Ex-Proud Boy Testifies Group Sought ‘All-Out Revolution’ in Capitol Riot

Governors have nothing to do with presidential elections outside of certifying the electoral votes from their states.

The whole idea was to through either stopping Mike Pence, or having Pence declare electoral votes invalid, or by republicans (136 in the house) objecting to the validity of electoral votes from the swing states, or from the confusion of two sets of electors (that they tried to give to Pence) from those states, throwing their votes into doubt.

All in all, the three prong approach to invalidating the electoral votes to the point that nobody reached the needed 270. Which by the constitution would throw the election into congress. And it was well known that republicans on a per state level, had a significant majority

Governors are the next layer of executive authority, and would be the next barrier in any attempt at a takeover or holding of the federal government.

And most of those efforts (all via governmental processes) had nothing to do with Jan 6th except in addled minds like yours.
And when conservatives talk about a 'revolution' or 'civil war', they're describing attacking cops, targeting law enforcement, and doxxing their families.

At the local level most of law enforcement would be on our side, not yours.
And yet it didn't happen, and yet the vote was delayed around a 1/3 of a day, and yet the only person shot was an unarmed protester.

And yet he left office two weeks later.

What a bunch of thought game SJW/prog bullshit pretending to be some weird "reality" that only exists in your dime store minds.
The live in”what if” instead of the fact reality of what is or what did.
At the local level most of law enforcement would be on our side, not yours.

Most of local law enforcement would be the law's side. And not domestic terrorists targeting law enforcement.

Which is what y'all are advocating with every call for your 'civil war'.

Tim McVeigh and Ricky Shiffer are the poster children for your 'civil war'. Attacking cops, killing kids, attacking federal buildings.

If you believe LEO are gonna run to AID you as you do more of the same........you're sadly deluded.
Governors are the next layer of executive authority, and would be the next barrier in any attempt at a takeover or holding of the federal government.
Governors have to accept the results of a federal determination (ie from congress).

They have no power to oppose the elected government except through insurrection. (see 1863 for examples)
Yes, and guns, fire extinguishers, bats, flags poles. That kind of stuff

Did you actually not know this?

What guns?

I'm not talking 3-4 guys caught with guns, I'm talking about organized armed people with weapons able to keep and hold the building AND the congresspeople in it long enough to get done what your delusions tell you was happening.
WHERE WAS THE ACTUAL MECHANISM?..... I'm sure your miniscule dick is in your hand right now* ......
As I explained. If the count could be stopped, then those "others" would be the republican representatives in congress., who by state, outnumbered the democrats.
Which by the constitution would throw the election into congress. And it was well known that republicans on a per state level, had a significant majority

And, of note.....the then President of the United States America, Don Trump....would have agreed with poster 'Meaner Gene's suggestion.
Here is what Trump proposed just a couple of weeks before the January 6th insurrection unfolded:

"Former President Donald Trump pressured acting Attorney General Jeffrey Rosen to declare that the election was corrupt in an attempt to help Republican members of Congress try to overturn the election result, according to notes of a December 2020 call Trump held with Rosen and acting deputy attorney general Richard Donoghue.

During the December 27, 2020, call, Trump pressured Rosen and Donoghue to falsely declare the election “illegal” and “corrupt” even after the Justice Department had not uncovered evidence of widespread voter fraud.

“Just say that the election was corrupt + leave the rest to me and the R. Congressmen, Trump said on the call, according to Donoghue’s notes.

Donoghue’s contemporaneous notes were provided to the House Oversight Committee from call the Trump held with Rosen and Donoghue, who took over the top spots at DOJ in the final weeks of Trump’s presidency following the resignation of Attorney General William Barr.

The notes are the latest evidence of Trump’s efforts to pressure the Justice Department to support his false claims of election fraud as he tried to overturn his November loss to Joe Biden.


* "I'm sure your miniscule dick is in your hand right now"

Look, son, if you are unable, unwilling, or simply do not.......act like an educated adult who was instructed by quality parents.....then why are you on an adult discussion venue?

You make your avatar look foolish.
You make your parents look unqualified and ineffective.
You look under-educated.
Why do you do that?

You should, by now, be able to conduct your responses ---and your queries ---with the demeanor and gravitas that befits an adult who has something to say in a venue such as this.

Strive to be better.
Most of local law enforcement would be the law's side. And not domestic terrorists targeting law enforcement.

Which is what y'all are advocating with every call for your 'civil war'.

Tim McVeigh and Ricky Shiffer are the poster children for your 'civil war'. Attacking cops, killing kids, attacking federal buildings.

If you believe LEO are gonna run to AID you as you do more of the same........you're sadly deluded.

The same law your side keeps trying to demonize, defund and make their jobs impossible?

Nice try linking me to WP nutjobs, and pathetic at that.
Governors have to accept the results of a federal determination (ie from congress).

They have no power to oppose the elected government except through insurrection. (see 1863 for examples)

You are supposing a coup attempt, I'm telling you it's next to impossible because of the divided government authority given to us by the Constitution and federalism.

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