Ex-Proud Boy Testifies Group Sought ‘All-Out Revolution’ in Capitol Riot


Let's do a 2-in-1....and catch both of the posts quoted above:

Their "mechanism" for the so called 'coup'....was: Don Trump and the circle of his enablers around him.
They were the real insurrectionists who were going to effect a coup and remain in power.
They weren't kicking Biden and his team out of power......those folks were not yet 'in power'. Trump and his circle were intent on staying in power by any means....violence against uniformed Capitol Police and/or our elected Representative would be the 'rationale' for declaring an emergency and suspending the EC ballot count....and the peaceful transfer of power two weeks later.

The Proud Boys, Oathkeepers, III Percenters, and other RightWing Dimwits involved were merely the duped and snookered actors being used as the deus ex machina to allow Pence to call a halt to the counting of the EC ballots, and for Trump to declare an emergency due to the severe violence at the Capitol.

The Proud Boys were dupes. And being used. They were gonna be sacrificed no matter how this thing went down. The current administration and the DOJ were gonna get 'em. (and now are getting 'em)

Or, if Trump had engineered to stay in office.....he woulda offered them up as a component of his 'tough-on-crime' storytelling.


That's the construct you created in your mind, but WHERE WAS THE ACTUAL MECHANISM?

All you have is made up TDS tissue fodder, and I'm sure your miniscule dick is in your hand right now thinking about it.
This is where you're wrong. They knew that if the electoral count was stopped, that it would trigger the 12th amendment, whereby the presidential election would go to congress, like it did for the election of Rutherford B. Hayes.

And as the president is chosen by the 50 states representatives (as a single vote) with red states outnumbering blue states, would ensure a republican for president.

They would have had to have stopped it for weeks, AND gotten a complacent congress AND fought off the mobs of people going to fight over it AND convince 50 governors to accept the authority of what would have resulted.
Of course they did. They had a number of willing Representatives and Senators on their side. It would be simple to just declare the results of the election invalid while there was a mob circling the corridors and holding unfriendlies as hostages.

Trump was still President. What "mechanism" of executive power are you looking at "taking"? It was already acquired. The guy who lost and who orchestrated the coup....was sitting in the White House. :auiqs.jpg:

And yet it didn't happen, and yet the vote was delayed around a 1/3 of a day, and yet the only person shot was an unarmed protester.

And yet he left office two weeks later.

What a bunch of thought game SJW/prog bullshit pretending to be some weird "reality" that only exists in your dime store minds.
Trump supporters have repeatedly claimed that January 6th was no an insurrection, yet this is coming straight from the horse's mouth. How much more evidence is needed as to the intentions of the capital rioters, especially when it's coming from the Proud Boys who practically the equivalent of Saddam's Republican Guard?

WASHINGTON—Members of the far-right Proud Boys were preparing for “all-out revolution” days before the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol and eyeing the potential for supporters of then-President Donald Trump to violently oppose the peaceful transfer of power, a former leader of the group testified Wednesday.

Jeremy Bertino, 43 years old, took the stand as a star witness for the Justice Department in its trial against former Proud Boys leader Enrique Tarrio and four other members of the group who were charged last year with seditious conspiracy in connection with the Jan. 6 attack. All five have pleaded not guilty to that and all other charges.

Seems there were more than 5 people that stormed the capital building


Let's do a 2-in-1....and catch both of the posts quoted above:

Their "mechanism" for the so called 'coup'....was: Don Trump and the circle of his enablers around him.
They were the real insurrectionists who were going to effect a coup and remain in power.
They weren't kicking Biden and his team out of power......those folks were not yet 'in power'. Trump and his circle were intent on staying in power by any means....violence against uniformed Capitol Police and/or our elected Representative would be the 'rationale' for declaring an emergency and suspending the EC ballot count....and the peaceful transfer of power two weeks later.

The Proud Boys, Oathkeepers, III Percenters, and other RightWing Dimwits involved were merely the duped and snookered actors being used as the deus ex machina to allow Pence to call a halt to the counting of the EC ballots, and for Trump to declare an emergency due to the severe violence at the Capitol.

The Proud Boys were dupes. And being used. They were gonna be sacrificed no matter how this thing went down. The current administration and the DOJ were gonna get 'em. (and now are getting 'em)

Or, if Trump had engineered to stay in office.....he woulda offered them up as a component of his 'tough-on-crime' storytelling.


This is where you're wrong. They knew that if the electoral count was stopped, that it would trigger the 12th amendment, whereby the presidential election would go to congress, like it did for the election of Rutherford B. Hayes.

And as the president is chosen by the 50 states representatives (as a single vote) with red states outnumbering blue states, would ensure a republican for president.

Of course they did. They had a number of willing Representatives and Senators on their side. It would be simple to just declare the results of the election invalid while there was a mob circling the corridors and holding unfriendlies as hostages.

Trump was still President. What "mechanism" of executive power are you looking at "taking"? It was already acquired. The guy who lost and who orchestrated the coup....was sitting in the White House. :auiqs.jpg:
Meanwhile…outside of the backwards and twisted LibTardian Twilight Zone…..Reality happened.
As I explained. If the count could be stopped, then those "others" would be the republican representatives in congress., who by state, outnumbered the democrats.
You are responding to the wrong comment.
You are also giving far too much credit to the "insurrectionists" and their grasp of electoral procedure.
5th post
If the Capitol police was not reduced down to an unbelievably insufficient number..........Jan 6th became "jan. 6th" - because of a strikingly suspicious decision to woefully understaff security on a day
In hindsight, we all can say the Capitol building was understaffed given what happened.
"Understaffed"....is a Captain Obvious insight.
And yes, it was "a strikingly suspicious decision".

Here is the real-world reality:

  • The Capitol force was at their normal staff level for the daily tourist visits and daily operation of the Capitol campus.
  • There WAS a gathering two miles away --with a busy vehicular throughway between the Capitol and the Eclipse --- with no protest, no march, no demonstration officially announced
  • The named and official organizers of the Eclipse gathering --Republican Attorney Generals Assoc. and Turning Point, did not apply for the required permit to march.
    Rather, they were intentionally kept in the dark about the plans to 'spontaneously' announce a march from the Eclipse stage.
    People within the circle of Trump enablers knew this plan to announce a march, and they discussed among themselves to keep it on the down-low (testimony from the J6 Committee revealed that)
  • Applying for a march permit would have alerted the DC Metropolitan Police, the Parks police, the Capitol Police, and other law enforcement. And that 'notice' would have allowed them to staff up, to fortify entry barricades, and erect traffic-control fencing.
  • In short, the march by thousand to the Capitol was an illegal march. And Trump and his enablers secretly planned it, and kept notice of it away from proper law enforcement.
  • The too obvious question must be asked: WHY....did they want a Capitol Police force staffed only at normal daily levels .... and not re-enforced?
    Same with the other police agencies of that jurisdiction?

    Trump and his enablers, for some reason, WANTED them unprepared. Hence.....the illegal surprise march against a staff that was not given notice of it.

    And thus America had this terrible day that will live in infamy.

They would have had to have stopped it for weeks, AND gotten a complacent congress AND fought off the mobs of people going to fight over it AND convince 50 governors to accept the authority of what would have resulted.
Governors have nothing to do with presidential elections outside of certifying the electoral votes from their states.

The whole idea was to through either stopping Mike Pence, or having Pence declare electoral votes invalid, or by republicans (136 in the house) objecting to the validity of electoral votes from the swing states, or from the confusion of two sets of electors (that they tried to give to Pence) from those states, throwing their votes into doubt.

All in all, the three prong approach to invalidating the electoral votes to the point that nobody reached the needed 270. Which by the constitution would throw the election into congress. And it was well known that republicans on a per state level, had a significant majority
10th post
You are responding to the wrong comment.
You are also giving far too much credit to the "insurrectionists" and their grasp of electoral procedure.
You ignore that this was orchestrated from the white house, who had a complete grasp of electoral procedures, and set about three different means to send the election to congress.
1) Get Mike Pence to invalidate EC votes
2) Get insurrectionists to stop the vote count
3) Inject phony EC votes into the count
In hindsight, we all can say the Capitol building was understaffed given what happened.
"Understaffed"....is a Captain Obvious insight.
And yes, it was "a strikingly suspicious decision".

Here is the real-world reality:

  • The Capitol force was at their normal staff level for the daily tourist visits and daily operation of the Capitol campus.
  • There WAS a gathering two miles away --with a busy vehicular throughway between the Capitol and the Eclipse --- with no protest, no march, no demonstration officially announced
  • The named and official organizers of the Eclipse gathering --Republican Attorney Generals Assoc. and Turning Point, did not apply for the required permit to march.
    Rather, they were intentionally kept in the dark about the plans to 'spontaneously' announce a march from the Eclipse stage.
    People within the circle of Trump enablers knew this plan to announce a march, and they discussed among themselves to keep it on the down-low (testimony from the J6 Committee revealed that)
  • Applying for a march permit would have alerted the DC Metropolitan Police, the Parks police, the Capitol Police, and other law enforcement. And that 'notice' would have allowed them to staff up, to fortify entry barricades, and erect traffic-control fencing.
  • In short, the march by thousand to the Capitol was an illegal march. And Trump and his enablers secretly planned it, and kept notice of it away from proper law enforcement.
  • The too obvious question must be asked: WHY....did they want a Capitol Police force staffed only at normal daily levels .... and not re-enforced?
    Same with the other police agencies of that jurisdiction?

    Trump and his enablers, for some reason, WANTED them unprepared. Hence.....the illegal surprise march against a staff that was not given notice of it.

    And thus America had this terrible day that will live in infamy.

Hahah... the level of delusion is strong here.
Not one
Not Two
But Three
Three different law enforcement agencies sent notice to capitol police that social media activity was - quote - "very high" showing a large planned protest on January 6th. Then they also informed them that they positively investigated several organized posts about creating havoc at the capital building.
Your TDS TRUMP!! TRUMP!! TRUMP!! is ridiculous and laughably delusional.
Keep a guy in prison in isolation for a couple of years and he is liable to testify to anything. What did the "justice " Dept offer him to testify? I wonder if "justice" put the murdering Capital Cop on the stand if he would testify that deadly force was justified in a misdemeanor violation?
15th post
I wonder if "justice" put the murdering Capital Cop on the stand if he would testify that deadly force was justified in a misdemeanor violation?
Deadly force is never authorized against a misdemeanor, but Ashli Babbitt made the mistake of using force to breech a restricted protectee zone (a felony), with imminent danger of doing harm to the congressional members inside by either letting in the mob, or from whatever weapons or instruments she carried in her backpack.
Trump supporters have repeatedly claimed that January 6th was no an insurrection, yet this is coming straight from the horse's mouth. How much more evidence is needed as to the intentions of the capital rioters, especially when it's coming from the Proud Boys who practically the equivalent of Saddam's Republican Guard?

WASHINGTON—Members of the far-right Proud Boys were preparing for “all-out revolution” days before the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol and eyeing the potential for supporters of then-President Donald Trump to violently oppose the peaceful transfer of power, a former leader of the group testified Wednesday.

Jeremy Bertino, 43 years old, took the stand as a star witness for the Justice Department in its trial against former Proud Boys leader Enrique Tarrio and four other members of the group who were charged last year with seditious conspiracy in connection with the Jan. 6 attack. All five have pleaded not guilty to that and all other charges.

And when conservatives talk about a 'revolution' or 'civil war', they're describing attacking cops, targeting law enforcement, and doxxing their families.

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