explosion at Ariana Grande concert in Manchester, UK

It wasn't the Mossad disguised as Muslims disguised as White Guys disguised as Arianne Grande fans disguised as...?
I heard they didn't even have a check when they entered by a couple of different people that attended.
19 killed already...

and most of them children and young people

very sad

Worse, the dirty cowardly animal would know that there was going to be a kids and young adults there. This fact really gets my blood going. One thing to attack soldiers you are at war with, innocent people, let alone kids? This is beyond disturbing no matter the group or mindset of the sicko who did this.

This would be a good time for Saudi Arabia to provide a sign of "goodwill" and place some of the $110B purchase to good use against these sob's who are spreading their terror across the M.E and attempting to radicalize those in the West

The explosion occurred outside the venue, so they would have avoided security checks.
I heard they didn't even have a check when they entered by a couple of different people that attended.
19 killed already...

and most of them children and young people

very sad

Worse, the dirty cowardly animal would know that there was going to be a kids and young adults there. This fact really gets my blood going. One thing to attack soldiers you are at war with, innocent people, let alone kids? This is beyond disturbing no matter the group or mindset of the sicko who did this.

This would be a good time for Saudi Arabia to provide a sign of "goodwill" and place some of the $110B purchase to good use against these sob's who are spreading their terror across the M.E and attempting to radicalize those in the West

The explosion occurred outside the venue, so they would have avoided security checks.
Please edit that into English.

So it wasn't personal when this happened?


It wasn't personal when the US managed to royally fuck up Iraq getting potentially 1 million people killed?

It's what the globalist have enabled. Good thing Mr Trump is trying to keep that open border love fest and the killing that comes with it, away from our shores


The UK doesn't need open borders, there are enough angry people in the UK willing to do something about this, due to immigration from the British Empire.

It's the right and their desire to put fear into people, so they can be "tough", so they can look strong combating the very terrorists they created in the first place. They know everyone will forget that they started it.
The UK doesn't need open borders, there are enough angry people in the UK willing to do something about this, due to immigration from the British Empire.

It's the right and their desire to put fear into people, so they can be "tough", so they can look strong combating the very terrorists they created in the first place. They know everyone will forget that they started it.


So it wasn't personal when this happened?


It wasn't personal when the US managed to royally fuck up Iraq getting potentially 1 million people killed?

Fucktard alert!

No, I have an opinion, instead of someone like you who tries to shut people down with idiotic attacks. You don't have to like what I say, but you aren't going to get away with nonsense like that.

The US went to Iraq and caused chaos, they made a political vacuum that got potentially 1 million people killed. Perhaps 20-30 people get killed in Manchester and someone this is much worse than the US going and getting 1 million people killed. Sorry, my math isn't so good, but I'm thinking 1 million is much higher than 30.

Yes, 30 is a tragedy, but had Bush no invaded Iraq, then 1 million people in Iraq and 30 people in Manchester, and people in Brussels, Paris, Boston, San Bernadino etc etc would NOT BE DEAD.


Now, tell us do you find it funny when court blocks Trump EO that prevent people from terror prone countries to come over? You and like you are enabling these kind of things. Funny eh?

Terror prone countries being the UK, Belgium, France and the USA?

The bastards knew the place would be packed with teenagers. I can't wait to hear the conciliatory phrases from the Oh so PC Brit leaders. "We must not, we will not blah blah blah". Wake the hell up!

If Blair had woken up in 2003, the UK wouldn't be having this problem. As it is, he made the most disastrous decision for the UK people in a long, long time.


Now, tell us do you find it funny when court blocks Trump EO that prevent people from terror prone countries to come over? You and like you are enabling these kind of things. Funny eh?

Terror prone countries being the UK, Belgium, France and the USA?


You can stop with the childish attacks now. If you have something to say, say it. If you don't, just shut up.

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