Evidence of Sharia in the US?

9:29. Fight against those who (1) believe not in Allah, (2) nor in the Last Day, (3) nor forbid that which has been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger (4) and those who acknowledge not the religion of truth (i.e. Islam) among the people of the Scripture (Jews and Christians), until they pay the Jizyah with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued.

Reprisal from offending Muslim is the basis for the muslims ifidel relationship in sharia
Terrorism works

So Yale University and Yale University Press consulted two dozen authorities, including diplomats and experts on Islam and counterterrorism, and the recommendation was unanimous: The book, “The Cartoons That Shook the World,” should not include the 12 Danish drawings that originally appeared in September 2005. What’s more, they suggested that the Yale press also refrain from publishing any other illustrations of the prophet that were to be included, specifically, a drawing for a children’s book; an Ottoman print; and a sketch by the 19th-century artist Gustave Doré of Muhammad being tormented in Hell, an episode from Dante’s “Inferno” that has been depicted by Botticelli, Blake, Rodin and Dalí.


Islam has no prohibition on touching plastic yet.
Muslims are treated with special care even when there claims are ridicules .

Target shifts Muslims who won’t ring up pork

MINNEAPOLIS — Muslim cashiers at some local Target stores who object to ringing up products that contain pork are being shifted to other positions where they don’t need to, the discount retailer said Saturday.
The Star Tribune reported this past week that some Muslim cashiers at local Targets had declined to scan pork products such as bacon because doing so would conflict with their religious beliefs. They would ask other cashiers to ring up such purchases, or sometimes customers would scan those items themselves, the newspaper reported.
Minneapolis-based Target Corp. has now offered its local Muslim cashiers who object to handling pork the option of wearing gloves while cashiering, shifting to other positions or transferring to other nearby stores.

Target shifts Muslims who won?t sell pork - Business - U.S. business - msnbc.com
Attorney: Acquitted Christian missionaries plan to sue Dearborn over arrests at Arab festival
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fEPod-hxD7g&feature=related]YouTube - Arab Festival 2009: Sharia in the US[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Smw9QuH1xkA]YouTube - Arab Festival 2010: Dearborn Police Defending Islam against the Constitution[/ame]
Attorney: Acquitted Christian missionaries plan to sue Dearborn over arrests at Arab festival | MLive.com

As if Western non-Muslims, not Islamic jihadists, who are responsible for the link between Islam and terrorist violence

OIC calls for urgent collective measures against Islamophobia
By Habib Shaikh
JEDDAH - Foreign ministers of the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) have called upon the international community to make collective efforts to prevent incitement to hatred and discrimination against Muslims and to take effective measures to discourage negative stereotyping of people on the basis of religion, faith or race, according to an official source at the OIC on Sunday.
Saudi Gazette - OIC calls for urgent collective measures against Islamophobia

Follow the Islamic way to save the world,' Prince Charles urges environmentalists
Prince Charles yesterday urged the world to follow Islamic 'spiritual principles' in order to protect the environment.

In an hour-long speech, the heir to the throne argued that man's destruction of the world was contrary to the scriptures of all religions - but particularly those of Islam.
'Follow the Islamic way to save the world,' Charles urges environmentalists | Mail Online

Particularity stupid in light of Islams history

…at the time of the conquest, Palestine was inhabited by Jews and Christians….The Arab tribes were to be found in the border areas, in keeping with arrangements made with the Byzantine rulers….

one can assume that the local population suffered immensely during the course of the war [i.e., jihad conquests] and it is very likely that many villages were destroyed and uprooted in the frontier regions, and that the lot of these local populations was very bitter indeed.

It appears that the period of the conquest was also that of the destruction of the synagogues and churches of the Byzantine era, remnants of which have been unearthed in our own time and are still being discovered.

The assumption is based both on what is said in a few Christian sources…and on Muslim sources describing ‘Umar’s [Umar b. al-Khattab] visits to al-Sham. There is no doubt that one of the main purposes of these visits was to establish order and put an end to the devastation and slaughter of the local population…Towns in the western strip and the central strip (the region of the red sand hills and the swamps) in the Sharon, decreased from fifty-eight to seventeen !

It is estimated that the erosion of the soil from the western slopes of the Judaean mountains reached – as a result of the agricultural uprooting during the Muslim period – the gigantic extent of 2,000 to 4,000 cubic meters….

We find direct evidence of the destruction of agriculture and the desertion of the villages in the fact that the papyri of Nessana are completely discontinued after the year 700. One can assume that at the time the inhabitants abandoned the place, evidently because of the inter-tribal warfare among the Arabs which completely undermined the internal security of the area


Campbell Company of Canada
These products are certified by the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), the largest non-profit, religious, educational, and non-political Islamic organization in North America. ISNA's Halal Certification Program was established in conjunction with professionals in the field of Islamic foods and nutrition, and with Islamic scholars. The program includes the review of ingredients, formulas, manufacturing and sanitation processes.

Enforces extremist Wahhabi theological writ in America’s mosques

Established in 1981 by the Saudi-funded Muslim Students’ Association of the U.S. and Canada (MSA), the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) calls itself the largest Muslim organization on the continent. ISNA was created by MSA with the help of one of Palestinian Islamic Jihad's founding students, Sami Al-Arian.

I could do this day and night for months and it would not one bit of difference to you,
invincible ignorance is your guide.
None of that is evidence that Sharia is affecting our laws.

Now remember that's our laws not private companies, not Canada and a couple nutty groups or people saying they want it counts for jack shit.

Also Congress passes non-binding resolutions in support of random stuff all the time, it means nothing (although they should stop endorsing religion anyway).
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It is not really necessary to state you dont believe it and dont see it.
We know.

Advocates of Anti-Shariah Measures Alarmed by Judge's Ruling
By Maxim Lott
Published August 05, 2010 | FoxNews.com
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A New Jersey family court judge's decision not to grant a restraining order to a woman who was sexually abused by her Moroccan husband and forced repeatedly to have sex with him is sounding the alarm for advocates of laws designed to ban Shariah in America.

Judge Joseph Charles, in denying the restraining order to the woman after her divorce, ruled that her ex-husband felt he had behaved according to his Muslim beliefs -- and that he did not have "criminal desire to or intent to sexually assault" his wife.

According to the court record, the man's wife -- a Moroccan woman who had recently immigrated to the U.S. at the time of the attacks -- alleged:

"Defendant forced plaintiff to have sex with him while she cried. Plaintiff testified that defendant always told her "this is according to our religion. You are my wife, I c[an] do anything to you. The woman, she should submit and do anything I ask her to do."

Advocates of Anti-Shariah Measures Alarmed by Judge's Ruling - FoxNews.com

“This is a ruling that is strictly in line with Islamic law, which does indeed declare that a wife may not refuse her husband sex under virtually any circumstances,” Spencer said. “The only legal framework that would not consider marital rape to be sexual assault is Shariah.”
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Good morning everyone.

Well I see no one has come up with anything concerning the creeping sharia boogey man.

Maybe he went back into the swamp and hid during the night. :cool:

Every muslim who comes to north america is part of the creeping sharia law. I'm sure a lot of you in the US already follow sharia law in your own communities. Personally, you can all chop each other's hand off if you want, and stone all the fornicators, makes no diff to me.
I see people on the news, on the radio, and on this board almost every day, warning of Sharia law in the US.

What evidence of this "creeping Sharia" is there?

Let's attempt to leave the "libruls love muslims and hate america and want sharia" garbage at the door, please.

Are you people REALLY this stupid? Look to Canada, Britain, and other Countries. Just because we do not have it NOW does not mean that is not the goal. In every Country they immigrate to as they gain in numbers they demand it. Do you honestly think the US is somehow immune to this? Point out for me where anyone has said it exists NOW? What we say is that is the GOAL and is proven by the actions of Muslims in other Countries. Fitnah has provided examples of Statements that prove this point.
:lol: You and your ilk have been trying to implement Biblical law since the beginning of time. It isn't going to happen and neither is this.
Following sharia law in your personal life and home.

Is totally different than having the government declare it the law of the land.

So there's a lot of hand chopping going on in the muslim community of the US? Didn't know that. Do they all wear a fake hand or something? because I don't think I've ever seen a one handed arab in north america or europe.
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Following sharia law in your personal life and home.

Is totally different than having the government declare it the law of the land.

Was that the case with the example given above where that man raped his wife?
Following sharia law in your personal life and home.

Is totally different than having the government declare it the law of the land.
This was the standard

The Muslim Brotherhood "must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and 'sabotaging' its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and God's religion is made victorious over all other religions." -- "An Explanatory Memorandum on the General Strategic Goal for the Brotherhood in North America," by Mohamed Akram, May 19, 1991.

Courts rule in favor of cases fraudulently brought by muslims
Companies now just go along rather than have to deal with the expense of a trial .

Does Islam prohibit touching plastic?
Following sharia law in your personal life and home.

Is totally different than having the government declare it the law of the land.

Was that the case with the example given above where that man raped his wife?
The judge was clearly in error, as a state appeals court two months ago reversed his decision. The man's religious beliefs, the court ruled, do not exempt him from state laws. Thus ended the one and only instance of stealth sharia that anyone has been able to find.
Andrew Silow-Carroll, the editor in chief of the New Jersey Jewish News, cited that case in a column last month blasting Gingrich's "sharia-phobia." Silow-Carroll pointed out two things: First, the system worked -- the judge made a boneheaded call, and he was overturned. Second, our system already allows some civil matters -- but not crimes -- to be settled through other means of arbitration. "Among those alternative mechanisms is the beit din, or rabbinic law court," Silow-Carroll wrote. "Every day, Jews go before batei din to arbitrate real estate deals, nasty divorces and business disputes."
Eugene Robinson - Sharia as the new red menace?
Following sharia law in your personal life and home.

Is totally different than having the government declare it the law of the land.

So there's a lot of hand chopping going on in the muslim community of the US? Didn't know that. Do they all wear a fake hand or something? because I don't think I've ever seen a one handed arab in north america or europe.

Do a lot of stonings in your personal life too?
I see people on the news, on the radio, and on this board almost every day, warning of Sharia law in the US.

What evidence of this "creeping Sharia" is there?

Let's attempt to leave the "libruls love muslims and hate america and want sharia" garbage at the door, please.

Whenever this "creeping Sharia" cliche comes up, I just like to say "Beth Din". :thup:

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