Ex-Clinton Ally Axelrod To Hillary: ' Comey Didn't Tell You NOT To Campaign in Wisconsin'


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Recently Hillary Clinton, in an attempt to stay relevant', declared she is now part of the Trump 'Resistance'. In that speech she also declared she was taking responsibility / ownership of her 2016 Presidential election loss....right before blaming FBI Director Comey...again.

President Trump, as usual, could not help 'Tweeting' a response, pointing out that while FBI Director Comey did not help Hillary's election bid, he (Obama, & US AG Lynch) did protect her from going to jail.

"FBI Director Comey was the best thing that ever happened to Hillary Clinton in that he gave her a free pass for many bad deeds! The phony…
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)
May 3, 2017"

Several responses to Hillary's repeated blaming of Comey for her loss more appropriately addressed why she REALLY lost:

Out of 137+ million votes, 2016 POTUS came down to 77,700 votes in MI, PA,& WI. You can list two dozen factors that made the difference.
— Larry Sabato (@LarrySabato)
May 3, 2017

Ex-Clinton associate David Axelrod also pointed out that it was not FBI Director Comey who told Hillary not to campaign in Wisconsin and to pretty much ignore those states.

"They (The Clinton Campaign Team) knew they were weak in Michigan and Wisconsin so they didn’t campaign there. Better to let sleeping dogs lie, they thought, and hope that voters would vote their usual Democratic way out of habit rather than try to compete there aggressively and risk waking up the locals to how awful Hillary was. Add that to the big pile of things that also aren’t Jim Comey’s fault."

David Axelrod to Hillary Clinton: Jim Comey didn’t tell you not to campaign in Wisconsin - Hot Air

The sad thing is all the snowflakes and radical Left Wingers are / have been so deluded they can not be honest with themselves.

The Truth is:

1. Hillary was the worst candidate to run for President in US history.
- She was so bad the Democratic Party had to rig their primaries, engage in election fraud during those primaries, and cheated during debates to help Hillary beat Sanders for the DNC Nomination.

2. Hillary's Election Staff ran a HORRIBLE campaign. Completely giving up / refusing to campaign in states? Seriously? Her and her staff's obvious ego / belief that those state residents would simply vote for her because she was / is 'Hillary' and took for granted that these 'rubes' would just vote 'Democrat' as they had always done bit her in the ass.

3. Hillary Clinton's name should never have been on the ballot on election day, being under MULTIPLE on-going FBI investigations in the days leading up to the election.
- Again, if snowflakes are honest with themselves they would admit that the Democrats and their 'All-In' media would have NEVER have allowed a Republican in the same situation stay in the race and on the ballot.

Hillary just needs to realize she is DONE politically. It's over. The best thing she can do is just go away, avoid the media / limelight, and slip quietly out of the public eye - Just Go Away.

Thank you for the example of how Democrats think voters are just STUPID and take them for granted, which is in large part while they LOST and keep on losing. Keep that attitude - it seems to be working so well for you snowflakes. It worked for Hillary in Wisconsin, didn't it... :p
Recently Hillary Clinton, in an attempt to stay relevant', declared she is now part of the Trump 'Resistance'. In that speech she also declared she was taking responsibility / ownership of her 2016 Presidential election loss....right before blaming FBI Director Comey...again.

President Trump, as usual, could not help 'Tweeting' a response, pointing out that while FBI Director Comey did not help Hillary's election bid, he (Obama, & US AG Lynch) did protect her from going to jail.

"FBI Director Comey was the best thing that ever happened to Hillary Clinton in that he gave her a free pass for many bad deeds! The phony…
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)
May 3, 2017"

Several responses to Hillary's repeated blaming of Comey for her loss more appropriately addressed why she REALLY lost:

Out of 137+ million votes, 2016 POTUS came down to 77,700 votes in MI, PA,& WI. You can list two dozen factors that made the difference.
— Larry Sabato (@LarrySabato)
May 3, 2017

Ex-Clinton associate David Axelrod also pointed out that it was not FBI Director Comey who told Hillary not to campaign in Wisconsin and to pretty much ignore those states.

"They (The Clinton Campaign Team) knew they were weak in Michigan and Wisconsin so they didn’t campaign there. Better to let sleeping dogs lie, they thought, and hope that voters would vote their usual Democratic way out of habit rather than try to compete there aggressively and risk waking up the locals to how awful Hillary was. Add that to the big pile of things that also aren’t Jim Comey’s fault."

David Axelrod to Hillary Clinton: Jim Comey didn’t tell you not to campaign in Wisconsin - Hot Air

The sad thing is all the snowflakes and radical Left Wingers are / have been so deluded they can not be honest with themselves.

The Truth is:

1. Hillary was the worst candidate to run for President in US history.
- She was so bad the Democratic Party had to rig their primaries, engage in election fraud during those primaries, and cheated during debates to help Hillary beat Sanders for the DNC Nomination.

2. Hillary's Election Staff ran a HORRIBLE campaign. Completely giving up / refusing to campaign in states? Seriously? Her and her staff's obvious ego / belief that those state residents would simply vote for her because she was / is 'Hillary' and took for granted that these 'rubes' would just vote 'Democrat' as they had always done bit her in the ass.

3. Hillary Clinton's name should never have been on the ballot on election day, being under MULTIPLE on-going FBI investigations in the days leading up to the election.
- Again, if snowflakes are honest with themselves they would admit that the Democrats and their 'All-In' media would have NEVER have allowed a Republican in the same situation stay in the race and on the ballot.

Hillary just needs to realize she is DONE politically. It's over. The best thing she can do is just go away, avoid the media / limelight, and slip quietly out of the public eye - Just Go Away.
Part of the new book on the Clinton campaign that just came out said she LOST Michigan primary because her campaign manager thought she spent TOO MUCH time there....thank god for idiots running her campaign!

The woman responds by saying:

"It's simple. Your party was exposed by their own e-mails as racists, sexists, homophobes, and anti-Semites who tried to force us - the American people - to have to accept sexual deviants being allowed to go into the bathrooms with our little girls / children...whose candidate was an enabler for a career-long sexual harasser, sexual assaulter, rapist, and pedophile.

Your candidate was the worst Presidential candidate in US history. She was so bad that her party had to cheat and steal the primaries for her to defeat an old Socialist Party member. In the days leading up to the election she was allowed to remain in the race despite being under multiple FBI investigations, the outcomes of which she was obviously being protected from by the sitting President, his corrupt US Attorney General, and the director of the FBI.

Your candidate completely ignored our state. Since she didn't bother to come to Wisconsin for me, I didn't bother to go to the polls for her.

Now get the hell off my property before I demonstrate my support for the Constitutional Right to bear arms, you damn snowflake!"

:whip: :lmao:
Recently Hillary Clinton, in an attempt to stay relevant', declared she is now part of the Trump 'Resistance'. In that speech she also declared she was taking responsibility / ownership of her 2016 Presidential election loss....right before blaming FBI Director Comey...again.

President Trump, as usual, could not help 'Tweeting' a response, pointing out that while FBI Director Comey did not help Hillary's election bid, he (Obama, & US AG Lynch) did protect her from going to jail.

"FBI Director Comey was the best thing that ever happened to Hillary Clinton in that he gave her a free pass for many bad deeds! The phony…
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)
May 3, 2017"

Several responses to Hillary's repeated blaming of Comey for her loss more appropriately addressed why she REALLY lost:

Out of 137+ million votes, 2016 POTUS came down to 77,700 votes in MI, PA,& WI. You can list two dozen factors that made the difference.
— Larry Sabato (@LarrySabato)
May 3, 2017

Ex-Clinton associate David Axelrod also pointed out that it was not FBI Director Comey who told Hillary not to campaign in Wisconsin and to pretty much ignore those states.

"They (The Clinton Campaign Team) knew they were weak in Michigan and Wisconsin so they didn’t campaign there. Better to let sleeping dogs lie, they thought, and hope that voters would vote their usual Democratic way out of habit rather than try to compete there aggressively and risk waking up the locals to how awful Hillary was. Add that to the big pile of things that also aren’t Jim Comey’s fault."

David Axelrod to Hillary Clinton: Jim Comey didn’t tell you not to campaign in Wisconsin - Hot Air

The sad thing is all the snowflakes and radical Left Wingers are / have been so deluded they can not be honest with themselves.

The Truth is:

1. Hillary was the worst candidate to run for President in US history.
- She was so bad the Democratic Party had to rig their primaries, engage in election fraud during those primaries, and cheated during debates to help Hillary beat Sanders for the DNC Nomination.

2. Hillary's Election Staff ran a HORRIBLE campaign. Completely giving up / refusing to campaign in states? Seriously? Her and her staff's obvious ego / belief that those state residents would simply vote for her because she was / is 'Hillary' and took for granted that these 'rubes' would just vote 'Democrat' as they had always done bit her in the ass.

3. Hillary Clinton's name should never have been on the ballot on election day, being under MULTIPLE on-going FBI investigations in the days leading up to the election.
- Again, if snowflakes are honest with themselves they would admit that the Democrats and their 'All-In' media would have NEVER have allowed a Republican in the same situation stay in the race and on the ballot.

Hillary just needs to realize she is DONE politically. It's over. The best thing she can do is just go away, avoid the media / limelight, and slip quietly out of the public eye - Just Go Away.
Part of the new book on the Clinton campaign that just came out said she LOST Michigan primary because her campaign manager thought she spent TOO MUCH time there....thank god for idiots running her campaign!

Yeah, they immediately saw she wasn't getting much traction, so they advised she just abandon it. Those advisors were worth every dime she paid them. :p

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