EXCLUSIVE: U.S. Attorney Weiss Colluded With DOJ To Thwart Congressional Questioning, Emails Show

You can't say "the Biden family" was the target of the investigation, you have to have reasons as to who is a target. Joe Biden wasn't the target of the investigation because there was no evidence that Joe Biden failed to pay any taxes. The "big guy" email described a possible structure of a possible deal that never even occurred!

Hunter Biden was the one under investigation for not paying taxes. These investigations rarely ever produce criminal prosecutions, and it seems that the IRS agent was highly motivated to do so.... for some reason.
LOL...wow! The IRS had Hunter Biden dead to rights on failure to pay income tax on the money he was getting, Marener! The IRS whistleblowers were angry because they'd done all of the work of investigating this and then Weiss let the statute of limitations run out on three years of Hunter not paying his taxes! They said they'd never seen anything like that in their time at the IRS!
Are you not aware that the DoJ first issued a subpoena for documents from Trump?
Weeks after Trump voluntarily returned boxes of docs to NARA

The NARA that has been hiding thousands of inculpating documents wrt to Biden.

LOL...wow! The IRS had Hunter Biden dead to rights on failure to pay income tax on the money he was getting, Marener! The IRS whistleblowers were angry because they'd done all of the work of investigating this and then Weiss let the statute of limitations run out on three years of Hunter not paying his taxes! They said they'd never seen anything like that in their time at the IRS!
The fact is that criminal charges for failure to pay taxes is almost never criminally prosecuted. Roger Stone just settled a far worse example of failure to pay taxes without criminal charges.

Since when have IRS agents been granted the ability to determine who should and shouldn't be prosecuted? That's not their job.
False, they are both in agreement that Weiss only had to ask to get special counsel status if he wanted to bring charges in other jurisdictions and it would be granted.
You're amusing! Garland claimed Weiss didn't NEED special counsel status because he had been given the authority to bring charges in other jurisdictions! He stated that under oath in front of Congress. Then Weiss states that he couldn't bring charges in other jurisdictions because he didn't have the authority to do so! Garland obviously lied under oath.
Garland claimed Weiss didn't NEED special counsel status because he had been given the authority to bring charges in other jurisdictions! He stated that under oath in front of Congress.
I'd love to see this testimony. I believe you have gotten some details wrong.
The fact is that criminal charges for failure to pay taxes is almost never criminally prosecuted. Roger Stone just settled a far worse example of failure to pay taxes without criminal charges.

Since when have IRS agents been granted the ability to determine who should and shouldn't be prosecuted? That's not their job.
Did you really just make that claim? What do you think IRS agents DO? Of course it's their job to determine who should be prosecuted for failure to pay taxes. They don't DO the prosecution...that's done by the DOJ!
What pray tell have I gotten wrong?
I don't believe Garland said that Weiss doesn't need special counsel authority to charge Biden in other jurisidictions.

That's why I want to see the actual quote of him saying this.

Do you have that or not?
Garland and Weiss both agree about the nature of their conversations of Weiss's authority. The supposed "whistleblowers" weren't privy to those conversations and can't comment on them with direct knowledge.

So no, it doesn't make it a lie.
WTF? Both Garland and Weiss told Congress that he had "ultimate" "complete" authority. He didn't. They lied to Congress..
Did you really just make that claim? What do you think IRS agents DO? Of course it's their job to determine who should be prosecuted for failure to pay taxes. They don't DO the prosecution...that's done by the DOJ!
IRS agents investigate. Prosecutors decide on charges.

Remember when Comey recommended against prosecuting Clinton and the right lost their ever loving minds about it, saying it wasn't his job to determine whether charges should be filed? This is Jim Comey we are talking about, who wasn't just head of the FBI but a career prosecutor with the DoJ before hand. Compare that to a lowly IRS agent.
I don't believe Garland said that Weiss doesn't need special counsel authority to charge Biden in other jurisidictions.

That's why I want to see the actual quote of him saying this.

Do you have that or not?

“As I said at the outset, Mr. Weiss, who was appointed by President Trump as the U.S Attorney in Delaware and assigned this matter during the previous administration, would be permitted to continue his investigation and to make a decision to prosecute any way in which he wanted to and in any district in which he wanted to,” Garland said.
I don't believe Garland said that Weiss doesn't need special counsel authority to charge Biden in other jurisidictions.

That's why I want to see the actual quote of him saying this.

Do you have that or not?
“As I said at the outset, Mr. Weiss, who was appointed by President Trump as the U.S Attorney in Delaware and assigned this matter during the previous administration, would be permitted to continue his investigation and to make a decision to prosecute any way in which he wanted to and in any district in which he wanted to,”

“As I said at the outset, Mr. Weiss, who was appointed by President Trump as the U.S Attorney in Delaware and assigned this matter during the previous administration, would be permitted to continue his investigation and to make a decision to prosecute any way in which he wanted to and in any district in which he wanted to,” Garland said.
That's not the same thing as saying he didn't require special counsel authority to prosecute in other districts.

You're making things up.
“As I said at the outset, Mr. Weiss, who was appointed by President Trump as the U.S Attorney in Delaware and assigned this matter during the previous administration, would be permitted to continue his investigation and to make a decision to prosecute any way in which he wanted to and in any district in which he wanted to,”
You're both on point.

Nowhere does it say he wouldn't require special counsel authority to prosecute the case in other districts.

You're desperately splitting hairs.

Was Weiss ever denied special counsel authority after asking for it?
Weiss was obviously never given that authority, Marener. Garland lied when he said that he had been.
He wasn't given it because he didn't ask for it. Weiss knew all he had to do was ask and he would be granted it.

Where did Garland say that he had already given Weiss special counsel status? He didn't. Not in your quote or any other. There is no lie.
Sometimes agents want to do things that are more aggressive than is needed. It's absurd to say there was no investigation, because there was. It's just that a few things that they wanted to do as part of the investigation were limited. The investigation was going forward regardless.

Simultaneously, you had FBI "whistleblowers" complaining that the DoJ shouldn't have gotten a search warrant fro Mar a Lago because it wasn't needed when obviously it was, because it was "too aggressive".

There's double standards all over the place.
Dumbass shut the fuck up.

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