Examples of Police being Ass-Holes


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
It is my belief - backed by absolutely nothing - that in past years, police departments accumulated a large cadre of people who were complete ass-holes. They were the people who as children were the neighborhood bullies, and wanted to continue in that capacity as adults, choosing to wear a blue uniform to accomplish that. Not all cops were bad, of course, but a lot of them were.

Until very recently - when no sane person would want to be a cop - the level of cops was improving dramatically, with most having relevant formal education, having been tested psychologically, and so on. Today, they are generally pretty good people, at least in my limited experience.

But I thought it might be fun to mention examples of policemen being dicks - just for the fun of it.

When I was a Yoot, my family could not afford to own a functioning automobile. We drove around in clunkers that had been given up on by others, and we got running again with twisted coat hangers and duct tape. Since we live in Pennsylvania where there was a state inspection every six months, we were in a constant scramble to keep the cars running, and to find garages where the inspectors were not so particular - if you catch my meaning.

One day, my brother and I were driving in the small city of Wilkinsburg, looking for one of those dubious mechanics shops, and we happened to turn down the wrong way on a one-way street. A Wilkinsburg police officer saw us and immediately pursued us (for about fifty feet) with siren howling and red lights blazing. When he came up to the driver's side window he of course asked to see our "papers." Well, the driver's side window didn't operate. If you cranked it down it would not come back up, so we had propped it onto permanent closure to avoid problems.

My brother started to open the door to hand the cop our stuff, and he IMMEDIATELY drew his gun, pointed it at my brother's chest and demanded that we both get out of the car and "assume the position." We didn't know what the hell he was talking about, but did our best. He seemed so frightened that I feared he might shoot one of us by mistake. He kept us there for about ten minutes while he called in our names and license number, for fear that we were Bad Guys up to something nefarious. We were, respectively 17 and 16 year-old white kids, both wearing T-shirts, shorts, and flip-flops, driving a ten-year-old Ford coupe. Talk about "profiling." I don't think we got a ticket for that episode - it was a big issue because of the possible impact on our insurance premium - but we did experience some real fear for a little while.

What a dickhead.

While golfing yesterday, a friend related how, while riding a motorcycle in high school, he T-boned a car that had run a red light, destroying the MC and much of his body, and then was cited for loss of control of his vehicle. It didn't stick.

What a dick.
It is my belief - backed by absolutely nothing - that in past years, police departments accumulated a large cadre of people who were complete ass-holes. They were the people who as children were the neighborhood bullies, and wanted to continue in that capacity as adults, choosing to wear a blue uniform to accomplish that. Not all cops were bad, of course, but a lot of them were.

Until very recently - when no sane person would want to be a cop - the level of cops was improving dramatically, with most having relevant formal education, having been tested psychologically, and so on. Today, they are generally pretty good people, at least in my limited experience.

But I thought it might be fun to mention examples of policemen being dicks - just for the fun of it.

When I was a Yoot, my family could not afford to own a functioning automobile. We drove around in clunkers that had been given up on by others, and we got running again with twisted coat hangers and duct tape. Since we live in Pennsylvania where there was a state inspection every six months, we were in a constant scramble to keep the cars running, and to find garages where the inspectors were not so particular - if you catch my meaning.

One day, my brother and I were driving in the small city of Wilkinsburg, looking for one of those dubious mechanics shops, and we happened to turn down the wrong way on a one-way street. A Wilkinsburg police officer saw us and immediately pursued us (for about fifty feet) with siren howling and red lights blazing. When he came up to the driver's side window he of course asked to see our "papers." Well, the driver's side window didn't operate. If you cranked it down it would not come back up, so we had propped it onto permanent closure to avoid problems.

My brother started to open the door to hand the cop our stuff, and he IMMEDIATELY drew his gun, pointed it at my brother's chest and demanded that we both get out of the car and "assume the position." We didn't know what the hell he was talking about, but did our best. He seemed so frightened that I feared he might shoot one of us by mistake. He kept us there for about ten minutes while he called in our names and license number, for fear that we were Bad Guys up to something nefarious. We were, respectively 17 and 16 year-old white kids, both wearing T-shirts, shorts, and flip-flops, driving a ten-year-old Ford coupe. Talk about "profiling." I don't think we got a ticket for that episode - it was a big issue because of the possible impact on our insurance premium - but we did experience some real fear for a little while.

What a dickhead.

While golfing yesterday, a friend related how, while riding a motorcycle in high school, he T-boned a car that had run a red light, destroying the MC and much of his body, and then was cited for loss of control of his vehicle. It didn't stick.

What a dick.
You can find authoritarian jerks throughout government

if you need an inspection certificate for a project better not tell the inspector to go fuck himself or worse, try to beat him up

because you will never get what you want

instead knowing he’s a jerk you bite your tongue and smile no matter how unreasonable his demands may be

and that goes for cops too

do you think they are incorrectly applying the law?

if so dont punch them out or try to run over them with your car

black people seem to be ignorant of this simple fact and sometimes it costs them their life
I had a cop pull a gun on me when I was getting my license and registration out of the glove compartment during a traffic stop. I was a little pissed at first but after I thought about it, I really couldn't blame the guy. If a gun shows up, things could go south real fast. I doesn't help that cops are forced to deal with assholes every day either. Live and let live.
I had a cop pull a gun on me when I was getting my license and registration out of the glove compartment during a traffic stop. I was a little pissed at first but after I thought about it, I really couldn't blame the guy. If a gun shows up, things could go south real fast. I doesn't help that cops are forced to deal with assholes every day either. Live and let live.
You're supposed to LICK the jackboot, not deep-throat it.
It is my belief - backed by absolutely nothing - that in past years, police departments accumulated a large cadre of people who were complete ass-holes. They were the people who as children were the neighborhood bullies, and wanted to continue in that capacity as adults, choosing to wear a blue uniform to accomplish that. Not all cops were bad, of course, but a lot of them were.

Until very recently - when no sane person would want to be a cop - the level of cops was improving dramatically, with most having relevant formal education, having been tested psychologically, and so on. Today, they are generally pretty good people, at least in my limited experience.

But I thought it might be fun to mention examples of policemen being dicks - just for the fun of it.

When I was a Yoot, my family could not afford to own a functioning automobile. We drove around in clunkers that had been given up on by others, and we got running again with twisted coat hangers and duct tape. Since we live in Pennsylvania where there was a state inspection every six months, we were in a constant scramble to keep the cars running, and to find garages where the inspectors were not so particular - if you catch my meaning.

One day, my brother and I were driving in the small city of Wilkinsburg, looking for one of those dubious mechanics shops, and we happened to turn down the wrong way on a one-way street. A Wilkinsburg police officer saw us and immediately pursued us (for about fifty feet) with siren howling and red lights blazing. When he came up to the driver's side window he of course asked to see our "papers." Well, the driver's side window didn't operate. If you cranked it down it would not come back up, so we had propped it onto permanent closure to avoid problems.

My brother started to open the door to hand the cop our stuff, and he IMMEDIATELY drew his gun, pointed it at my brother's chest and demanded that we both get out of the car and "assume the position." We didn't know what the hell he was talking about, but did our best. He seemed so frightened that I feared he might shoot one of us by mistake. He kept us there for about ten minutes while he called in our names and license number, for fear that we were Bad Guys up to something nefarious. We were, respectively 17 and 16 year-old white kids, both wearing T-shirts, shorts, and flip-flops, driving a ten-year-old Ford coupe. Talk about "profiling." I don't think we got a ticket for that episode - it was a big issue because of the possible impact on our insurance premium - but we did experience some real fear for a little while.

What a dickhead.

While golfing yesterday, a friend related how, while riding a motorcycle in high school, he T-boned a car that had run a red light, destroying the MC and much of his body, and then was cited for loss of control of his vehicle. It didn't stick.

What a dick.
Depending on the Town or County, much of tax payer public service is nepotism and cronyism.
In Nassau County, you have to be related to someone to get a job.

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