Evidence of CIA role in forging Obama's birth certificate

Sooner or later the CIA will show proof and sooner or later the CIA will have to come out and admit it in public because the CIA are a bunch of FK UPS............

Sooner or later you and Alex Jones will be sharing a padded room in a sanitarium.

LMAO you couldn't resist this one I just knew it ehhehee. Orrrrrr sooner or later you might get your head out of your ass bahahhaa,
Bombshell: Evidence of CIA Role in Forging Obama’s Birth Certificate
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Infowars.com has learned former Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s investigators had discovered bombshell evidence that the CIA and or other government entities illegally hacked into Hawaii Department of Health records searching for birth records on Barack Obama.
Bombshell: Evidence of CIA Role in Forging Obama’s Birth Certificate

Well we know where this is going to end up ............................. the evidence is there the dumbasses of the world just don't want to accept the fact they put a piece of shit liar and tratior in office and the asshole ran this Country into the ground............... FACE IT!!

and no MSM won't put it out there until it swarms bad enough they have no choice and then their LEFTIST WRITER RETARDS will put their own spin on it just like the Obama assholes will do on here lmfao.

Ok fk nuts hammer away i'm expecting it.

Well there should be some juicy attacks coming from this one lmfao.

Laughing......and the evidence that the CIA hacked into the department of Health of Hawaii's records is.....what?

Also, how do you 'hack into' original paper records that match the electronic records exactly?

You really didn't think this through, did you?

Sooner or later the CIA will show proof and sooner or later the CIA will have to come out and admit it in public because the CIA are a bunch of FK UPS............... Not all just the ones who work for the Obama assholes and Clinton ass holes and they are still in full force as we speak they are known as the DEEP STATE..........

Research ENEMIES FROM WITH IN you might learn something and your Parental Gov. doesn't have their heads up the asses of the American people where the American ppl have their asses so far up the Gov. they can't see what's right in front of them.

the mantra of Birthers: Any day now.......(repeat for 8 years.....then repeat for another 8 years)
Obama did tell his publisher that he was "born in Kenya"

He states it clearly in a video of one of his speeches as Gov. at the time. These dumb fks just don't bother to listen to it. They can't stand to face how stupid they really are. lol
Bombshell: Evidence of CIA Role in Forging Obama’s Birth Certificate
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Infowars.com has learned former Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s investigators had discovered bombshell evidence that the CIA and or other government entities illegally hacked into Hawaii Department of Health records searching for birth records on Barack Obama.
Bombshell: Evidence of CIA Role in Forging Obama’s Birth Certificate

Well we know where this is going to end up ............................. the evidence is there the dumbasses of the world just don't want to accept the fact they put a piece of shit liar and tratior in office and the asshole ran this Country into the ground............... FACE IT!!

and no MSM won't put it out there until it swarms bad enough they have no choice and then their LEFTIST WRITER RETARDS will put their own spin on it just like the Obama assholes will do on here lmfao.

Ok fk nuts hammer away i'm expecting it.

Well there should be some juicy attacks coming from this one lmfao.

is there anything you won't make up?
I knew it. God bless Sheriff Arpaio and lead investigator Mike Zullo for their patriotic diligence in solving this issue. What you're about to read is astonishing about how corrupt the FBI and CIA is.

Read the whole article.
Bombshell: Evidence of CIA Role in Forging Obama’s Birth Certificate

Laughing....yeah, Sherriff Joe already tossed his 'source' under the bus, calling his materials 'junk'.

On the stand, Deputy Sheridan said Mr. Montgomery had “pulled data from American citizens for the C.I.A.,” an assertion that the agency has denied.

When Judge Snow suggested that the materials provided by Mr. Montgomery were “junk,” Deputy Sheridan and Sheriff Arpaio agreed.

Twists Outnumber Judges (So Far) in Case Against Arizona Sheriff

But the birthers swallowed it anyway.
Bombshell: Evidence of CIA Role in Forging Obama’s Birth Certificate
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Infowars.com has learned former Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s investigators had discovered bombshell evidence that the CIA and or other government entities illegally hacked into Hawaii Department of Health records searching for birth records on Barack Obama.
Bombshell: Evidence of CIA Role in Forging Obama’s Birth Certificate

Well we know where this is going to end up ............................. the evidence is there the dumbasses of the world just don't want to accept the fact they put a piece of shit liar and tratior in office and the asshole ran this Country into the ground............... FACE IT!!

and no MSM won't put it out there until it swarms bad enough they have no choice and then their LEFTIST WRITER RETARDS will put their own spin on it just like the Obama assholes will do on here lmfao.

Ok fk nuts hammer away i'm expecting it.

Well there should be some juicy attacks coming from this one lmfao.

is there anything you won't make up?

MW isn't that creative. He will, however, ape whatever Alex Jones tells him to think. It doesn't take much creativity to mindlessly repeat nonsense conspiracy theories. Just a metric fuckton of gullibility.
Sooner or later the CIA will show proof and sooner or later the CIA will have to come out and admit it in public because the CIA are a bunch of FK UPS............

Sooner or later you and Alex Jones will be sharing a padded room in a sanitarium.

LMAO you couldn't resist this one I just knew it ehhehee. Orrrrrr sooner or later you might get your head out of your ass bahahhaa,

Obama did tell his publisher that he was "born in Kenya"

Says who?

Not the publisher. Not Obama. So who, pray tell, are you quoting?

The publisher supposedly picked a country, at random and arrived at Kenya and never even bothered to have their unpublished author proof the material.


and somehow, she's still his publisher

Obama did tell his publisher that he was "born in Kenya"

Holy fuck, dude....really? You suck at video editing. The audio doesn't match the video. Here's the unedited original from a 2009 speech talk to students in Istanbul.

Notice the high resolution, the clean audio that matches the people speaking and none of your made up editing. And here's the transcript:

Obama Holds a Town Hall in Istanbul

Nothing you've claimed. If your argument had merit, you wouldn't have had to lie.
Obama did tell his publisher that he was "born in Kenya"

He states it clearly in a video of one of his speeches as Gov. at the time. These dumb fks just don't bother to listen to it. They can't stand to face how stupid they really are. lol

Obama was never a governor

Oh yeah my bad SENATOR is what I meant.

No, your bad for lying with your poorly edited video. The original proves you a liar as does the transcript.

Ladies and Gentlemen.....MW just proved what a conspiracy theorist is worth.
Obama did tell his publisher that he was "born in Kenya"

Says who?

Not the publisher. Not Obama. So who, pray tell, are you quoting?

The publisher supposedly picked a country, at random and arrived at Kenya and never even bothered to have their unpublished author proof the material.


and somehow, she's still his publisher


Laughing....that's not a quote, Frank. Who claims that Obama told the publisher he was born in Kenya. Its not the publisher. Its not Obama.

Who then?

Isn't it funny how easy you run from your own claims when anyone asks you to back them up with evidence....or to simply name your source?
Obama did tell his publisher that he was "born in Kenya"

Says who?

Not the publisher. Not Obama. So who, pray tell, are you quoting?

The publisher supposedly picked a country, at random and arrived at Kenya and never even bothered to have their unpublished author proof the material.


and somehow, she's still his publisher


And by "The publisher supposedly picked a country, at random and arrived at Kenya"

You mean 'according to Frank- who has never spoken with her.

The reality is- despite how many times you repeat your lies about Obama saying he was born in Kenya- it is still just your repeated lies.

Because Birthers got to lie, lie, lie.
Obama did tell his publisher that he was "born in Kenya"

Holy fuck, dude....really? You suck at video editing. The audio doesn't match the video. Here's the unedited original from a 2009 speech talk to students in Istanbul.

Notice the high resolution, the clean audio that matches the people speaking and none of your made up editing. And here's the transcript:

Obama Holds a Town Hall in Istanbul

Nothing you've claimed. If your argument had merit, you wouldn't have had to lie.

Birthers got to lie, lie, lie
Sooner or later the CIA will show proof and sooner or later the CIA will have to come out and admit it in public because the CIA are a bunch of FK UPS............

Sooner or later you and Alex Jones will be sharing a padded room in a sanitarium.

LMAO you couldn't resist this one I just knew it ehhehee. Orrrrrr sooner or later you might get your head out of your ass bahahhaa,


Obama didn't write that. Miriam Goderich did.

"This was nothing more than a fact checking error by me--an agency assistant at the time," Goderich wrote in an emailed statement to Yahoo News. "There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii. I hope you can communicate to your readers that this was a simple mistake and nothing more."

‘Born in Kenya’: Obama’s literary agent misidentified his birthplace in 1991

Miriam Goderich says that the error was hers.

So, Frank....who says that Obama told his publisher he was born in Kenya? Name your source. Or keep running. Either works for me.

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