Exploiting Beauty


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
Many threads over the past year have mentioned the relatively recent trend of advertisers using POC's, obese people, and people who are otherwise visually imperfect in their ads. It's a choice those advertisers make, and one would hope that they are being rational about it, and will either continue or change that practice as the results roll in over time.

But there is another side of that coin. Does it bother you when an advertiser uses female beauty to "punctuate" advertising for products that have nothing to do with physical beauty?

Historically, car companies have for many decades used beautiful women in their television ads, and when promoting their products at trade shows. But it is not only car companies; it is ubiquitous. Where I live in Pittsburgh, there is a local bank that runs ads that briefly show a beautiful, sexy young thing touting some sort of new account they are peddling. I am in virtual love with a young lady whose picture appears - again briefly - in advertising for a company called stamps dot com.

Knowing that 99% of the population is physically "plain," at best, does it offend you that so many advertisers use beautiful models to sell their products?
Many threads over the past year have mentioned the relatively recent trend of advertisers using POC's, obese people, and people who are otherwise visually imperfect in their ads. It's a choice those advertisers make, and one would hope that they are being rational about it, and will either continue or change that practice as the results roll in over time.

But there is another side of that coin. Does it bother you when an advertiser uses female beauty to "punctuate" advertising for products that have nothing to do with physical beauty?

Historically, car companies have for many decades used beautiful women in their television ads, and when promoting their products at trade shows. But it is not only car companies; it is ubiquitous. Where I live in Pittsburgh, there is a local bank that runs ads that briefly show a beautiful, sexy young thing touting some sort of new account they are peddling. I am in virtual love with a young lady whose picture appears - again briefly - in advertising for a company called stamps dot com.

Knowing that 99% of the population is physically "plain," at best, does it offend you that so many advertisers use beautiful models to sell their products?
Your opinion that POC's, regardless of body types or anything else, are "visually imperfect," is all we need to know about you, weirdo. What a creepy, incel-vibes post to put out to the world.
I don't care what actors they get for advertisements.
I don't care if they are pretty, or pretty ugly.
Unless they are using those people to advertise to specific mongrels, haters, lunatics, or psychopaths.

I do care WHO they are selling TO.
I agree with 1srelluc....... If they aren't selling to ME, then I don't buy it.

There's more than one brand out there.
There's more than one company making any one product.
There's more than one store selling said product.
I now have the option of buy online, which means I can buy from ANY country that ships internationally.
Which means there are even MORE different brands and companies I can buy from.......that just SELL their product and DO NOT aim it at one specific person, type, or race.
These are the ones I will buy from.
Many threads over the past year have mentioned the relatively recent trend of advertisers using POC's, obese people, and people who are otherwise visually imperfect in their ads. It's a choice those advertisers make, and one would hope that they are being rational about it, and will either continue or change that practice as the results roll in over time.

But there is another side of that coin. Does it bother you when an advertiser uses female beauty to "punctuate" advertising for products that have nothing to do with physical beauty?

Historically, car companies have for many decades used beautiful women in their television ads, and when promoting their products at trade shows. But it is not only car companies; it is ubiquitous. Where I live in Pittsburgh, there is a local bank that runs ads that briefly show a beautiful, sexy young thing touting some sort of new account they are peddling. I am in virtual love with a young lady whose picture appears - again briefly - in advertising for a company called stamps dot com.

Knowing that 99% of the population is physically "plain," at best, does it offend you that so many advertisers use beautiful models to sell their products?
Wow, you must be really ugly.
But there is another side of that coin. Does it bother you when an advertiser uses female beauty to "punctuate" advertising for products that have nothing to do with physical beauty?

I am not offended by either side of the coin. Nor am I offended if they have people in their ads that are not straight white males.

The ones with hot females are the most memorable for me being a straight male. I could not name an ad that has the wrong mix of people that are spoken of above, but I sure remember the Kate Upton Hardee's commercial, not that I have ever eaten there because of it.
I am not offended by either side of the coin. Nor am I offended if they have people in their ads that are not straight white males.

The ones with hot females are the most memorable for me being a straight male. I could not name an ad that has the wrong mix of people that are spoken of above, but I sure remember the Kate Upton Hardee's commercial, not that I have ever eaten there because of it.
Here's a example of what could have been a great VW commercial had they not fagged it up.

Here's a example of what could have been a great VW commercial had they not fagged it up.

It is a great commercial for anyone not homophobic. The fact the couple was two men would have probably not even registered with me had you not pointed it out.

It has to suck going through life full of hate for those different than you.
It is a great commercial for anyone not homophobic. The fact the couple was two men would have probably not even registered with me had you not pointed it out.

It has to suck going through life full of hate for those different than you.
I really don't give it much thought till it's shoved in my face like that.....Why should I buy from a company that goes out totally out of their way to promote deviant behavior?

Pardon me all to hell for not allowing myself to become conditioned to accept such behavior as normal.
Many threads over the past year have mentioned the relatively recent trend of advertisers using POC's, obese people, and people who are otherwise visually imperfect in their ads. It's a choice those advertisers make, and one would hope that they are being rational about it, and will either continue or change that practice as the results roll in over time.

But there is another side of that coin. Does it bother you when an advertiser uses female beauty to "punctuate" advertising for products that have nothing to do with physical beauty?

Historically, car companies have for many decades used beautiful women in their television ads, and when promoting their products at trade shows. But it is not only car companies; it is ubiquitous. Where I live in Pittsburgh, there is a local bank that runs ads that briefly show a beautiful, sexy young thing touting some sort of new account they are peddling. I am in virtual love with a young lady whose picture appears - again briefly - in advertising for a company called stamps dot com.

Knowing that 99% of the population is physically "plain," at best, does it offend you that so many advertisers use beautiful models to sell their products?
I'd rather see an attractive person in an ad than some overweight slob.
I really don't give it much thought till it's shoved in my face like that.....Why should I buy from a company that goes out totally out of their way to promote deviant behavior?

Pardon me all to hell for not allowing myself to become conditioned to accept such behavior as normal.

There is nothing deviant about two adults who love each other being together.

You really should seek out professional help, this hate you have towards those not just like you is going to eat you up from the inside
We instinctively trust someone more attractive. This is why FoxNews always hired hot women to read their news.
I don't trust any advertisement ever but if I have to watch them I'd rather see good looking women in them.
I suspect I'll be just fine, it's the deviants that are usually erased from a society by and by. ;)

And you are the deviant in this case. The good news is people like you are dying off and eventually your brand of hate will go with it.
I don't trust any advertisement ever but if I have to watch them I'd rather see good looking women in them.

I was speaking of more than just ads, but you bring up an interesting point. Everyone says they are not influenced by ads, yet this year alone companies will spend more than 250 billion dollars in advertising. Clearly there is a reason for them to do this.
I was speaking of more than just ads, but you bring up an interesting point. Everyone says they are not influenced by ads, yet this year alone companies will spend more than 250 billion dollars in advertising. Clearly there is a reason for them to do this.
Of course there are. For the most part the masses are easily swayed. Those that aren't are the extreme minority.

Most people will pay twice as much for a brand name ketchup rather than the store brand, for example.
Of course there are. For the most part the masses are easily swayed. Those that aren't are the extreme minority.

Most people will pay twice as much for a brand name ketchup rather than the store brand, for example.

Some store brand items suck, some are not bad, some are pretty good.

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