Executive Order to forgive $50,000 in student debt

I think Biden will sign an EO to forgive all federal student debt

Then, in truth, you are not thinking.

Biden will forgive 10 grand and the courts will be fine with it.

You will again feel you were not put first and will be resentful.

Tough. Deal with it.

"Biden will forgive 10 grand and the courts will be fine with it."

I doubt that, some say the current law does not allow for mass forgiveness regardless of what the amount is.

"You will again feel you were not put first and will be resentful."

I have never been put first in my life, and frankly do not regret it. I totally earned everything I've got and I like it that way.

"Tough. Deal with it."

Fuck off, asshole. Was just wondering if you've been taking lessons on how to be a dick or whether you just have a natural talent for it.
They should get it back from the universities for their defrauding the govt. with that loan sharking scam, and from every company who ever lied about those totally fictitious 'labor shortages' that misled many to think their majors were economically sound choices. They should also face criminal charges as well. And banks, too, should be seized and their shareholders'personal assets siezed, and refunds distributed.

There are no banks! Learn how the system works before blathering!

Rubbish. They make a killing off of re-financing the debts, at high interest rates, as well as making supplemental loans to students. Learn how not to be clueless and credulous.
The costs of college should not be that high and the professors are progs.
Corporate incentives and bailouts are not comparable to egregious college debt. Here’s why: A corporation creates jobs. A corporation pays taxes. A corporation creates products where sales taxes are paid on those products. That all adds up for value for the economy and revenue for the State to pay for programs. How is that equivalent to the irresponsible student and parents that just TOOK $100ks of debt and emerged with skills sets for no jobs in demand?

I am not against affordable loans that can be repaid or outright grants for students to gain skills for which there is a demand.

We now have fewer jobs than existed 30 years go, and a much larger population to feed, Jobs 'created' om Mexico or Red China don't mean squat here =, they're just another drain on our economy. They aren't creating any net 'value' here, and the financial sectors sucks up over 80% of profits now, and all they 'create' is debt and rent seeking, not anything 'productive'.
dam.....i wonder if they will get to excusing 50,000 dollars of my mortgage?......
You can do that yourself with bankruptcy.
really i can just declare bankruptcy?.....and 50 thousand of the loan will be gone?....
Yep! Your house, too.
how would the house be gone?.....i would still owe money?....
It would be sold by the bank. That's how declaring on secured debt works. Think of $50K in credit card debt, though. Yes, you can declare on every penny and let the rest of us pick up the tab. Same for medical debt.
dam.....i wonder if they will get to excusing 50,000 dollars of my mortgage?......
You can do that yourself with bankruptcy.
really i can just declare bankruptcy?.....and 50 thousand of the loan will be gone?....
Yep! Your house, too.
how would the house be gone?.....i would still owe money?....
It would be sold by the bank. That's how declaring on secured debt works. Think of $50K in credit card debt, though. Yes, you can declare on every penny and let the rest of us pick up the tab. Same for medical debt.
thanks but i think my post was misinterpreted by you...
If banks and businesses didn't have to pay the money back, I don't see why all should not be held to the same standard.

The point is to kick the proles around and allow them to be screwed over by corporations and loan sharks, because all profit is good profits no matter how they're made.
Well now you have. I have NEVER taken any government bailout or welfare. I have NEVER defaulted on a loan, indeed I have paid off four mortgages. I served my country for four years in the USMC and did a stint in Vietnam. I earned and saved and paid cash for my daughter's education. So fuck you, parasite. What have you done, commie?

Damn, you've got to have it made in the Marine Corps, be a millionaire by your own sweat and toil. That isn't going to go well for your daughter's classmates who aren't quite so privileged on the right track with the right families and the military and government connections to make it in this life.

That's a lot of cash for an ex-Marine to carry unless you've got a few weapons or two to defend yourself and a lot of gun control politics to keep guns out of the hands of crazies and criminals like me who aren't allowed to make earn, or keep any money anyways, and more laws to protect your wimmuns and chilluns at colleges and universities from mean scary people like me who aren't entitled to such honors and decorations.
dam.....i wonder if they will get to excusing 50,000 dollars of my mortgage?......
If your mortgage is over 50k you should be spanked er oh that's right, you live in California that rich man's paradise. But the colleges are free, no?

According to the vast majority of 'conservatives', if you borrow $200,000 to gamble with on a $15,000 house during a speculative bubble and then the market drops and the house is back to $15,000, then you shouldn't be forced to pay off the $200,000 cuz you were 'doing business'. If you borrowed a few grand to major in Computer programming because of universities and companies claiming there were big giant shortages of programmers n stuff and they pay $100,000 a year with no experience!' only to find out they won't give you an interview unless you were a foreign student and needed a visa to stay here and work for $10 an hour rather than go back to live in that shithole mud hut in Mumbai, then it's your fault, not the schools or the companies problem all of a sudden.
Well now you have. I have NEVER taken any government bailout or welfare. I have NEVER defaulted on a loan, indeed I have paid off four mortgages. I served my country for four years in the USMC and did a stint in Vietnam. I earned and saved and paid cash for my daughter's education. So fuck you, parasite. What have you done, commie?

Damn, you've got to have it made in the Marine Corps, be a millionaire by your own sweat and toil. That isn't going to go well for your daughter's classmates who aren't quite so privileged on the right track with the right families and the military and government connections to make it in this life.

That's a lot of cash for an ex-Marine to carry unless you've got a few weapons or two to defend yourself and a lot of gun control politics to keep guns out of the hands of crazies and criminals like me who aren't allowed to make earn, or keep any money anyways, and more laws to protect your wimmuns and chilluns at colleges and universities from mean scary people like me who aren't entitled to such honors and decorations.

He means he did well because he got a government job with good bennies and medical subsidies, and VA mortgage subsidies that no longer exist in the private sector and wants us to believe he did it all by himself with no help. He never paid the Marine corp back for that free paid training he got from them either.
you could, theoretically, declare bankruptcy and have that mortgage be written off, yes?
No, you could file bankruptcy, true enough, but the lien holder of the property has the right to foreclose and take the property back to be sold to recoup their losses.
. . . well. . . O.K.

That takes care of the principle.

So what we are saying here, is that conservatives have no problem if Biden signed an EO, wiping out all interest, and making students liable for nothing but the principle on their debt?


Never met any conservative who turned down any govt. bailouts or refused to file bankruptcy and screw their debtors, or insisted in paying off what they borrowed to speculate in any of the bubbles that all crashed since the 1970's, so I don't give any credibility to their fake moral objections here. All they do is blame the DEmocrats as if they had guns held to thier heads and were forced to leverage their imaginary equities 50 to 1.
Well now you have. I have NEVER taken any government bailout or welfare. I have NEVER defaulted on a loan, indeed I have paid off four mortgages. I served my country for four years in the USMC and did a stint in Vietnam. I earned and saved and paid cash for my daughter's education. So fuck you, parasite. What have you done, commie?

lol go fuck yourself, shill. You can claim anything on the innernetz so fuck your anecdotal rubbish as well.
You are a typical uneducated democrat moron and I don't have anymore time to waste on you--So you are CANCELLED. HaHaHaHaHaHa!

Congratulations US Taxpayer, looks like you will get to pick up the $50,000 tab of irresponsible college students and families who took on more debt than they could handle because they felt entitled to go to private elite colleges 3 time zones away and concentrate their studies in useless majors that have no demand in the job market. These students and families who feel entitled to this have the audacity to say they have been “enslaved” or victimized by student debt.

Moving forward, there needs to be more controls in place to qualify students and their families towards state and local institutions and concentrations of study that yield good paying jobs.

Check your race cards and class warfare bullshit at the door.

Compulsory Service should take care of their debt, at least if they intend to saddle the US taxpayer with it ... :thup:

Well now you have. I have NEVER taken any government bailout or welfare. I have NEVER defaulted on a loan, indeed I have paid off four mortgages. I served my country for four years in the USMC and did a stint in Vietnam. I earned and saved and paid cash for my daughter's education. So fuck you, parasite. What have you done, commie?

Damn, you've got to have it made in the Marine Corps, be a millionaire by your own sweat and toil. That isn't going to go well for your daughter's classmates who aren't quite so privileged on the right track with the right families and the military and government connections to make it in this life.

That's a lot of cash for an ex-Marine to carry unless you've got a few weapons or two to defend yourself and a lot of gun control politics to keep guns out of the hands of crazies and criminals like me who aren't allowed to make earn, or keep any money anyways, and more laws to protect your wimmuns and chilluns at colleges and universities from mean scary people like me who aren't entitled to such honors and decorations.

He means he did well because he got a government job with good bennies and medical subsidies, and VA mortgage subsidies that no longer exist in the private sector and wants us to believe he did it all by himself with no help. He never paid the Marine corp back for that free paid training he got from them either.
WRONG again moron. I have never used a VA mortgage guarantee as the same program was offered to everyone in the nation under the FHA. And as far as paying the Marine CorpS back, I worked for four years at LESS THAN MINIMUM WAGE, fucking moron. It is clear that you didn't learn a fucking thing in school and probably went into debt to learn basket weaving. You are a useless piece of skin around an asshole.
If banks and businesses didn't have to pay the money back, I don't see why all should not be held to the same standard.
the same standard is for all of them to pay back their debts,,,

teo wrongs dont make a right,, they make it dbl bad,,

Maybe not BUT that is not what we do. As I've long said, as long as we do for the rich, I'm going to advocate for the rest.
Well now you have. I have NEVER taken any government bailout or welfare. I have NEVER defaulted on a loan, indeed I have paid off four mortgages. I served my country for four years in the USMC and did a stint in Vietnam. I earned and saved and paid cash for my daughter's education. So fuck you, parasite. What have you done, commie?

Damn, you've got to have it made in the Marine Corps, be a millionaire by your own sweat and toil. That isn't going to go well for your daughter's classmates who aren't quite so privileged on the right track with the right families and the military and government connections to make it in this life.

That's a lot of cash for an ex-Marine to carry unless you've got a few weapons or two to defend yourself and a lot of gun control politics to keep guns out of the hands of crazies and criminals like me who aren't allowed to make earn, or keep any money anyways, and more laws to protect your wimmuns and chilluns at colleges and universities from mean scary people like me who aren't entitled to such honors and decorations.
HaHa, I know, you be a victim. Get off of your lazy ass and work, learn a trade and maybe, just maybe you'll grow to be something besides a parasite.

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