Explain how a Trump could ever win the WH

How about you looking to see the nature of those orders. Not all EOs are created equally. LOL right back atcha.

My biggest criticism of Obama is that he did not issue MORE executive orders.....As FDR and a few other presidents have previously done, when faced with a congress that does nothing and refuses to do anything that could be construed as actually helping the executive branch (and the American people) .......a president MUST act..

The Obama EO that most pisses off right wingers is the one about immigration.......but Obama smartly stated to the conservative-led congress is that if you don't like it.......PASS YOUR OWN DAMN LEGISLATION.......something that those weak-kneed elected idiots have refused to do because they're scared of their own jobs.

If right wingers could objectively discern this.....well, they wouldn't be such dumb asses.
Republicans weren't elected to bend over and spread their cheeks for obama. That pisses you off but it's tough shit. Any new POTUS can undo the damage obama has done, like protecting illegals. We are long overdue!
Bush 41, 43 Have No Plans to Endorse Trump
Source: Texas Tribune

For the first time since his own presidency, George H.W. Bush is planning to stay silent in the race for the Oval Office — and the younger former president Bush plans to stay silent as well.

Bush 41, who enthusiastically endorsed every Republican nominee for the past five election cycles, will stay out of the campaign process this time. He does not have plans to endorse presumptive GOP nominee Donald Trump, spokesman Jim McGrath told The Texas Tribune.

“At age 91, President Bush is retired from politics,” McGrath wrote in an email Wednesday. “He came out of retirement to do a few things for Jeb, but those were the exceptions that proved the rule.” His son Jeb Bush dropped out of the GOP presidential race in February.

Bush 43, meanwhile, "does not plan to participate in or comment on the presidential campaign," according to his personal aide, Freddy Ford.

Read more: Bush 41, 43 Have No Plans to Endorse Trump
No one wants their endorsement
How about you looking to see the nature of those orders. Not all EOs are created equally. LOL right back atcha.

My biggest criticism of Obama is that he did not issue MORE executive orders.....As FDR and a few other presidents have previously done, when faced with a congress that does nothing and refuses to do anything that could be construed as actually helping the executive branch (and the American people) .......a president MUST act..

The Obama EO that most pisses off right wingers is the one about immigration.......but Obama smartly stated to the conservative-led congress is that if you don't like it.......PASS YOUR OWN DAMN LEGISLATION.......something that those weak-kneed elected idiots have refused to do because they're scared of their own jobs.

If right wingers could objectively discern this.....well, they wouldn't be such dumb asses.
And they would have a candidate running for president instead of a reality star real estate mogel.

You can't govern if you don't believe in government.
Believing in government is like believing in God. You are welcome to your religion, you are not welcome to ram it down our throats.
How about you looking to see the nature of those orders. Not all EOs are created equally. LOL right back atcha.

My biggest criticism of Obama is that he did not issue MORE executive orders.....As FDR and a few other presidents have previously done, when faced with a congress that does nothing and refuses to do anything that could be construed as actually helping the executive branch (and the American people) .......a president MUST act..

The Obama EO that most pisses off right wingers is the one about immigration.......but Obama smartly stated to the conservative-led congress is that if you don't like it.......PASS YOUR OWN DAMN LEGISLATION.......something that those weak-kneed elected idiots have refused to do because they're scared of their own jobs.

If right wingers could objectively discern this.....well, they wouldn't be such dumb asses.
Republicans weren't elected to bend over and spread their cheeks for obama. That pisses you off but it's tough shit. Any new POTUS can undo the damage obama has done, like protecting illegals. We are long overdue!
And you won't control the white house because of the GOP job performance and you're probably going to lose the Senate

But that's OK. Midterms are the Republicans secret weapon
How about you looking to see the nature of those orders. Not all EOs are created equally. LOL right back atcha.

My biggest criticism of Obama is that he did not issue MORE executive orders.....As FDR and a few other presidents have previously done, when faced with a congress that does nothing and refuses to do anything that could be construed as actually helping the executive branch (and the American people) .......a president MUST act..

The Obama EO that most pisses off right wingers is the one about immigration.......but Obama smartly stated to the conservative-led congress is that if you don't like it.......PASS YOUR OWN DAMN LEGISLATION.......something that those weak-kneed elected idiots have refused to do because they're scared of their own jobs.

If right wingers could objectively discern this.....well, they wouldn't be such dumb asses.
And they would have a candidate running for president instead of a reality star real estate mogel.

You can't govern if you don't believe in government.
Believing in government is like believing in God. You are welcome to your religion, you are not welcome to ram it down our throats.
But you can try, which is what the Republicans tried when they shut down the government, remember?
How about you looking to see the nature of those orders. Not all EOs are created equally. LOL right back atcha.

My biggest criticism of Obama is that he did not issue MORE executive orders.....As FDR and a few other presidents have previously done, when faced with a congress that does nothing and refuses to do anything that could be construed as actually helping the executive branch (and the American people) .......a president MUST act..

The Obama EO that most pisses off right wingers is the one about immigration.......but Obama smartly stated to the conservative-led congress is that if you don't like it.......PASS YOUR OWN DAMN LEGISLATION.......something that those weak-kneed elected idiots have refused to do because they're scared of their own jobs.

If right wingers could objectively discern this.....well, they wouldn't be such dumb asses.
And they would have a candidate running for president instead of a reality star real estate mogel.

You can't govern if you don't believe in government.
Believing in government is like believing in God. You are welcome to your religion, you are not welcome to ram it down our throats.

I hold a tentative belief in government. Seeing countries like Venezuela or Greece does not turn my politics upsidedown!

You hold an absolute or near absolute belief in a God. Talk about relative morality or other religious moral systems may flip your lid.

See the difference?
Because of some of his positions on some social issuses and trade Trump could pull in indpendents and moderate blue collar Democrats and swing some states that normally go Democrat if he can do this and get a high enough percent of Republicans to vote for him he could pull it off. I don't think this is likely to happen but as I said on another thread one reason Trump has gotten as far as he has is because people have continually underestimated him continuning to do so could come back to bite the left.

The problem with the primaries is how very little participation there is in them.

About 61 million people voted Republican in 2012 (about the same numbers the gop garnered in 2004 and 2008). Yet Trump has won the nomination garnering less than 11 million. The question is, how many of those 50 million who didn't vote for Trump because they voted for someone else, or didn't vote at all, will he get?

I think the GOP didn't underestimate Trump. I think they were afraid to openly challenge his racism and misogyny because it is shared by so much of the base. That isn't going to play as well in the General Election.
You can't govern if you don't believe in government.Believing in government is like believing in God. You are welcome to your religion, you are not welcome to ram it down our throats.
Believing like Conservatives do is like believing in the tooth fairy ...you are welcome to believe that ...you are not welcome to ask me for my teeth so you can put them under your pillow...
Republicans weren't elected to bend over and spread their cheeks for obama. That pisses you off but it's tough shit. Any new POTUS can undo the damage obama has done, like protecting illegals. We are long overdue!

It is imbeciles....like you......who cannot rise above what FOX tells you to believe........Here's a simple test for you...

Name legislation that the GOP led congress has initiated to help common Americans AND that Obama has rejected.

If, however, you want to state that congress is elected to do NOTHING......then you're faced with the fact that someone HAD to do SOMETHING .......and Obama has with EOs.
“It was miraculous. It was almost no trick
at all, he saw, to turn vice into virtue and slander into truth, impotence into
abstinence, arrogance into humility, plunder into philanthropy, thievery into
honor, blasphemy into wisdom, brutality into patriotism, and sadism into
. Anybody could do it; it required no brains at all. It merely required
no character.”

— Joseph Heller, Catch-22
Here's why Trump can't win in the general-

1) The Electoral College Math sucks for him. - The Democrat starts at 242 Electoral votes with the states they've won six times in a row. Another 15 are in states they've won 5 out of 6 times. Hillary just has to win Florida, Ohio, or Virginia to put her over the top.

2) The Republican Establishment isn't going to work very hard for him. What kept Cruz alive as long as he did was the Establishment got out the vote for him as long as they could. They aren't going to make that effort for Trump.

3) Hispanics. Mitt Romney got 59% of the white vote in 2012. But he only got 29% of the Hispanic vote. Trump will do worse for two reasons. 1) His anti-Mexican rhetoric and 2) the fact he indirectly attacked the Cuban-American community by being so vicious to Cruz and Rubio. he won't get more than 15% of the Hispanic vote. Which means he would need to get 75% of the White vote, something Ronald Reagan couldn't even achieve.

4) Women- Trump may not really be a racist, (He only plays one on TV) but he is definitely a misogynist. His rants against Rosie O'Donnell and Megan Kelly indicate he has very little impulse control in this area. And now he's going to be running against an assertive woman on a historic ticket. I just can't see him containing himself.
Because of some of his positions on some social issuses and trade Trump could pull in indpendents and moderate blue collar Democrats and swing some states that normally go Democrat if he can do this and get a high enough percent of Republicans to vote for him he could pull it off. I don't think this is likely to happen but as I said on another thread one reason Trump has gotten as far as he has is because people have continually underestimated him continuning to do so could come back to bite the left.

The problem with the primaries is how very little participation there is in them.

About 61 million people voted Republican in 2012 (about the same numbers the gop garnered in 2004 and 2008). Yet Trump has won the nomination garnering less than 11 million. The question is, how many of those 50 million who didn't vote for Trump because they voted for someone else, or didn't vote at all, will he get?

I think the GOP didn't underestimate Trump. I think they were afraid to openly challenge his racism and misogyny because it is shared by so much of the base. That isn't going to play as well in the General Election.
In 2008 after Hillary lost to Obama 40 percent of Hillary supporters said they wouldn't vote for Obama yet when November rolled around the majority of them did. I suspect it will be the same with Trump.
Republicans weren't elected to bend over and spread their cheeks for obama. That pisses you off but it's tough shit. Any new POTUS can undo the damage obama has done, like protecting illegals. We are long overdue!

It is imbeciles....like you......who cannot rise above what FOX tells you to believe........Here's a simple test for you...

Name legislation that the GOP led congress has initiated to help common Americans AND that Obama has rejected.

If, however, you want to state that congress is elected to do NOTHING......then you're faced with the fact that someone HAD to do SOMETHING .......and Obama has with EOs.
I've posted the bills passed by Congress several times. The list is so long my computer runs out of memory. You could pop your head out of your ass and spend a few seconds on it if you really cared. But all you want to do is smear feces. It's all you can do.

edit: ...and post funnies to posts you can't respond to.
How about you looking to see the nature of those orders. Not all EOs are created equally. LOL right back atcha.

My biggest criticism of Obama is that he did not issue MORE executive orders.....As FDR and a few other presidents have previously done, when faced with a congress that does nothing and refuses to do anything that could be construed as actually helping the executive branch (and the American people) .......a president MUST act..

The Obama EO that most pisses off right wingers is the one about immigration.......but Obama smartly stated to the conservative-led congress is that if you don't like it.......PASS YOUR OWN DAMN LEGISLATION.......something that those weak-kneed elected idiots have refused to do because they're scared of their own jobs.

If right wingers could objectively discern this.....well, they wouldn't be such dumb asses.
Republicans weren't elected to bend over and spread their cheeks for obama. That pisses you off but it's tough shit. Any new POTUS can undo the damage obama has done, like protecting illegals. We are long overdue!
And you won't control the white house because of the GOP job performance and you're probably going to lose the Senate

But that's OK. Midterms are the Republicans secret weapon
I'm not the Republicans. I've had to explain that to your drug addled brain numerous times but the concept is to large for you. I'm not particularly interested in the future events your bong bestows upon you.

edit: ...and he does it again.
I've posted the bills passed by Congress several times. The list is so long my computer runs out of memory. You could pop your head out of your ass and spend a few seconds on it if you really cared. But all you want to do is smear feces. It's all you can do.

Well, FrozenOne.......tells us how right wingers in congress who campaigned on repealing Obama Care and "jobs, jobs, jobs" mantras did with their passed "bills"..........Go take a nap............:finger3:
"Explain how a Trump could ever win the WH"

No one can.

High voter turnout typical of GEs is against him.

EC math is against him.

And his own many negatives are against him.
Not only that but 11 months ago there was no "book" on how to deal with trump...now there is a book on how to be effective against him ...the biggest advantage though is that there is a different population in the general election than in the primary....Trump will be hit like he has never been hit before ...personal and dirty...

Hillary Clinton ‎@HillaryClinton

"President Trump" is a dangerous proposition.

Mitt Romney, Ted Cruz, and Marco Rubio agree.

2:46 PM - 4 May 2016
Every Republican who supports trump is just exposing themselves as the flip flopping hypocritical liars they are.

How can we believe someone who one day warns us about someone then endorses them the next? We know they will say anything.

Lyin Ted cruz

And the option is the flip-flopping Mrs. Tuzla Clinton? Sorry I don't think we should reward folks like her for the behavior she has demonstrated.
A con man has you duped. And a con man who behaves very badly.

But if he wins, which he won't, but if he does, that's better than Cruz kasich rubio etc.

I can't lose. I've already won. Out of all the GOP I would have picked trump too. The others were just horrible

Let us make a comparision here.

What do you think is the goal of Mrs. Tuzla Clinton? I think the reason she wants to be president is that she thinks she, as in government, have to take care of people. In other words people are too stupid themselves to make it without the government. How has that been working out? Not well is my opinion.

Trump, on the other hand. is all into f..k you do it yourself. He definitely is into self-aggrandizement. HE wants to look good. How better than to turn around the country and the economy.

As for lying, yeah they both tell whoppers. It wasn't long ago we had a president that lied under oath and it was pooh poohed because it was only about sexual harassment and the RWC was behind it. So this sudden concern for the truth I find surprising. Trump's BS about Cruz's father was idiotic and stupid. He needs to learn how to disengage his mouth. But Mrs. Tulza Clinton's lie about Bosnia? Was that a mental disorder showing itself or just her making up a lie to get her warrior creds? Someone who lies so freely, so without restraint can never be trusted.

Trump will do alright fear not.

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