
Democrats are losing, all over America, and it's not being reported by their propaganda wing, their reporters and cameras have long since pulled out, but they ARE losing. All the lives that have been destroyed, all the businesses, all the long hours and hard work by people that poured out their heart and soul to start a business, THAT VOTED FOR DEMOCRATS, but when it came time for the people they had voted for to PROTECT THEM, they were nowhere to be found, NOR WERE THE POLICE. In fact, the police were STANDING DOWN by ORDER of the people they voted for, and now that their lives work has been destroyed, those democrats they voted for are STILL NOWHERE to be found, and STILL BLAMING TRUMP and trying to do FURTHER DAMAGE by DEFUNDING and DISBANDING THE POLICE. These DEMOCRAT VOTERS are PISSED OFF, and there's going to be HELL TO PAY in November. I think the democrats are in for the biggest BACKLASH they've ever seen in their life. How ANY democrat at this point can think that ALL THE HELL this country has been put through, AT THE HANDS AND ENABLEMENT of DEMOCRAT LEADERS, that somehow it has boded FAVORABLY for them, has to be absolutely OBLIVIOUS.
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Democrats are losing, all over America

How true. Democrats are losing EVERYWHERE except in those little bubble enclaves they build for themselves where they exclude all thought, all opinions, all people who are not mirror images of themselves.

Then they sit around, look across the room, smile and thump each other on their backs and congratulate themselves that they are winning and everyone in sight agrees with them. :smoke:
Democrats are losing, all over America
America is losing. We are travel banned from the rest of the planet right now. Remember when your stupid bitch ass thought Mexico would pay for a wall?
Democrats are losing, all over America
America is losing. We are travel banned from the rest of the planet right now. Remember when your stupid bitch ass thought Mexico would pay for a wall?

It was only ignorant, TDS inflicted LefTards that were stupid enough to believe that a filthy broke shithole like Mexico would cut us a $20 billion dollar check. Legit Americans never gave two fucks about who would pay...the arithmetic is elementary, the wall it’s for itself.
Surely, I can't be the only person who clicked on this thread thinking it was going to be about Chares Montgomery Burns, can I?

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