Explaining Immigration Policy (in four commentaries)


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
….or, Democrat Plans Exposed

1.Of course there is a connection between the 9 million illegal immigrant invasion and….

Jun 5, 2024 — Bernardo Raul Castro Mata, 19, a Venezuelan migrant, was arraigned on a long list of charges, including two counts of attempted murder. He was ...

Migrant charged in rape of girl, 13, in Queens park: NYPD

YouTube · PIX11 News

Fox News

Rachel Morin murder: Open border 'allowed' illegal immigrant to kill mom of 5, Maryland sheriff says

CBS News

Murder of Rachel Morin sparks outrage among Maryland leaders over immigration policies

2. For half a century the Democrat Party has worked assiduously to corrupt the immigration policies of the nation. For most of our existence, the majority of immigrants have come from the very same nations, or at least continents, as those who settled the country.
That was then..... Democrats knew what they were doing when they passed the 1965 immigration law that altered the flow from European immigrants to the flood from third world nations.

Fact-check: Is Venezuela sending prisoners to the US ...

Texas Standard

https://www.texasstandard.org › stories › fact-check-is-ve...

Oct 12, 2022 — “DHS confirms that Venezuela empties prisons and sends violent criminals to our southern border,” Rep. Troy Nehls, R-Texas, tweeted on Sept ...
3. The subtext, of course, is the Democrat plan for an avalanche of new Democrat voters. But if they are undocumented….

"12 States (and DC) That Allow Driver's Licenses for People in the Country Illegally" 12 States (and DC) That Allow Driver's Licenses for People in the Country Illegally - Illegal Immigration - ProCon.org

"If you’ve visited the DMV in the last few weeks, you may have noticed that you can now complete your voter registration at the same time you renew your driver’s license — without having to fill out a separate form.... they will be registered as having no party preference. " Registered to vote at the DMV? Check again. Many who use the new process miss a vital step two

"Even though they are officially “ineligible,” thousands of illegal immigrants are fully registered to vote in the state of Virginia, thanks to their Moter Voter program.

Apparently, Virginia isn’t just for lovers… It’s also for voter fraud!"
BREAKING: Thousand of Illegal Aliens Registered to Vote in THIS STATE!

Katie McHugh @k_mcq
Obama signals voter fraud committed by illegal aliens in the presidential election will not be investigated: Obama: Latinos Should Vote to Give Undocumented Family Members a Voice - Breitbart
2:51 PM - 6 Nov 2016
Photo published for Obama: Latinos Should Vote to Give Undocumented Family Members a Voice - Breitbart

Obama: Latinos Should Vote to Give Undocumented Family Members a Voice - Breitbart
In an interview with Latino star Gina Rodriguez, President Barack Obama urged all American Latinos to vote, specifically Latino citizens who knew illegal immigrants or had illegal family members...

Cavuto said Obama is encouraging law-breaking behavior.
“The President of the United States is saying, ‘Don’t worry, no one will be spying on you, catching you,’” Cavuto added.
“You’re ignoring the fact that you are being questioned about illegal voting, which you can’t do. Why? Because you’re not a citizen of this country!”
WATCH: Obama Sends SHOCKING Message To Every Illegal In America, Fox News Host Loses It

"...more and more cases of voter fraud are beginning to surface. In Colorado, multiple instances were found of dead people attempting to vote. Stunningly, “a woman named Sara Sosa who died in 2009 cast ballots in 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013.” In Virginia, it was found that nearly 20 voter applications were turned in under the names of dead people.
In Texas, authorities are investigating criminals who are using the technique of “vote harvesting” to illegally procure votes for their candidates. “Harvesting” is the practice of illegally obtaining the signatures of valid voters in order to vote in their name without their consent for the candidate(s) the criminal supports.

These are just some instances of voter fraud we know about. It would be silly to assume cases that have been discovered are the only cases of fraud." Voter Fraud Is Real. Here’s The Proof

4. This is what happens when a party prioritizes its power over benefiting the nation it ostensibly represents.

So we see that the illegal alien invasion under Biden is simply the most recent iteration of the Democrat power plan: flood the nation with support-needing immigrants and take the money for the expected way of Democrat voters from working taxpaying Americans.
I'm furious right now... I just heard that Biden's Ecuadorian rapist illegal immigrant filmed his 13 year old victim as he raped her... I blame the media and people who still support the monster Biden for this horrible event... you all have this to bare the rest of your days...
Of course out of 9million immigrants there is going to be a few isolated cases of crimes!
Especially if there is a display of racism against them, that is the main reason why immigrant people turn to crime.

But they will keep coming because politicians of both sides covertly understand that labour shortages must be filled.

How do the crimes committed by 9 million Americans stack up against the few crimes you've chosen to highlight?
Are you willing and ready to arrest and prosecute the illegal employers OP?
Are you willing and ready to arrest and prosecute the illegal employers OP?

Are you copacetic with the current invasion of 9 million, and the already 80 million illegals that the Democrats have enticed in????

Did you know that Obama and the Democrats sent applications for food stamps to Mexico????

When did you stop being an American?
Of course out of 9million immigrants there is going to be a few isolated cases of crimes!
Especially if there is a display of racism against them, that is the main reason why immigrant people turn to crime.

But they will keep coming because politicians of both sides covertly understand that labour shortages must be filled.

How do the crimes committed by 9 million Americans stack up against the few crimes you've chosen to highlight?
Crime is a characteristic of the cultures that the Democrat Party is perfectly happy to saddle America with.

(sorry to end a sentence with a preposition.)
I'm furious right now... I just heard that Biden's Ecuadorian rapist illegal immigrant filmed his 13 year old victim as he raped her... I blame the media and people who still support the monster Biden for this horrible event... you all have this to bare the rest of your days...
Seriously though, if 330 million Americans were replaced by an equal number of illegal immigrants, would there be a negative or a positive effect on crime?

Don't allow emotions to run wild over feigned concern for one 13 year old victim!

IF political motivated concerns could be set aside, there could perhaps be more concern over all the mass shootings by Americans themselves.

To begin with, stop blaming the guns!
Crime is a characteristic of the cultures that the Democrat Party is perfectly happy to saddle America with.

(sorry to end a sentence with a preposition.)
I've never attempted to say that the D party is guilt free.

Due to no serious efforts to legalize mass immigration into America, I find it hard to believe that the two major parties aren't in cahoots on the issue.

These hardworking and optimistic people are filling job vacancies in America as fast as they arrive.

All during the International Cricket World Championships I've been watching, there have been Canadian government ads trying to convince Indians and Pakistanies to come to Canada.

I think we would/will take some of yours too!

(don't be concerned with prepositions with me. I know you know)
Are you copacetic with the current invasion of 9 million, and the already 80 million illegals that the Democrats have enticed in????

Did you know that Obama and the Democrats sent applications for food stamps to Mexico????

When did you stop being an American?
Once again, are you willing and ready to start arresting and prosecuting the illegal employers to get immigration truly under control?

Yes or no?
Once again, are you willing and ready to start arresting and prosecuting the illegal employers to get immigration truly under control?

Yes or no?
Neither political party is serious about prosecuting employers. That's putting the cart before the horse.

A situation exists for which there is no will to interfere and correct.
Neither political party is serious about prosecuting employers. That's putting the cart before the horse.

A situation exists for which there is no will to interfere and correct.
Why make a thread complaining about what YOU think is the worst thing happening in the country if you're NOT willing and ready to do what needs to be done to actually STOP it?
Seriously though, if 330 million Americans were replaced by an equal number of illegal immigrants, would there be a negative or a positive effect on crime?

Don't allow emotions to run wild over feigned concern for one 13 year old victim!

IF political motivated concerns could be set aside, there could perhaps be more concern over all the mass shootings by Americans themselves.

To begin with, stop blaming the guns!
So you aren't bothered by the 13 year old's rape or the women who have been killed and stores that are being robbed out of business... maybe you are the one who should check your emotions and see why you have none...
This girls life would not have been ruined it our borders were secure.,.. period....
And of course if you have unchecked immigration and we don't know who's coming we will obviously have more crime to answer your stupid heartless question...
So you aren't bothered by the 13 year old's rape or the women who have been killed and stores that are being robbed out of business... maybe you are the one who should check your emotions and see why you have none...
I'm no more concerned with those events than you are. They are only relevant to you and those of your political persuasion because you're on political campaign of demonizing immigrants.

Did you express any concerns over the deaths of 20 or more American children shot dead in mass shootings?
This girls life would not have been ruined it our borders were secure.,.. period....
According to statistics, the child's life was at greater risk of being shot by Americans.
And of course if you have unchecked immigration and we don't know who's coming we will obviously have more crime to answer your stupid heartless question...
You can't make your case based on a few isolated incidents by 89 million immigrants. (politicalchic's number)

Keep it polite or we'll have to call it off.
Of course out of 9million immigrants there is going to be a few isolated cases of crimes!
ILLEGALS crime is off the charts what are you smoking? Never mind the fact that there shouldn't be even 1 goddamn crime against an American. These filthy shits shouldn't even be in our country. Deport all 9 million then deport another 9 million and keep on deporting their worthless asses until none remain!!!
I had a close family member killed by FILTH illegals so I know what the true cost is. You illegals sympathizers make me want to hurl.

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