Even the Founding Fathers Were Zionist!


Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2012
How "Christian Zionism" played a role in the early days of America:

Jews and the Founding of America

These Puritans viewed their emigration from England as a virtual re-enactment of the Exodus. To them, England was Egypt, the king was the Pharaoh, the Atlantic Ocean was the Red Sea, America was the Land of Israel, and the Indians were the ancient Canaanites. The Puritans were the new Israelites, entering into a new covenant with God in a new Promised Land.

Thanksgiving - first celebrated in 1621, a year after the Mayflower landed - was initially conceived as a day parallel to the Jewish Day of Atonement, Yom Kippur; it was to be a day of fasting, introspection and prayer. Writes Gabriel Sivan in The Bible and Civilization:

"No Christian community in history identified more with the People of the Book than did the early settlers of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, who believed their own lives to be a literal reenactment of the biblical drama of the Hebrew nation... these Puritans dramatized their own situation as the righteous remnant of the Church corrupted by the "Babylonian woe" and saw themselves as instruments of Divine Providence, a people chosen to build their new commonwealth on the Covenant entered into at Mount Sinai."

Jewish Symbolism in America

The Hebrew Bible also played a central role in the founding of various educational institutions including Harvard, Yale, William and Mary, Rutgers, Princeton, Brown, King's College (later to be known as Columbia), Johns Hopkins, Dartmouth etc. In virtually all of these colleges, Bible studies were required and some even adopted some Hebrew word or phrase as part of their official emblem or seal. Beneath the banner containing the Latin Lux et Veritas, the Yale seal shows an open book with the Hebrew Urim V'Timum, a part of the breastplate of the High Priest in the days of the Temple. The Columbia seal has the Hebrew name for God at the top center, with the Hebrew name for one of the angels on a banner toward the middle. Dartmouth uses the Hebrew words meaning "God Almighty" in a triangle in the upper center of its seal.


So popular was the Hebrew language in the late 17th and early 18th centuries that Harvard, Yale, Columbia, Brown, Princeton, Johns Hopkins, and the University of Pennsylvania taught courses in Hebrew - all the more remarkable because no university in England at the time offered such - and students had the option of delivering commencement speeches in Hebrew, Latin or Greek.

Many of the Founding Fathers of America were products of these universities - for example, Thomas Jefferson attended William and Mary, James Madison - Princeton, Alexander Hamilton - King's College. Thus, we can be sure that a majority of these political leaders were not only well acquainted with the contents of the Bible, but also had some working knowledge of Hebrew. Notes Abraham Katsch in The Biblical Heritage of American Democracy:

"At the time of the American Revolution, the interest in the knowledge of Hebrew was so widespread as to allow the circulation of the story that "certain members of Congress proposed that the use of English be formally prohibited in the United States, and Hebrew substituted for it."

Their biblical education colored the American founders' attitude toward not only religion and ethics, but most significantly, politics. We see them adopting the biblical motifs of the Puritans for political reasons. For example, the struggle of the ancient Hebrews against the wicked Pharaoh came to embody the struggle of the colonists against English tyranny. Numerous examples can be found which clearly illustrate to what a significant extent the political struggles of the colonies were identified with the ancient Hebrews:

-The first design for the official seal of the United States recommended by Benjamin Franklin, John -Adams and Thomas Jefferson in 1776 depicted the Jews crossing the Red Sea. The motto around the seal read: "Resistance to Tyrants is Obedience to God."
-The inscription on the Liberty Bell at Independence Hall in Philadelphia was a direct quote from the Book of Leviticus "Proclaim liberty throughout the land unto all the inhabitants thereof."5
-Patriotic speeches and publications during the period of the struggle for independence were often infused with biblical quotations.

The basic framework of America clearly reflects the influence of the Bible and power of Jewish ideas in shaping the political development of America. Nowhere is this more evident than in the opening sentences of the Declaration of Independence:

"We hold these truths to be self evident that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among them are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness."

President George Washington remembered the Jewish contribution when the first synagogue opened in Newport, Rhode Island, in 1790. (It was called the Touro Synagogue and it was Sephardic.) He sent this letter, dated August 17, 1790:

"May the children of the stock of Abraham who dwell in the land continue to merit and enjoy the goodwill of the other inhabitants. While everyone shall sit safely under his own vine and fig-tree and there shall be none to make him afraid."

Note the reference to the "vine and fig-tree." That unique phrase is a reference to the words of Prophet Micah, prophesying the Messianic utopia:

"But in the last days it shall come to pass, that the mountain of the house of the Lord shall be established in the top of the mountains, and it shall be exalted above the hills; and people shall flow to it. And many nations shall come, and say, "Come, and let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, and to the house of the God of Jacob, and He will teach us of His ways, and we will walk in His paths, for Torah shall go forth from Zion, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem."
Yeah, religion meant so much to the Founding Fathers, they made sure this country's government didn't respect any.

We live in a country where teachers get put on probation for making references to the Bible in a History class or showing a film about the sanctity of human life in a health class.

But back to the thread title, it obviously is a lie because Zionism was not founded until the late 1800s.
We live in a country where teachers get put on probation for making references to the Bible in a History class or showing a film about the sanctity of human life in a health class.

But back to the thread title, it obviously is a lie because Zionism was not founded until the late 1800s.
Good point.
When did America become part of the Middle East?

Interesting question, sherri. My hubby was born in the middle east and grew
up in a VERY traditional middle eastern jewish family----a family from a community
that has BEEN THERE----for thousands of years (---they are literate so they do
have a history and were not nomads. ) He came to the USA decades ago ----
NAMES"? ok-----he does tend to be a bit naive about some things-----for years---
each easter I had to RE-explain the holiday to him. Interestingly enough---MANY MANY
of the EDUCATED people who founded the USA-----were fascinated with the bible and
absolutely literate in Hebrew. Lots of our laws are bible based. Most lawyers do
know that the USA system of law is based on "english common law"----with a very
heavy dose of jewish biblical law on top. Our tort system dates back to the bible and
talmud. We are very "middle eastern" from the many "FIRST BAPTIST
CHURCH OF ZIONS" scattered over the country side to BETHESDA hospital in
maryland. I am always fascinated by people who DO NOT WANT TO KNOW
And now, Almighty Father,

If it is Thy holy will that we shall obtain a place and name among the nations of the earth, grant that we may be enabled to show our gratitude for Thy goodness by our endeavors to fear and obey Thee. Bless us with thy wisdom in our counsels, success in battle, and let our victories be tempered with humanity. Endow, also, our enemies with enlightened minds, that they become sensible of their injustice, and willing to restore our liberty and peace. Grant the petition of Thy servant, for the sake of whom Thou hast called Thy beloved Son; nevertheless, not my will, but Thine be done.

--George Washington


Washington’s Prayer for the United States of America appears on a plaque in St. Paul ’s chapel in New York City as well as at Pohick Church , Fairfax County , Virginia , where Washington was a vestryman from 1762 to 1784:

Almighty God,

We make our earnest prayer that Thou wilt keep the United States in Thy Holy protection; and Thou wilt incline the hearts of the Citizens to cultivate a spirit of subordination and obedience to Government; and entertain a brotherly affection and love for one another and for their fellow Citizens of the United States at large, and particularly for their brethren who have served in the Field.

And finally that Thou wilt most graciously be pleased to dispose us all to do justice, to love mercy, and to demean ourselves with that Charity, humility, and pacific temper of mind which were the Characteristics of the Divine Author of our blessed Religion, and without a humble imitation of whose example in these things we can never hope to be a happy nation. Grant our supplication, we beseech Thee, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

--George Washington
Yeah, religion meant so much to the Founding Fathers, they made sure this country's government didn't respect any.

We live in a country where teachers get put on probation for making references to the Bible in a History class or showing a film about the sanctity of human life in a health class.

But back to the thread title, it obviously is a lie because Zionism was not founded until the late 1800s.
Nope, Zionism is a biblical concept that the founders of this nation believed in, and started with Abraham and Moses and has basically been around since then. Here's what the Founding Fathers believed in,moire Zionism:

"These Puritans viewed their emigration from England as a virtual re-enactment of the Exodus. To them, England was Egypt, the king was the Pharaoh, the Atlantic Ocean was the Red Sea, America was the Land of Israel, and the Indians were the ancient Canaanites. The Puritans were the new Israelites, entering into a new covenant with God in a new Promised Land."
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The word Zionism does not even appear in The Bible.

Yeah, religion meant so much to the Founding Fathers, they made sure this country's government didn't respect any.

We live in a country where teachers get put on probation for making references to the Bible in a History class or showing a film about the sanctity of human life in a health class.

But back to the thread title, it obviously is a lie because Zionism was not founded until the late 1800s.
Nope, Zionism is a biblical concept that the founders of this nation believed in, and started with Abraham and Moses and has basically been around since then.
Washington would not have allowed a single drop of American blood to be shed to keep the criminal fascist Zionist in power. He would be as appalled by today's Israeli government as he would be the American government.
Washington would not have allowed a single drop of American blood to be shed to keep the criminal fascist Zionist in power. He would be as appalled by today's Israeli government as he would be the American government.

How do you know-----for the British government at that time GEORGE
WASHINGTON was a criminal terrorist. In fact he attacked and murdered
Hessian soldiers on CHRISTMAS EVE-----because he knew they would be
drunk and vulnerable. The american revolutionary war included some very
startling terrorism -------even attacks on homes-----harboring families----
who were targeted (men, women and children) simply because they were
identified as "LOYALISTS"----------learn some history
Yeah, religion meant so much to the Founding Fathers, they made sure this country's government didn't respect any.
" Yeah, religion meant so much to the Founding Fathers, they made sure this country's government didn't respect any ((religion over another)). " There, I fixed that. You're welcome, Bdildo.
The word Zionism does not even appear in The Bible.

Most of the bible was written in Hebrew----a few parts in aramaic.
The word "ZION" appears incessantly. The concept of zionism----which is
the people "ISRAEL"----Iwhich means the nation whose founder
was JACOB ) shall live in a land which is part of the ancient land designated
canaan----is one of the MAIN THEMES of the entire bible (the part you call
"old testament") you should read it some time----it is excellent literature.

The language of the bible is difficult for persons unfamiliar with hebrew
usages--------if you have any questions----feel free to ask

PS----the word "zionism" is an english adaptation. Hebrew
speakers and writers do not use it. There are all kinds of
phrases and expressions in hebrew literature which
either allude to or out right ---are "zionism" for THOUSANDS OF
YEARS and including in the bible

You might note that when Jesus travels to JERUSALEM----that
event is ----"JESUS WENT *****UP***** to JERUSALEM.
the use of the word "UP" designates him a ZIONIST

try reading the book
Washington would not have allowed a single drop of American blood to be shed to keep the criminal fascist Zionist in power. He would be as appalled by today's Israeli government as he would be the American government.
Who told you that lie?
The word Zionism does not even appear in The Bible.

We live in a country where teachers get put on probation for making references to the Bible in a History class or showing a film about the sanctity of human life in a health class.

But back to the thread title, it obviously is a lie because Zionism was not founded until the late 1800s.
Nope, Zionism is a biblical concept that the founders of this nation believed in, and started with Abraham and Moses and has basically been around since then.
There are hundreds of references to Zion in the old and new Testaments. And clearly, the founding fathers were referencing it.

This thread is about the faith of the founders in the Zionist story of the Exodus and the promised land, Jew hater.

There's another thread about that subject where you got your butt kicked about a thousand times. LOL
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Washington would not have allowed a single drop of American blood to be shed to keep the criminal fascist Zionist in power. He would be as appalled by today's Israeli government as he would be the American government.
Ha ha. That was a good joke. Actually The Founding Fathers fought your beloved Islamist Barbary pirate animals off the Coast of Tripoli.

True story.

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