not begin at conception.

Hmm. Pretty cowardly response. You've basically set yourself up to never answer any question ever. After all, I'm sure you know that in Science, you don't prove a negative. It's the responsibility of the person making the claim (you) to prove the positive (life begins at conception).

But hey, that's fine. If you don't want to discuss this topic, you could just say so.
4 million is bigger than 300000.

It'd be nice if you learned some basic fucking math douchtwizzle.

Planned Parenthood - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Wikipedia? Really?

Scroll to the bottom. See the section entitled "references". You can then use the numbers available above to verify the claims.

Sorry, I thought it'd be easier than posting 6 different references, I assumed you could use a compute.

Folks like you will do anything to justify the taking of innocent life. The fact is over 300,000 innocent lives are taken each year by the likes of PP and liberals for the most part support this.

LIBERAL HYPOCRISY | The Inconvenient Sunny Roseman Show

I’ve often wondered how Liberals can be so hypocritical about so many things. They are pro-abortion yet anti-capital punishment. They support the killing of unborn children in the name of convenience and choice, yet if one grows up to commit murder, they scream injustice if that person is sentenced to death. They are Pro-Technology yet Anti-Free Market. They will use software and technology only made possible in a free market environment, yet there’s no way liberals could fight capitalism without the very tools capitalism provides! Here’s one of my favorites, they are pro-homosexual and at the same time Pro-Muslim. Muslims want to kill homosexuals. Yet, Liberals promote the Homosexual agenda and Shariah Law. If the Muslims take over the United States, the first thing they will do is kill all the homosexuals and liberals. Next, the liberals want religious freedom for all religions except Christianity. Take down that cross, no nativity scenes on public property, etc. The list goes on, all in the name of “tolerance.” Isn’t it ironic that Christianity is the only religion that tolerates others? The Koran, however, teaches Muslims to kill the infidels! I love this one; they are Pro-Education yet Anti-School Choice. Why do liberals force everyone to pay taxes to support the failing public education system when private and home-schooling are so much more effective? The answer is easy. They can only brainwash our children to become atheists and socialists in the public schools. And finally, there’s Racism. They say they aren’t racist, yet they evaluate everyone by the color of their skin, and they continue to promote social programs that enslave blacks at the poverty level.
Actually, nobody in the field of science denies that from zygote on, an unborn baby has life.

So yes, it is on you to prove the negative, since you are the one contesting the established fact that unborn babies are alive.

Most intelligent baby killers don't contest the life of the unborn, because they KNOW it's alive. They just contest the "humanity"...declaring that since it is not self-aware, it can't be human. Which is just as stupid as proclaiming it isn't alive.
Actually, nobody in the field of science denies that from zygote on, an unborn baby has life.

So yes, it is on you to prove the negative, since you are the one contesting the established fact that unborn babies are alive.

Most intelligent baby killers don't contest the life of the unborn, because they KNOW it's alive. They just contest the "humanity"...declaring that since it is not self-aware, it can't be human. Which is just as stupid as proclaiming it isn't alive.

Plants are life. Puppies are life. No one is contesting that a human embryo isn't life in some way. But, to claim it is a "human being" or a "person" is simply false. No Science has ever proven that, despite what you think in your head. Furthermore, to claim that collection of cells has rights that supersede an adult woman's, well, that's just insulting.
Actually, nobody in the field of science denies that from zygote on, an unborn baby has life.

So yes, it is on you to prove the negative, since you are the one contesting the established fact that unborn babies are alive.

Most intelligent baby killers don't contest the life of the unborn, because they KNOW it's alive. They just contest the "humanity"...declaring that since it is not self-aware, it can't be human. Which is just as stupid as proclaiming it isn't alive.

Plants are life. Puppies are life. No one is contesting that a human embryo isn't life in some way. But, to claim it is a "human being" or a "person" is simply false. No Science has ever proven that, despite what you think in your head. Furthermore, to claim that collection of cells has rights that supersede an adult woman's, well, that's just insulting.

What kind of "life" is it, if not human?
Actually, nobody in the field of science denies that from zygote on, an unborn baby has life.

So yes, it is on you to prove the negative, since you are the one contesting the established fact that unborn babies are alive.

Most intelligent baby killers don't contest the life of the unborn, because they KNOW it's alive. They just contest the "humanity"...declaring that since it is not self-aware, it can't be human. Which is just as stupid as proclaiming it isn't alive.

Plants are life. Puppies are life. No one is contesting that a human embryo isn't life in some way. But, to claim it is a "human being" or a "person" is simply false. No Science has ever proven that, despite what you think in your head. Furthermore, to claim that collection of cells has rights that supersede an adult woman's, well, that's just insulting.

What kind of "life" is it, if not human?

I refuse to answer any of your silly questions until you prove to me that I am wrong that is not a "human being".
Fact. More abortions are performed by PP than any other agency.

Fact. PP receives more federal funding than any other agency.

PP has a lot to lose if they admit they use federal dollars to fund abortions. Fact is they do use federal dollars. Fact is their main function is performing abortions. This is well, known and well documented. But hey, keep your naive ass in the dark and pretend it's not true.

And you, naturally, have data to support your statements? I'm especially interested in documentation supporting your claim that PP gets more Federal Tax Dollars than any other agency.

Last year (2010), Planned Parenthood received more than $363 million in revenue from government grants; and performed an unprecedented 324,008 abortions.

Public Notes on 11-HR217

Your data doesn't support the claim that they get more tax dollars than any other agency. Got a list with PP at the top?
Actually, nobody in the field of science denies that from zygote on, an unborn baby has life.

So yes, it is on you to prove the negative, since you are the one contesting the established fact that unborn babies are alive.

Most intelligent baby killers don't contest the life of the unborn, because they KNOW it's alive. They just contest the "humanity"...declaring that since it is not self-aware, it can't be human. Which is just as stupid as proclaiming it isn't alive.

Plants are life. Puppies are life. No one is contesting that a human embryo isn't life in some way. But, to claim it is a "human being" or a "person" is simply false. No Science has ever proven that, despite what you think in your head. Furthermore, to claim that collection of cells has rights that supersede an adult woman's, well, that's just insulting.

Weren't you the one who said it was on our side to prove life existed?

I understand your reluctance to address the topic, though. Typical. You must deny its humanity, or admit you want to kill babies.

Of course you DO want to kill babies, and you know it, and have no compunction about doing it. You only get a little queasy when it's called what it is. Also typical.
And you, naturally, have data to support your statements? I'm especially interested in documentation supporting your claim that PP gets more Federal Tax Dollars than any other agency.

Last year (2010), Planned Parenthood received more than $363 million in revenue from government grants; and performed an unprecedented 324,008 abortions.

Public Notes on 11-HR217

Your data doesn't support the claim that they get more tax dollars than any other agency. Got a list with PP at the top?

What I provided supported my claim.

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