examples of handcuffed men being dangerous


Diamond Member
Sep 1, 2017
Floyd was dangerous and danger:
Handcuffed suspect shoots police officer with gun concealed in waistband

etc many links
Floyd was dangerous and danger:
Handcuffed suspect shoots police officer with gun concealed in waistband

etc many links
the more excuses I hear about this subject the more I want the cop to be charged with the highest charges so he will burn in hell,,,
Floyd was dangerous and danger:
Handcuffed suspect shoots police officer with gun concealed in waistband

etc many links
the more excuses I hear about this subject the more I want the cop to be charged with the highest charges so he will burn in hell,,,
simmer down
.....you think with your emotions and not your brains
..actually, someone said in another thread he was not a threat once they put on handcuffs
Floyd was dangerous and danger:
Handcuffed suspect shoots police officer with gun concealed in waistband

etc many links
the more excuses I hear about this subject the more I want the cop to be charged with the highest charges so he will burn in hell,,,
simmer down
.....you think with your emotions and not your brains
..actually, someone said in another thread he was not a threat once they put on handcuffs
then respond on that thread,,,we dont need another on the same subject,,,
So how often does it happen? One out of a hundred? A thousand? Perhaps ten thousand? Using your no police misconduct math, if there are a hundred per year, almost certainly a high estimate, with a few million arrests, the odds are extremely long that the person cuffed will be a problem, and using excessive force, which is codified in the law, and prohibited by the same law, but for some reason detested by the people who claim to be in favor of law and order, it isn't much of a problem is it?
Floyd was dangerous and danger:
Handcuffed suspect shoots police officer with gun concealed in waistband

etc many links
the more excuses I hear about this subject the more I want the cop to be charged with the highest charges so he will burn in hell,,,
simmer down
.....you think with your emotions and not your brains
..actually, someone said in another thread he was not a threat once they put on handcuffs

The video showed he was no threat.
You know, when I was stationed in Newport RI, and was part of the Security Force, the Gunny decided to do a little training competition with the Newport police. Stuff like frisking and basic policing.

Well, one of the things that the Gunny taught us was how to properly check someone for weapons in their waistband. You took your thumbs, put them down in the waistband of the suspect, and ran your hands and thumbs all the way around their waist. He told us that was much more effective than patting someone down, because a lot of guys are squeamish about patting down another guy's groin, which is where he said was the best place to hide a weapon.

Guess what? He was right. I hid a .45 cal. mock weapon down the front of my pants, and puffed my belly out a little to lap over the weapon. The Newport cop patted me down, put cuffs on me, and put me in the back of the vehicle. Well, at the time I was young and flexible, so I was able to put my legs through the cuffs and get my hands out in front of me. When the cop got back into the car, he and his partner were surprised as hell that I had managed to get my hands in front of me, as well as still had a weapon after they had frisked me. NONE of the Newport police were able to sneak a weapon past the military, but several of us (using what the Gunny taught), were able to sneak a weapon past them.

Needless to say, we won the competition.

The point of this whole post is that there are ways to beat being frisked, and some people know how to do it, but not everyone. There are also ways to effectively frisk someone so they can't get a weapon past, but again, not everyone knows how to do that either.

If a suspect was able to get a weapon past an officer, it's because the officer did a piss poor job of checking the suspect.
There are men who are a good size who are strong. There are men on certain drugs that are strong. The two together is not good if in a potential criminal situation.

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