Everytime you see someone say/show they don't love america show them this please.


Diamond Member
May 2, 2021
If you're ever online or talking to someone that turns their back on the flag/national anthem, says our country is racist, says they don't like white people, they are opressed, or basically anything that is negative about america then I implore you to show them this video.

The poor are oppressed, doesn't matter what their color of skin.
or basically anything that is negative about america then I implore you to show them this video.
I love America and capitalism and the constitution. But I don't like unfettered capitalism, the gross hatred between the right and left and changing of voting laws to favor specific demographics.

Your premise that many of these people would want to, or can even afford to, leave the country is quite unfounded.
or basically anything that is negative about america then I implore you to show them this video.
I love America and capitalism and the constitution. But I don't like unfettered capitalism, the gross hatred between the right and left and changing of voting laws to favor specific demographics.

Your premise that many of these people would want to, or can even afford to, leave the country is quite unfounded.
The only reason why you dont like unfettered, is because the Progressive Marxists have been demonizing it since before you were born. Think about if you develop a product people love, and you want to make lots of money in your venture. Why the fuck should the government be there telling you what taxes you should pay or how you should run it....
or basically anything that is negative about america then I implore you to show them this video.
I love America and capitalism and the constitution. But I don't like unfettered capitalism, the gross hatred between the right and left and changing of voting laws to favor specific demographics.

Your premise that many of these people would want to, or can even afford to, leave the country is quite unfounded.
The only reason why you dont like unfettered, is because the Progressive Marxists have been demonizing it since before you were born. Think about if you develop a product people love, and you want to make lots of money in your venture. Why the fuck should the government be there telling you what taxes you should pay or how you should run it....
So you want to defund the police and the firemen!!
or basically anything that is negative about america then I implore you to show them this video.
I love America and capitalism and the constitution. But I don't like unfettered capitalism, the gross hatred between the right and left and changing of voting laws to favor specific demographics.

Your premise that many of these people would want to, or can even afford to, leave the country is quite unfounded.
The only reason why you dont like unfettered, is because the Progressive Marxists have been demonizing it since before you were born. Think about if you develop a product people love, and you want to make lots of money in your venture. Why the fuck should the government be there telling you what taxes you should pay or how you should run it....
So you want to defund the police and the firemen!!
Back in the day before the government decided to rob people of their hard earned monies and give it to lazy slobs like you, people actually had to pay for their services. So if you wanted fire protection, then you paid the local fire department and they put plaque on your house showing you were a responsible homeowner. But those fucking liberals, always screwing over their neighbors and local fireman, decided that they didnt want to pay, so when their house burned down, they bitched and moaned that the firefighters should of stopped the fire on the liberals house. We see the actions of the asshole progressives today, how they go out and panhandle up to $80,000 a year, pay no federal taxes , yet want rich people to pay for the roads that they panhandle on. We went to war with England on a 3cent tax on tea, pretty soon the progressives are going to push for another war....
The only reason why you dont like unfettered, is because the Progressive Marxists have been demonizing it since before you were born. Think about if you develop a product people love, and you want to make lots of money in your venture. Why the fuck should the government be there telling you what taxes you should pay or how you should run it....
In Florida a lead smelting company exposed workers for years to levels of lead in the air that were hundreds of times too high"

A multistory Miami condo collapsed due to not following building codes. 145 people are dead or missing.

Toxic water continues to pour out of a leaking phosphate retention pond into Tampa Bay.

Marxism has nothing to do with it. The government should be telling people not to run their business in a way that is destructive to others.

On balance, most poor people ought to be poor. They likely combine low intelligence, a lack of diligence, and poor decision-making abilities.

Most poor people who do not meet those unfortunate "qualifications" are not poor for long.

Because this is the land of opportunity. Which is all it ever promised us. The opportunity to succeed is coupled with the opportunity to fail.

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