Except for the polls (which were wrong last time) every other sign points to a big Trump victory


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
I waited four hours in the hot Nevada sun to vote for Trump, and I know millions of other Americans are just as determined as I was to make sure Trump gets re-elected.

Literally, there is not one single Trump voter who won't vote for him again because he fulfilled almost all his promises.

Also, many people who didn't vote for Trump before will vote for him this time because life has improved for them in the Trump economy.

Trump rallies have many thousands, while Biden rallies are in the dozens.

And now Biden is exposed as a corrupt politician who took bribes from a Communist country and used his son as the bag man.
I see the same here. I have been a political junkie since I was a boy back in the 1960s. And the polls are never accurate. I see a Trump win also..Judging by my observations .

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