Expand The US War In Syria Or Get Out: What Say You?...

Expand US War in Syria Or Get Out

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There is absolutely nothing worth America fighting and/or dying for in the Middle East.

I tend to go with you on that.
And BluesLegend scoffed when I said Trump was going to lead you all into the far left camp.

Look at you now. Following our cut-and-run Democratic President like a little mouse!
True, but on this at least Trump seems to be doing what he said he'd do. That is NOT the case on taxes, deficits, soc sec/medicare and healthcare, where he's actually governed contrary to what he said he'd do when running.

I don't like his position, but he's running into bad headwinds of the past 16 years.
Just don't forget to say Trump gave birth to whatever evil comes from cutting and running from Syria.
If ISIS is out, and Assad is there to prevent a power vacuum, what evil (that hasn't always existed in that messed up situation over in the Middle East) do you think will befall from "cutting and running?"
It's probably too late to be a positive factor, but allowing, if not creating, the exodus into Europe we at least helped create an evil.
I tend to go with you on that.
And BluesLegend scoffed when I said Trump was going to lead you all into the far left camp.

Look at you now. Following our cut-and-run Democratic President like a little mouse!
True, but on this at least Trump seems to be doing what he said he'd do. That is NOT the case on taxes, deficits, soc sec/medicare and healthcare, where he's actually governed contrary to what he said he'd do when running.

I don't like his position, but he's running into bad headwinds of the past 16 years.
Just don't forget to say Trump gave birth to whatever evil comes from cutting and running from Syria.
If ISIS is out, and Assad is there to prevent a power vacuum, what evil (that hasn't always existed in that messed up situation over in the Middle East) do you think will befall from "cutting and running?"
It's probably too late to be a positive factor, but allowing, if not creating, the exodus into Europe we at least helped create an evil.
Because Muslim nations don’t have enough land and resources to help each other?
Who we fighting again and why?

an alliance of Iranian and Russian Imperialism aka DA AXIS

They did what to us?

when I was very young-------I read your concepts in propaganda
promulgated in the 1930s------old stuff even when I was 14.
I found it as interesting as the works of Isaac Azimov,
You didn’t answer the question.

yeah------I did. Are you very very young? ""brain"" ???
Did you ever meet persons from Syria? the middle east??
Turkey? Russia?? Iran??? feel free to ask questions

Yes I know people. your point?
Trump is damned if he does damned if he doesn't on Syria, its Obama's fault. Obama drew a red line talking tough, showing his ass pretending to be a tough guy he draws a red line. Then when Syria crossed it the moron tries to claim it wasn't his red line it was the worlds red line and he cuts and runs. Well now Trump has to clean up Obama's mess.

So Trump, if he does nothing and pulls out and he will get the blame for not stopping the gas attacks. If he bombs Syria to rubble and he'll get blamed for that.
Maybe he'll just bomb a couple of airports, like last time.
I don't see why the United States is "responsible" for stopping his gas attacks. Isn't that against international law or something? I'm asking. I really don't know the answer to that.

This wouldn't be America's problem except Obama ran his big mouth about gas attack red lines so now what?
We walk away. Obama isn’t president.

Yes I'm sure Dem's will applaud Trump for walking away and not use this as a campaign attack ad /extreme sarcasm
Iraq sure was a loser politically.
And BluesLegend scoffed when I said Trump was going to lead you all into the far left camp.

Look at you now. Following our cut-and-run Democratic President like a little mouse!
True, but on this at least Trump seems to be doing what he said he'd do. That is NOT the case on taxes, deficits, soc sec/medicare and healthcare, where he's actually governed contrary to what he said he'd do when running.

I don't like his position, but he's running into bad headwinds of the past 16 years.
Just don't forget to say Trump gave birth to whatever evil comes from cutting and running from Syria.
If ISIS is out, and Assad is there to prevent a power vacuum, what evil (that hasn't always existed in that messed up situation over in the Middle East) do you think will befall from "cutting and running?"

No one is "OUT" ------Russia is IN, Iran is IN, Turkey is to the North, Assad is IN, Baathism is IN, Caliphatism is IN. The
is IN
I am asking this in perfect innocence, Rosie: Why does that matter to us?

far beyond innocence--------more like INFANTILE
an alliance of Iranian and Russian Imperialism aka DA AXIS

They did what to us?

when I was very young-------I read your concepts in propaganda
promulgated in the 1930s------old stuff even when I was 14.
I found it as interesting as the works of Isaac Azimov,
You didn’t answer the question.

yeah------I did. Are you very very young? ""brain"" ???
Did you ever meet persons from Syria? the middle east??
Turkey? Russia?? Iran??? feel free to ask questions

Yes I know people. your point?

Ok-----you have clearly swallowed their grammar school
propaganda DA WEST!!!!!
I'm not saying expand, but Trump has given them enough time that they've probably moved everything that needed to be moved.
True, but on this at least Trump seems to be doing what he said he'd do. That is NOT the case on taxes, deficits, soc sec/medicare and healthcare, where he's actually governed contrary to what he said he'd do when running.

I don't like his position, but he's running into bad headwinds of the past 16 years.
Just don't forget to say Trump gave birth to whatever evil comes from cutting and running from Syria.
If ISIS is out, and Assad is there to prevent a power vacuum, what evil (that hasn't always existed in that messed up situation over in the Middle East) do you think will befall from "cutting and running?"

No one is "OUT" ------Russia is IN, Iran is IN, Turkey is to the North, Assad is IN, Baathism is IN, Caliphatism is IN. The
is IN
I am asking this in perfect innocence, Rosie: Why does that matter to us?

far beyond innocence--------more like INFANTILE

No call for this, she is being open asking you something she really would like to know. There are a lot of assholes here (me included) but she isn't one of them.
I tend to go with you on that.
And BluesLegend scoffed when I said Trump was going to lead you all into the far left camp.

Look at you now. Following our cut-and-run Democratic President like a little mouse!
True, but on this at least Trump seems to be doing what he said he'd do. That is NOT the case on taxes, deficits, soc sec/medicare and healthcare, where he's actually governed contrary to what he said he'd do when running.

I don't like his position, but he's running into bad headwinds of the past 16 years.
Just don't forget to say Trump gave birth to whatever evil comes from cutting and running from Syria.
If ISIS is out, and Assad is there to prevent a power vacuum, what evil (that hasn't always existed in that messed up situation over in the Middle East) do you think will befall from "cutting and running?"
It's probably too late to be a positive factor, but allowing, if not creating, the exodus into Europe we at least helped create an evil.
The civil war and ISIS' emergence was NOT on us. Yes, we left, and the guy WE chose to lead Iraq screwed up and turmoil broke out again and then the Arab Spring happened and ISIS moved into the fray when they saw their opportunity. It is not entirely on us, the crazed bullshit that goes on in the Middle East year after year after year. It will happen if we are there or if we are not. There is no power vacuum if Assad is in power. ISIS has lost its territory. Assad is still getting rid of the rebels that remain. This is a perfect chance to bow out. I'm still waiting for someone to explain why I should care if Assad is allies with Iran and Russia.
I'm not saying expand, but Trump has given them enough time that they've probably moved everything that needed to be moved.

who moved what? Lots of things have been MOVING around the
whole area----Iraq, Syria, Lebanon----for A VERY LONG TIME
Just don't forget to say Trump gave birth to whatever evil comes from cutting and running from Syria.
If ISIS is out, and Assad is there to prevent a power vacuum, what evil (that hasn't always existed in that messed up situation over in the Middle East) do you think will befall from "cutting and running?"

No one is "OUT" ------Russia is IN, Iran is IN, Turkey is to the North, Assad is IN, Baathism is IN, Caliphatism is IN. The
is IN
I am asking this in perfect innocence, Rosie: Why does that matter to us?

far beyond innocence--------more like INFANTILE

No call for this, she is being open asking you something she really would like to know. There are a lot of assholes here (me included) but she isn't one of them.

yeah-----she is one of them------a head in the sand isolationist.
She deludes herself thru WISHFUL THINKING into imagining that the earth is a HUGE PLANET consisting of unrelated islands of land. ---------a kind of country bumpkin perspective-----
And BluesLegend scoffed when I said Trump was going to lead you all into the far left camp.

Look at you now. Following our cut-and-run Democratic President like a little mouse!
True, but on this at least Trump seems to be doing what he said he'd do. That is NOT the case on taxes, deficits, soc sec/medicare and healthcare, where he's actually governed contrary to what he said he'd do when running.

I don't like his position, but he's running into bad headwinds of the past 16 years.
Just don't forget to say Trump gave birth to whatever evil comes from cutting and running from Syria.
If ISIS is out, and Assad is there to prevent a power vacuum, what evil (that hasn't always existed in that messed up situation over in the Middle East) do you think will befall from "cutting and running?"
It's probably too late to be a positive factor, but allowing, if not creating, the exodus into Europe we at least helped create an evil.
The civil war and ISIS' emergence was NOT on us. Yes, we left, and the guy WE chose to lead Iraq screwed up and turmoil broke out again and then the Arab Spring happened and ISIS moved into the fray when they saw their opportunity. It is not entirely on us, the crazed bullshit that goes on in the Middle East year after year after year. It will happen if we are there or if we are not. There is no power vacuum if Assad is in power. ISIS has lost its territory. Assad is still getting rid of the rebels that remain. This is a perfect chance to bow out. I'm still waiting for someone to explain why I should care if Assad is allies with Iran and Russia.
There is no more reason for you to care about the slaughter of people in the ME than there was for the US to care about the slaughter of the Europeans in WWII.
If ISIS is out, and Assad is there to prevent a power vacuum, what evil (that hasn't always existed in that messed up situation over in the Middle East) do you think will befall from "cutting and running?"

No one is "OUT" ------Russia is IN, Iran is IN, Turkey is to the North, Assad is IN, Baathism is IN, Caliphatism is IN. The
is IN
I am asking this in perfect innocence, Rosie: Why does that matter to us?

far beyond innocence--------more like INFANTILE

No call for this, she is being open asking you something she really would like to know. There are a lot of assholes here (me included) but she isn't one of them.

yeah-----she is one of them------a head in the sand isolationist.
She deludes herself thru WISHFUL THINKING into imagining that the earth is a HUGE PLANET consisting of unrelated islands of land. ---------a kind of country bumpkin perspective-----
So you aren't too apoplectic to speak. So tell me why Iran and Russia being allies with Syria is going to be harmful. Please.
I was ready to get completely out of Syria, and then Assad gassed those civilians - again. Now I'm of the opinion that we should topple Assad, but only if it's European troops on the ground doing the dirty work. If not, then lets bomb Assad's living quarters as well as the living quarters of the Syrian elite. Annihilate their military as well.
And BluesLegend scoffed when I said Trump was going to lead you all into the far left camp.

Look at you now. Following our cut-and-run Democratic President like a little mouse!
True, but on this at least Trump seems to be doing what he said he'd do. That is NOT the case on taxes, deficits, soc sec/medicare and healthcare, where he's actually governed contrary to what he said he'd do when running.

I don't like his position, but he's running into bad headwinds of the past 16 years.
Just don't forget to say Trump gave birth to whatever evil comes from cutting and running from Syria.
If ISIS is out, and Assad is there to prevent a power vacuum, what evil (that hasn't always existed in that messed up situation over in the Middle East) do you think will befall from "cutting and running?"
It's probably too late to be a positive factor, but allowing, if not creating, the exodus into Europe we at least helped create an evil.
The civil war and ISIS' emergence was NOT on us. Yes, we left, and the guy WE chose to lead Iraq screwed up and turmoil broke out again and then the Arab Spring happened and ISIS moved into the fray when they saw their opportunity. It is not entirely on us, the crazed bullshit that goes on in the Middle East year after year after year. It will happen if we are there or if we are not. There is no power vacuum if Assad is in power. ISIS has lost its territory. Assad is still getting rid of the rebels that remain. This is a perfect chance to bow out. I'm still waiting for someone to explain why I should care if Assad is allies with Iran and Russia.
ISIS is a direct outgrowth of the sunnis in Iraq, whom we displaced under W, and then left to run amuck under Obama. And Obama encouraged popular uprisings in the Arab Spring, and W invaded Iraq for the purpose of ushering in democracies in the ME.

the whole clusterfuck is on us. And we wrecked Europe with our hubris.
True, but on this at least Trump seems to be doing what he said he'd do. That is NOT the case on taxes, deficits, soc sec/medicare and healthcare, where he's actually governed contrary to what he said he'd do when running.

I don't like his position, but he's running into bad headwinds of the past 16 years.
Just don't forget to say Trump gave birth to whatever evil comes from cutting and running from Syria.
If ISIS is out, and Assad is there to prevent a power vacuum, what evil (that hasn't always existed in that messed up situation over in the Middle East) do you think will befall from "cutting and running?"
It's probably too late to be a positive factor, but allowing, if not creating, the exodus into Europe we at least helped create an evil.
The civil war and ISIS' emergence was NOT on us. Yes, we left, and the guy WE chose to lead Iraq screwed up and turmoil broke out again and then the Arab Spring happened and ISIS moved into the fray when they saw their opportunity. It is not entirely on us, the crazed bullshit that goes on in the Middle East year after year after year. It will happen if we are there or if we are not. There is no power vacuum if Assad is in power. ISIS has lost its territory. Assad is still getting rid of the rebels that remain. This is a perfect chance to bow out. I'm still waiting for someone to explain why I should care if Assad is allies with Iran and Russia.
There is no more reason for you to care about the slaughter of people in the ME than there was for the US to care about the slaughter of the Europeans in WWII.
I've been a strong advocate for refugees. Who are the Nazi's? Who is being genocided, specifically?
Just don't forget to say Trump gave birth to whatever evil comes from cutting and running from Syria.
If ISIS is out, and Assad is there to prevent a power vacuum, what evil (that hasn't always existed in that messed up situation over in the Middle East) do you think will befall from "cutting and running?"
It's probably too late to be a positive factor, but allowing, if not creating, the exodus into Europe we at least helped create an evil.
The civil war and ISIS' emergence was NOT on us. Yes, we left, and the guy WE chose to lead Iraq screwed up and turmoil broke out again and then the Arab Spring happened and ISIS moved into the fray when they saw their opportunity. It is not entirely on us, the crazed bullshit that goes on in the Middle East year after year after year. It will happen if we are there or if we are not. There is no power vacuum if Assad is in power. ISIS has lost its territory. Assad is still getting rid of the rebels that remain. This is a perfect chance to bow out. I'm still waiting for someone to explain why I should care if Assad is allies with Iran and Russia.
There is no more reason for you to care about the slaughter of people in the ME than there was for the US to care about the slaughter of the Europeans in WWII.
I've been a strong advocate for refugees. Who are the Nazi's? Who is being genocided, specifically?

The Kurds.
True, but on this at least Trump seems to be doing what he said he'd do. That is NOT the case on taxes, deficits, soc sec/medicare and healthcare, where he's actually governed contrary to what he said he'd do when running.

I don't like his position, but he's running into bad headwinds of the past 16 years.
Just don't forget to say Trump gave birth to whatever evil comes from cutting and running from Syria.
If ISIS is out, and Assad is there to prevent a power vacuum, what evil (that hasn't always existed in that messed up situation over in the Middle East) do you think will befall from "cutting and running?"
It's probably too late to be a positive factor, but allowing, if not creating, the exodus into Europe we at least helped create an evil.
The civil war and ISIS' emergence was NOT on us. Yes, we left, and the guy WE chose to lead Iraq screwed up and turmoil broke out again and then the Arab Spring happened and ISIS moved into the fray when they saw their opportunity. It is not entirely on us, the crazed bullshit that goes on in the Middle East year after year after year. It will happen if we are there or if we are not. There is no power vacuum if Assad is in power. ISIS has lost its territory. Assad is still getting rid of the rebels that remain. This is a perfect chance to bow out. I'm still waiting for someone to explain why I should care if Assad is allies with Iran and Russia.
ISIS is a direct outgrowth of the sunnis in Iraq, whom we displaced under W, and then left to run amuck under Obama. And Obama encouraged popular uprisings in the Arab Spring, and W invaded Iraq for the purpose of ushering in democracies in the ME.

the whole clusterfuck is on us. And we wrecked Europe with our hubris.
Yes, I know that argument. Like I said, I don't agree it is all our fault. Even if it was, the fact that we have managed to fuck it up for this many years might teach us that no matter what we do, it is doomed to fail and to LEAVE.

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