EXCLUSIVE: FBI seized smashed hard drives from Wasserman Schultz IT aide’s home


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
EXCLUSIVE: FBI Seized Smashed Hard Drives From Wasserman Schultz IT Aide’s Home

FBI agents seized smashed computer hard drives from the home of Florida Democratic Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s information technology (IT) administrator, according to two sources with knowledge of the investigation.


Liberal media probably won't touch this one at least not to much they will spin it.

In the end we will never hear a thing on this and nothing will ever happen to these losers.
FBI Seizes Smashed Hard Drives From DWS' IT Aides

The FBI has seized smashed hard drives from Rep. Debbie Wasserman-Schultz’s (D-FL) IT administrator, reported The Daily Caller on Sunday.

Wasserman-Schultz’s IT administrator is Imran Awan, a Muslim Pakistani national. Awan and two of his brothers, Abid and Jamal, have managed IT services for several Democrat representatives; including members of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs.

Awan and three of his relatives are under criminal investigation for “serious violation on the House IT network;” they had access to the emails of more than two dozen House Democrats via their IT roles.

Imran Awan “abruptly moved out of his longtime home” following the February revelation of a criminal investigation into his and his family’s conduct, subsequently renting his home to a military couple.

Awan’s tenants, a Marine Corps veteran man married to a Navy officer woman, said the Awan family “left in a huge hurry.”

“[I found] wireless routers, hard drives that look like they tried to destroy, laptops, [and] a lot of brand new expensive toner,” said the Marine. It looks like government-issued equipment. We turned that stuff over [to the authorities].”...

....The Marine said Imran wanted the hard drives back so desperately that he threatened to sue the renter for stealing them.

The Awan family is also being investigated for fraud, allegedly placing “ghost employees” on a congressional payroll. They have been paid over $4 million in salary between 2009 and 2017...

Thank God these hard drives were turned over to the FBI before the Marine veteran committed suicide!

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