"F*ing Islamaphobe!" - Desperate Wasserman-Schultz Screams To End House Probe On Her Spy Ring


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz hired terrorist-connected Pakistani IT SPIES and not only gave them illegal access to classified House files but also gave them illegal access to all DNC member e-mails, their usernames, and their passwords.

(Not long after, hacked information from those DNC accounts were released to the public, exposing how the DNC / Hillary had rigged their primaries, cheated in debates, engaged in election fraud during their primaries, and basically gave Hillary the nomination. DNC messages exposing racist, sexist, homophobic, and anti-Semitic comments were also released. Democrats have continued to try to claim the RUSSIANS hacked their server and released that data instead of the obvious alternative that DWS' Pakistani spies, armed with the usernames and passwords given to them by DWS, hacked and released the information. Afterwards, the DNC refused to hand over their server for a thorough examination; however, an FBI investigation still revealed that the download of the information was done on-site, downloaded onto a thumb drive.)

DWS never did a simple background check on the Pakistanis before hiring them and giving them access to classified House files. Had she done so she would have quickly learned the Awans were connected to terrorists, that they were under investigation for supposedly kidnapping their mother while spending their dead father's money.

This was not simply a case of making a mistake in hiring people - the wrong people. Their relationship was not simply one of Boss-Employees. They were much CLOSER:

"Awan told people Wasserman Schultz chose the name for his daughter, Leza — a Jewish name — and that the Florida congresswoman’s daughter regularly rode a horse that Awan kept at a boarding facility."

AFTER the Awans were caught downloading classified information - TERA-BYTES worth of information - from off of the House computers, when they did not even have legal access to the House Computers, they were stripped of their access, banned from the House, and an Espionage investigation was opened against them. DWS also became a focus of the investigation, as she had hired them and given them the illegal access to classified information...and to the DNC members' e-mail, usernames, and passwords. DWS was fired as DNC Chairwoman...and she was hired to be part of Hillary's campaign that same day she was fired. (Interesting....Hillary had already been exposed as having jeopardized national security with her personal server...and she immediately hired DWS who had been exposed as running her own Pakistani Spy ring....) several of the Pakistani spies have fled back home to Pakistan where they are being protected by the Pakistani government.

The investigation into the Pakistani spying has continued, and the focus on DWS' enabling / facilitating the spying has grown....and DWS has reportedly become desperate, frantic, to the point of screaming at House officials, demanding they end the investigation, accusing them of continuing the investigation - not because of their having had illegal access to classified House files and having downloaded TERA-BYTES of classified information but because, according to DWS, they are Islamaphobes:

"Wasserman Schultz Screamed At House Officials To Kill Hacking Probe, Intervened In Pakistani Criminal Matter"

Sources: Wasserman Schultz Screamed At House Officials To Kill Hacking Probe, Intervened In Pakistani Criminal Matter/

"Ex-Democratic National Committee head Debbie Wasserman Schultz said she intervened in a Pakistani land deal involving her thenIT aide Imran Awan, according to two House employees. The dispute came after Awan’s father was charged with fraud in relation to the deal, and the mysterious exertion of political influence resulted in Pakistani authorities instead targeting the elderly alleged victims, according to a local report.

And when a House Office of Inspector General
cybersecurity investigation found that Awan made “unauthorized access” to House servers, including the House Democratic Caucus’ shortly before the election, Wasserman Schultz becamefrantic, not normal,” “making the rounds” to House officials in an attempt to kill the investigation, one House employee told The Daily Caller News Foundation.

(Can you say 'OBSTRUCTION'?)

'Wasserman Schultz cornered House Chief Administrative Officer Phil Kiko and called him a “fucking Islamophobe,” saying “you will not so much as take away their parking spots,” the two House employees said Kiko told them."

...and DWS said this AFTER it was discovered that Awan had illegally accessed classified House servers and had begun to download classified data.

This bit@h is OBVIOUSLY guilty as hell of aiding / abetting / running this Pakistani Spy ring, and the investigation is taking WAY to long. DWS should have been PERP-WALKED in handcuffs by now.

KUDOS to the members of the news refusing to let this slip quietly into the background and be forgotten about to protect DWS and the Democrats from further exposure for their crimes.

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