EXPOSED: Komen VP Targeted Planned Parenthood

so more speculation i see...
3% doesn't equal main function skippy.

No the reality is that the only tax dollars you might see are from state level medicare/medicaid. Which varies from state to state.Zero comes from Federal monies.

but you keep on speculating skip....Im sure someone will come and agree with you. That way you feel even more right in your speculation.

They performed over 300,000 abortions in one year alone. What other services have they provided that equals that?

Besides womens health? Birth control, cancer screenings. Again 11 % doesnt equal main function.

They do not perform cancer screenings. And abortion is their preferred method of birth control.

Again, you failed.
Again show me where it states in the Constitution a woman has the right to terminate a pregnancy.

No. Hell no. Knock that shit off. You wing nuts want to babble on about how everything and anything under the sun is your right unless it's denied to you by the constitution and how the government has not place to step in, and all that bullshit. But when it comes to a person's own body, now all of a sudden we need a constitutional hall pass? You all need to get your shit together and come up with something consistent. Here, maybe you should try math. Ready? 1+1=2. Every time someone asks you a question or you need to express an opinion, just say that. It'll always be true no matter what. You can't go wrong.

Hey numbnuts, I'm not the one that stated abortion was a constitutional right. I simply challenged that statement. And of course Jillian the self proclaimed attorney... failed.

How did she fail? I posted the Amendment in question 5 minutes before she posted a response. There was no reason for her to post it after I did.

Seriously, is that the best you got?

And still no response to my questions?
They performed over 300,000 abortions in one year alone. What other services have they provided that equals that?

Besides womens health? Birth control, cancer screenings. Again 11 % doesnt equal main function.

They do not perform cancer screenings. And abortion is their preferred method of birth control.

Again, you failed.

Really? Is that why they charge for them while giving away contraceptives to women for free?
No. Hell no. Knock that shit off. You wing nuts want to babble on about how everything and anything under the sun is your right unless it's denied to you by the constitution and how the government has not place to step in, and all that bullshit. But when it comes to a person's own body, now all of a sudden we need a constitutional hall pass? You all need to get your shit together and come up with something consistent. Here, maybe you should try math. Ready? 1+1=2. Every time someone asks you a question or you need to express an opinion, just say that. It'll always be true no matter what. You can't go wrong.

Hey numbnuts, I'm not the one that stated abortion was a constitutional right. I simply challenged that statement. And of course Jillian the self proclaimed attorney... failed.

How did she fail? I posted the Amendment in question 5 minutes before she posted a response. There was no reason for her to post it after I did.

Seriously, is that the best you got?

And still no response to my questions?

posting the constitutional amendments in question is irrelevant if he read the caselaw.

and those issues are addressed in their respective court decisions.

but don't confuse him with facts.
Komen will not receive any more donations from me as well as most of my friends.

I'm gonna put in another good word here about Phi Beta Psi a sorority started in the early 1900's by a group of teenage girls who wanted to change the world. Almost 100% of the funds we raise goes directly to the doctors doing the research to find a cure for cancer. There should be a chapter near you, if not, message me and I can give you an address to send a donation to the chapter I belong to...Gamma Delta. And yes, your donations are tax deductible.
Except, of course, two glaring problems.

2) Up until about the last trimester, an embryo cannot acquire materials and energy. Not on its own. If it is separated from the mother it will not survive. Ever. Period.
3) Zygotes do not respond to their environment. Not any more than skin cells do and we all agree skin cells do not have rights.

So by your definition, before the last trimester, it's not a human life. It's living human material, sure, but that's not the same now is it?

Beside this, you haven't addresses my two questions. Are you in favour of more people on welfare? And are you in favour of gay couples being able to adopt?

You assume every aborted child would become a welfare recipient.

Based on universally accepted scientific criteria, a new cell, the human zygote, comes into existence at the moment of sperm-egg fusion, an event that occurs in less than a second. Upon formation, the zygote immediately initiates a complex sequence of events that establish the molecular conditions required for continued embryonic development. The behavior of the zygote is radically unlike that of either sperm or egg separately and is characteristic of a human organism. Thus, the scientific evidence supports the conclusion that a zygote is a human organism and that the life of a new human being commences at a scientifically well defined “moment of conception.” This conclusion is objective, consistent with the factual evidence, and independent of any specific ethical, moral, political, or religious view of human life or of human embryos.

Show me scientific data to the contrary.

Science has quite clearly and decidedly proven that human life begins at conception (i.e. fertilization. AKA the moment sperm and ovum meet and form an entirely new, self-directing living organism of the human species with its own individual DNA distinct from both mother and father.). The only ones who deny this are those blinded by their own religious dogma of so-called “choice” who have a stubborn need to deny scientific fact in order to stay faithful to their own ideology.

Really? That's your "scientific" evidence? A blog that quotes Dr. Robert George, who, by the way, is not a medical doctor! You'd have more clout quoting Dr. Ruth or even Dr. Phil!

The fact is, the Scientific Community has never come out clearly on this issue and we could sit here and post hours on end without coming to any kind of agreement. This topic is a matter of personal opinion and personal choice for everyone. But, of course, that's the part you object to. You don't want women to be able to decide this for themselves. YOU want to decide it for them.

So to re-cap your position, and correct me if I'm wrong here.

1) You don't want women to decide for themselves when life begins. You will make that decision for them.
2) You don't want women to be able to exercise their Constitutionally protected rights to make medical decisions for their own body.
3) You don't want women to exercise their right to give up their child for adoption to a committed gay couple.
4) You don't want any state assistance going to any woman who chooses to raise a child that she can't afford to raise.

Wow dude. Not sure why you hate women so much, but you might want to talk to someone about that.

I'm not going to answer any of your silly questions until you can convince me that life does not begin at conception.
the average number is 277,000...

which is 11% of their clientele.

and why shouldn't they? or do constitutional rights only apply to guns?

Again show me where it states in the Constitution a woman has the right to terminate a pregnancy.

Ninth Amendment.

Anything else we can help you with?

Says nothing terminating a pregancy is a right....nice try but you fail.
the average number is 277,000...

which is 11% of their clientele.

and why shouldn't they? or do constitutional rights only apply to guns?

Again show me where it states in the Constitution a woman has the right to terminate a pregnancy.

Roe v Wade has as much force and effect as Heller.

Court decision? Still not in the Constitution. You fail.
Only in your black and white world... a world devoid of variables. A world where A+B always equals C.

Does PP use Federal funds in the performance of abortions? No... they don't. They diligently keep their abortion clinics separate from the other services they provide. What you want to do is(figuratively speaking) throw the baby out with the bath water. 97% of what Planned Parenthood does has NOTHING to do with abortions and actually saves lives everyday. All you want to focus on is the 3% of what they do that you don't agree with.

yeah, but he hates women and doesn't think we should have health care or protect our constitutional rights.

what a pissant.

Where does it state in the Constitution you have the right to terminate a pregnancy?

It doesn't say that.
Besides womens health? Birth control, cancer screenings. Again 11 % doesnt equal main function.

They do not perform cancer screenings. And abortion is their preferred method of birth control.

Again, you failed.

Really? Is that why they charge for them while giving away contraceptives to women for free?

With over 300,000 abortions ina year averaging over 800 a day I'd say their main function is not giving away contraceptives. And why should it? Hell they would be cutting their own throats if women didn't get pregnant.
You assume every aborted child would become a welfare recipient.

Based on universally accepted scientific criteria, a new cell, the human zygote, comes into existence at the moment of sperm-egg fusion, an event that occurs in less than a second. Upon formation, the zygote immediately initiates a complex sequence of events that establish the molecular conditions required for continued embryonic development. The behavior of the zygote is radically unlike that of either sperm or egg separately and is characteristic of a human organism. Thus, the scientific evidence supports the conclusion that a zygote is a human organism and that the life of a new human being commences at a scientifically well defined “moment of conception.” This conclusion is objective, consistent with the factual evidence, and independent of any specific ethical, moral, political, or religious view of human life or of human embryos.

Show me scientific data to the contrary.

Science has quite clearly and decidedly proven that human life begins at conception (i.e. fertilization. AKA the moment sperm and ovum meet and form an entirely new, self-directing living organism of the human species with its own individual DNA distinct from both mother and father.). The only ones who deny this are those blinded by their own religious dogma of so-called “choice” who have a stubborn need to deny scientific fact in order to stay faithful to their own ideology.

Really? That's your "scientific" evidence? A blog that quotes Dr. Robert George, who, by the way, is not a medical doctor! You'd have more clout quoting Dr. Ruth or even Dr. Phil!

The fact is, the Scientific Community has never come out clearly on this issue and we could sit here and post hours on end without coming to any kind of agreement. This topic is a matter of personal opinion and personal choice for everyone. But, of course, that's the part you object to. You don't want women to be able to decide this for themselves. YOU want to decide it for them.

So to re-cap your position, and correct me if I'm wrong here.

1) You don't want women to decide for themselves when life begins. You will make that decision for them.
2) You don't want women to be able to exercise their Constitutionally protected rights to make medical decisions for their own body.
3) You don't want women to exercise their right to give up their child for adoption to a committed gay couple.
4) You don't want any state assistance going to any woman who chooses to raise a child that she can't afford to raise.

Wow dude. Not sure why you hate women so much, but you might want to talk to someone about that.

I'm not going to answer any of your silly questions until you can convince me that life does not begin at conception.

Wow. I could hear your mind slam shut all the way over here.

Doesn't matter though because what women decide to do with their own bodies is really none of your business. Period. End of discussion.

So, Peeping Tom, get your hands out of other people's business. Quit lying about the GObP/repubs wanting smaller government and personal freedom when, in FACT, they want to pass lots and lots of laws to control American's most private lives.

And, though I know it doesn't matter to you, you're completely wrong about what services Planned Parenthood offers to women AND men.
They do not perform cancer screenings. And abortion is their preferred method of birth control.

Again, you failed.

Really? Is that why they charge for them while giving away contraceptives to women for free?

With over 300,000 abortions ina year averaging over 800 a day I'd say their main function is not giving away contraceptives. And why should it? Hell they would be cutting their own throats if women didn't get pregnant.

4 million is bigger than 300000.

It'd be nice if you learned some basic fucking math douchtwizzle.

Planned Parenthood - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In 2009, Planned Parenthood provided 4,009,549 contraceptive services (35% of total), 3,955,926 sexually transmitted disease services (35% of total), 1,830,811 cancer related services (16% of total), 1,178,369 pregnancy/prenatal/midlife services (10% of total), 332,278 abortion services (3% of total), and 76,977 other services (1% of total), for a total of 11,383,900 services.[35][7][37][38][39][40] The organization also said its doctors and nurses annually conduct 1 million screenings for cervical cancer and 830,000 breast exams.
Komen will not receive any more donations from me as well as most of my friends.

I'm gonna put in another good word here about Phi Beta Psi a sorority started in the early 1900's by a group of teenage girls who wanted to change the world. Almost 100% of the funds we raise goes directly to the doctors doing the research to find a cure for cancer. There should be a chapter near you, if not, message me and I can give you an address to send a donation to the chapter I belong to...Gamma Delta. And yes, your donations are tax deductible.

Thanks and I'm not worried about tax deductions. I have never claimed any donation to charity as a deduction, to the chagrin of my accountant. I will research Phi Beta Psi.
Komen will not receive any more donations from me as well as most of my friends.

I'm gonna put in another good word here about Phi Beta Psi a sorority started in the early 1900's by a group of teenage girls who wanted to change the world. Almost 100% of the funds we raise goes directly to the doctors doing the research to find a cure for cancer. There should be a chapter near you, if not, message me and I can give you an address to send a donation to the chapter I belong to...Gamma Delta. And yes, your donations are tax deductible.

Thanks and I'm not worried about tax deductions. I have never claimed any donation to charity as a deduction, to the chagrin of my accountant. I will research Phi Beta Psi.

You either like paying taxes you don't legally owe or don't itemize, which is it?
Really? That's your "scientific" evidence? A blog that quotes Dr. Robert George, who, by the way, is not a medical doctor! You'd have more clout quoting Dr. Ruth or even Dr. Phil!

The fact is, the Scientific Community has never come out clearly on this issue and we could sit here and post hours on end without coming to any kind of agreement. This topic is a matter of personal opinion and personal choice for everyone. But, of course, that's the part you object to. You don't want women to be able to decide this for themselves. YOU want to decide it for them.

So to re-cap your position, and correct me if I'm wrong here.

1) You don't want women to decide for themselves when life begins. You will make that decision for them.
2) You don't want women to be able to exercise their Constitutionally protected rights to make medical decisions for their own body.
3) You don't want women to exercise their right to give up their child for adoption to a committed gay couple.
4) You don't want any state assistance going to any woman who chooses to raise a child that she can't afford to raise.

Wow dude. Not sure why you hate women so much, but you might want to talk to someone about that.

I'm not going to answer any of your silly questions until you can convince me that life does not begin at conception.

Wow. I could hear your mind slam shut all the way over here.

Doesn't matter though because what women decide to do with their own bodies is really none of your business. Period. End of discussion.

So, Peeping Tom, get your hands out of other people's business. Quit lying about the GObP/repubs wanting smaller government and personal freedom when, in FACT, they want to pass lots and lots of laws to control American's most private lives.

And, though I know it doesn't matter to you, you're completely wrong about what services Planned Parenthood offers to women AND men.

Facts are a bitch huh?

You mean services like these:

The Mona Lisa Project videos document Planned Parenthood's willingness to repeatedly violate mandatory reporting laws for statutory rape that protect children.

The “Rosa Acuna Project” is a multi-state undercover investigation documenting Planned Parenthood’s use of unscientific and fabricated medical information to convince women to have abortions.

Phoenix, Arizona 1998
A 13 year old girl in foster care was impregnated by her 23 year-old foster brother. He took her to a Planned Parenthood clinic for an abortion and the clinic failed to notify authorities about the sexual abuse. The statutory rape continued, and the girl came in for a second abortion six months later. The case went to court and the Maricopa County Superior Court Judge ruled that Planned Parenthood was negligent in failing to report the abuse. (World Net Daily: Judge finds Planned Parenthood ‘negligent’, 12-27-02)

San Francisco, CA 1998
An 11 yr old girl went to Planned Parenthood Golden Gate after being raped by her 17 year old boyfriend. She told clinic staff about the rape but asked them not to tell anyone. In Dec 2005, the clinic put a letter from the girl up on their website praising them for covering up the incident. (World Net Daily: 11-year-old’s rape swept under rug?, 12/16/05)

Santa Clara, CA 2002
A 13 year old was impregnated by her 39 year old step-father. He brought her to the local PP clinic for a pregnancy test that summer and back in December for an abortion. Since it was then a late-term abortion, the abortion was performed at San Francisco General Hospital. The step-father continued to rape the girl until the following summer when her mother found records of the abortion. (California Catholic Daily: “How long would this abuse have continued?”, 9-9-08)

West Hartford, Connecticut 2006
14 year old Danielle Cramer was abducted and impregnated by Adam Gault, age 41, in 2006. Gault brought Cramer to a West Hartford PP clinic for an abortion. PP Clinic did not report Danielle’s situation to the state authorities and now Gault is being charged with DNA evidence from his aborted child. (Eyewitness News 3: Gault Pleads Guilty In Teen’s Sex Assault, 3-5-08, Weekly Standard: Planned Parenthood’s Unseemly Empire, 10-22-07)

Cincinnati, Ohio 2009
Clinic workers at PP of Southwest Ohio ignored the sexual abuse of Denise Fairbanks, age 13 at the time, by her biological father, allowing him to continue raping her for a year and a half. (LifeSiteNews: Planned Parenthood Sued over Failure to Report Teen’s Incest Pregnancy, 5-16-07, CitizenUSA: Planned Parenthood may face charges, 5-30-07)

Cincinnati, Ohio 2009
Planned Parenthood performed an abortion on a 14 year old girl who was impregnated (statutory rape) by her 22-year old soccer coach. Judge ruled PP failed their legal duty by not having a meeting with the girl 24 hours in advance to explain her options – informed consent.

The girl had a March 2004 abortion when she also had a sexually transmitted disease. John Haller was the girl’s 22-year-old soccer coach at the time. Haller, who began having sex with the girl when she was 13, later was convicted of sexual battery and served three years in prison, completing his prison sentence in the fall of 2007.

The girl gave Planned Parenthood workers a cell phone number she said was for her parents. Instead, the number belonged to Haller, who posed as her father over the phone and approved the abortion. (WLWT News 5: Judge Rules In Favor Of Woman Suing Planned Parenthood, 12-9-10, Weekly Standard: Planned Parenthood’s Unseemly Empire, 10-22-07)

Live Action Stings

Los Angeles, California 2007
Lila Rose went into two local PP clinics posing as a 15 year old impregnated by her 23 year old boyfriend. She was told to use a birth date that worked so the clinic did not have to report statutory rape.

Bloomington, Indiana 2008
Lila Rose went into a PP posing as 13 year old who had been impregnated by her 31-year old boyfriend. PP agreed to cover up the statutory rape and directed the 13 yr old to an out of state abortion clinic (in Illinois) where there is no parental involvement laws.

Tucson, Arizona, 2008
Jackie Stollar and Lila Rose went undercover in Planned Parenthood’s Margaret Sanger Clinic. Stollar posed as a 15 year old impregnated by a 27 year old. The nurse advised the girls not to mention the age of the boyfriend.

Phoenix, Arizona 2008
Lila Rose and Jackie Stollar went undercover in two PP clinics posing as a 15 year old girl impregnated by her 27 year old boyfriend. Staff at the first clinic told Stollar everything would be confidential, and her boyfriend could come in and pay for the abortion. A staffer at the second clinic explicitly stated that she “could not” report the abuse. Planned Parenthood failed to comply with Arizona law and report the sexual abuse.

Planned Parenthood Exploits Women | Expose Planned Parenthood
Really? Is that why they charge for them while giving away contraceptives to women for free?

With over 300,000 abortions ina year averaging over 800 a day I'd say their main function is not giving away contraceptives. And why should it? Hell they would be cutting their own throats if women didn't get pregnant.

4 million is bigger than 300000.

It'd be nice if you learned some basic fucking math douchtwizzle.

Planned Parenthood - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In 2009, Planned Parenthood provided 4,009,549 contraceptive services (35% of total), 3,955,926 sexually transmitted disease services (35% of total), 1,830,811 cancer related services (16% of total), 1,178,369 pregnancy/prenatal/midlife services (10% of total), 332,278 abortion services (3% of total), and 76,977 other services (1% of total), for a total of 11,383,900 services.[35][7][37][38][39][40] The organization also said its doctors and nurses annually conduct 1 million screenings for cervical cancer and 830,000 breast exams.

Wikipedia? Really?

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