

Platinum Member
Jul 20, 2011
Don't harsh my zen, Jen!
What's your 'go-to' swear word when you stub your toe, badly.

Mine is a blue one. My daughter's is "MOTHER FLETCHER, that hurt!!"

Mine depends on how bad it is. If it's mild pain, "eff!!" If it's severe, then it's "FuckFuck!" After that? I'll see what everybody else says before I share that one.

I remember the first time my daughter and stepdaughter heard me say the effinheimer. My stepdaughter accidentally slammed my fingers in the back car door. I was sitting in the front seat, with my arm on the windowsill and my hand wrapped around the rear bar of the window. She slammed the door, and I could not breathe for several seconds. Then it hit. Katie was horrified at what she'd done, but they were both hysterical with laughter because they had NEVER heard me utter that word before.

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