Even MORE hysteria and delusion at MSNBC.

I've been TRYING to watch them. I can not anymore. Anyone that DOES - has the "hysteria" bad. This ain't journalism at all. It's political advocacy and should be subject to campaign finance laws.

Well Flacc, all I can say is if you have actually watched that channel for more than two contiguous minutes straight, you're a better man than me. IMO, you'd need something like a frontal lobotomy combined with putting your head in a vise to tolerate that blast of mind-numbing, IQ lowering drivel for more than a few seconds. You are quite right, the hardcore Leftist media is a gale force wind of democratic political campaign propaganda nakedly revealed, not journalism, and the fact that such channels even exist at all means that they are 100% financed regardless of their small audience size and zero profit and are a VERY SAD commentary indeed on the abject stupidity and gullibility of a portion of our culture!

I can't watch MSNBC. Or ABC and CNN.

I'm even going off BBC.
I've been TRYING to watch them. I can not anymore. Anyone that DOES - has the "hysteria" bad. This ain't journalism at all. It's political advocacy and should be subject to campaign finance laws.

MSNBC Guest: If You Support Trump’s Immigration Policies, You’re A Nazi

When you hear that "click-click" sound in a argument -- the Nazis come marching out. And there it is. The resistance is out of ammo.

But consider that if ENOUGH of the American media DOES convince the world that America is full of Nazis and there are Nazis at the border measuring children for lampshades and wrapping them in foil to preserve the juices in the ovens --- that's gonna actually solve the mass immigration problem. Isn't it?

Would be ironic if the media stopped the wave with their psychological screaming and imagery.

Because who the hell wants to risk rape, muggings, abuse and rattlesnakes to take the "run to the border" if the NAZIS are guarding it. Keep it up... You're destroying the media and your party..

But we know that fox would NEVER do that, right?

Fox has a viewership.

You pricks on the left always howl about how you can make them pull sponsors.....so they must have an audience.

Chris Matthews probably has his mother, his wife, and a retarded neighbor that watch him.
I've been TRYING to watch them. I can not anymore. Anyone that DOES - has the "hysteria" bad. This ain't journalism at all. It's political advocacy and should be subject to campaign finance laws.

MSNBC Guest: If You Support Trump’s Immigration Policies, You’re A Nazi

When you hear that "click-click" sound in a argument -- the Nazis come marching out. And there it is. The resistance is out of ammo.

But consider that if ENOUGH of the American media DOES convince the world that America is full of Nazis and there are Nazis at the border measuring children for lampshades and wrapping them in foil to preserve the juices in the ovens --- that's gonna actually solve the mass immigration problem. Isn't it?

Would be ironic if the media stopped the wave with their psychological screaming and imagery.

Because who the hell wants to risk rape, muggings, abuse and rattlesnakes to take the "run to the border" if the NAZIS are guarding it. Keep it up... You're destroying the media and your party..

But we know that fox would NEVER do that, right?
While Fox was showing Trump talking with victims of illegals, CNN was pushing their propaganda.

There’s a reason why their ratings are best described as being bismal.

Good luck with being a loser.

Yep Lots of RWNJs love them some fox. You understand that ratings and credibility aren't the same thing, don't you?

Fox is breaking REAL stories. MSNBC/CNN are leading a cryfest. And lying their asses off every day. The results are SO damn obvious.

I was watching MSNBC when this "Nazi" attack started. I told myself in 24 hours -- USMB would be FULL of Nazi name calling. And Guess What Doogie? I KNOW who is getting their brains sucked out watching that crap now.. Damn waste of cranial matter. Race for the Cure to end this mass hysteria.. Y'all are terminally afflicted and getting stupider by the day RELYING on these "pep rallies".

I see it every day here. Folks just completely unprepared with facts and background, but FILLED with talking points and rage. It's sad to watch..

You are wasting your time.

Bullshit...er...dog never had much to begin with.
Why are the families still separated?

Call it what you wish......but the actions of the Trump administration are abhorrent

This wouldn’t be happening if democrats weren’t so damn dumb.

This wouldn’t be happening if Republicans weren’t callous assholes

Are republicans really being callous by trying to stop the cartels from using our open borders to traffic women and children?

Example of a member of the echo chamber ^^^ making a claim which defies reality.

If Trump would stop insulting Mexico, Mexicans, their government and Central American's as criminals and animals, we might be able to create a fiscally and safer sound solution to this crisis.
I've been TRYING to watch them. I can not anymore. Anyone that DOES - has the "hysteria" bad. This ain't journalism at all. It's political advocacy and should be subject to campaign finance laws.

MSNBC Guest: If You Support Trump’s Immigration Policies, You’re A Nazi

When you hear that "click-click" sound in a argument -- the Nazis come marching out. And there it is. The resistance is out of ammo.

But consider that if ENOUGH of the American media DOES convince the world that America is full of Nazis and there are Nazis at the border measuring children for lampshades and wrapping them in foil to preserve the juices in the ovens --- that's gonna actually solve the mass immigration problem. Isn't it?

Would be ironic if the media stopped the wave with their psychological screaming and imagery.

Because who the hell wants to risk rape, muggings, abuse and rattlesnakes to take the "run to the border" if the NAZIS are guarding it. Keep it up... You're destroying the media and your party..

But we know that fox would NEVER do that, right?

Fox has a viewership.

You pricks on the left always howl about how you can make them pull sponsors.....so they must have an audience.

Chris Matthews probably has his mother, his wife, and a retarded neighbor that watch him.

It can't be said enough. Ratings and credibility are not the same thing.
I've been TRYING to watch them. I can not anymore. Anyone that DOES - has the "hysteria" bad. This ain't journalism at all. It's political advocacy and should be subject to campaign finance laws.

MSNBC Guest: If You Support Trump’s Immigration Policies, You’re A Nazi

When you hear that "click-click" sound in a argument -- the Nazis come marching out. And there it is. The resistance is out of ammo.

But consider that if ENOUGH of the American media DOES convince the world that America is full of Nazis and there are Nazis at the border measuring children for lampshades and wrapping them in foil to preserve the juices in the ovens --- that's gonna actually solve the mass immigration problem. Isn't it?

Would be ironic if the media stopped the wave with their psychological screaming and imagery.

Because who the hell wants to risk rape, muggings, abuse and rattlesnakes to take the "run to the border" if the NAZIS are guarding it. Keep it up... You're destroying the media and your party..

But we know that fox would NEVER do that, right?
While Fox was showing Trump talking with victims of illegals, CNN was pushing their propaganda.

There’s a reason why their ratings are best described as being bismal.

Good luck with being a loser.

Yep Lots of RWNJs love them some fox. You understand that ratings and credibility aren't the same thing, don't you?

Fox is breaking REAL stories. MSNBC/CNN are leading a cryfest. And lying their asses off every day. The results are SO damn obvious.

I was watching MSNBC when this "Nazi" attack started. I told myself in 24 hours -- USMB would be FULL of Nazi name calling. And Guess What Doogie? I KNOW who is getting their brains sucked out watching that crap now.. Damn waste of cranial matter. Race for the Cure to end this mass hysteria.. Y'all are terminally afflicted and getting stupider by the day RELYING on these "pep rallies".

I see it every day here. Folks just completely unprepared with facts and background, but FILLED with talking points and rage. It's sad to watch..

You are wasting your time.

Bullshit...er...dog never had much to begin with.
I'm looking forward to another round of those idiots whining and crying after losing more seats. :)
I've been TRYING to watch them. I can not anymore. Anyone that DOES - has the "hysteria" bad. This ain't journalism at all. It's political advocacy and should be subject to campaign finance laws.

MSNBC Guest: If You Support Trump’s Immigration Policies, You’re A Nazi

When you hear that "click-click" sound in a argument -- the Nazis come marching out. And there it is. The resistance is out of ammo.

But consider that if ENOUGH of the American media DOES convince the world that America is full of Nazis and there are Nazis at the border measuring children for lampshades and wrapping them in foil to preserve the juices in the ovens --- that's gonna actually solve the mass immigration problem. Isn't it?

Would be ironic if the media stopped the wave with their psychological screaming and imagery.

Because who the hell wants to risk rape, muggings, abuse and rattlesnakes to take the "run to the border" if the NAZIS are guarding it. Keep it up... You're destroying the media and your party..

But we know that fox would NEVER do that, right?

Fox has a viewership.

You pricks on the left always howl about how you can make them pull sponsors.....so they must have an audience.

Chris Matthews probably has his mother, his wife, and a retarded neighbor that watch him.

It can't be said enough. Ratings and credibility are not the same thing.

Nobody has said the opposite.

Once again, you take the point of the OP and try to make it a different point.

Ratings mean money is an advertising market.

Nobody gives a fuck about PMSNBC so why are they still on the air ?
Why are the families still separated?

Call it what you wish......but the actions of the Trump administration are abhorrent

This wouldn’t be happening if democrats weren’t so damn dumb.

This wouldn’t be happening if Republicans weren’t callous assholes

Are republicans really being callous by trying to stop the cartels from using our open borders to traffic women and children?

Example of a member of the echo chamber ^^^ making a claim which defies reality.

If Trump would stop insulting Mexico, Mexicans, their government and Central American's as criminals and animals, we might be able to create a fiscally and safer sound solution to this crisis.

Ahhh... you’re saying criminals will stop being criminals if we’re nice to them?
WTF?? :laugh:
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This included Trump loses 1500 children..........yet they were turned over to relatives under Obama.......A LIE.

And -- after PROCESSING and "fostering them out" those TENS of thousands that were allowed in under Obama ---- ??????? Well nobody cares. There's no welfare checks. No follow up. Unk Sam is DONE with them and literally no one cares 150,000 unescorted minors showed up because of the DACA promise. We ADMITTED about 100,000 of those. MOST lived in barracks and abandoned gyms for longer than a year. AND NOW --- there are about 10,000 lost officially. And no fucking idea how successful the placements were.

Selective outrage and MEDIA BLACKOUT. Because it happened under Obama.
Why are the families still separated?

Call it what you wish......but the actions of the Trump administration are abhorrent

This wouldn’t be happening if democrats weren’t so damn dumb.

This wouldn’t be happening if Republicans weren’t callous assholes

Are republicans really being callous by trying to stop the cartels from using our open borders to traffic women and children?

Example of a member of the echo chamber ^^^ making a claim which defies reality.

If Trump would stop insulting Mexico, Mexicans, their government and Central American's as criminals and animals, we might be able to create a fiscally and safer sound solution to this crisis.

Ahhh... you’re saying criminals will stop being criminals if we’re nice to them.
WTF?? :laugh:

That's not what I wrote. You're suggesting every person now in secure detention is a criminal. That's Trump's talking point, and its fallacious.

Check out my thread on the History Forum. Maybe it will open your eyes.
Yes. I've seen the REAL stories reported by fox.

There should be NATURAL concern from ANY Civil Libertarians when the Army conducts DOMESTIC training exercises that seem to be aimed at insurrection control. Only real Civil Libertarians left aren't in EITHER of either of your demented wings.

Right, especially when the ones sounding the alarm are all wearing tinfoil hats.

That's all ya got? If you're allowing them to suck out your brains -- it'll be obvious every time you get rolled on facts and background. And there's been a LOT of rolling lately.

As with the "Trump Lied about the law" as pertains to "separating" children and parents. Folks NOT watching CNN/MSNBC knew the background and the legal decisions. YOUR side could only call them liars. It went like this.

Trump is AWFUL. He's LYING about the law. He could STOP this tomorrow with an EO.

No he can't. The law goes back to legal decisions from the 90s and the Obama Admin. Check the Flores decision. We need CONGRESS to act.

You're lying. It's all HIS fault. There is no "existing law"..

Then Trump drafts and SIGNS the EO. (which is of really marginal use BECAUSE we need new law)

This is even WORSE. NOW Trump doesn't know what he's doing. Read the Flores decision. This is a CYNICAL attempt to hide the problem. We need CONGRESS to act on this.

Told you that a week ago Dude.

You folks are losing brain cells and arguments watching these pep rallies on TV. There's nothing preparing you to discuss these "outrages"..

Even the NYTimes that RAN with "Trump is lying about EXISTING immigration law" preventing him from writing an EO for several days -- Came out the same day as the EO was announced with a huge article about Trump now doesn't know what he's doing because he's violating law and legal precedent.

It's not funny to me anymore. It's disintegration of trust and truth. And it's very dangerous.

Trump was lying. And what is more blaming everyone but himself for this mess.

Trump was NOT lying. He said LAW had to made to fix the separation process. The left media said it was a lie UNTIL he signed the EO. THEN the leftist media finally DISCOVERED that law had to fix this. Not an EO.

The rest of us KNEW THIS all along because we're not just eating crap from the leftist media.

What was he lying about? Be very careful. Because even the NY Times now suddenly understands the law and Flores decision and the OLD rules on NOT keeping minors in general criminal detention for more than 20 days. It was ALWAYS a fact.
I've been TRYING to watch them. I can not anymore. Anyone that DOES - has the "hysteria" bad. This ain't journalism at all. It's political advocacy and should be subject to campaign finance laws.

Well Flacc, all I can say is if you have actually watched that channel for more than two contiguous minutes straight, you're a better man than me. IMO, you'd need something like a frontal lobotomy combined with putting your head in a vise to tolerate that blast of mind-numbing, IQ lowering drivel for more than a few seconds. You are quite right, the hardcore Leftist media is a gale force wind of democratic political campaign propaganda nakedly revealed, not journalism, and the fact that such channels even exist at all means that they are 100% financed regardless of their small audience size and zero profit and are a VERY SAD commentary indeed on the abject stupidity and gullibility of a portion of our culture!

I can't watch MSNBC. Or ABC and CNN.

I'm even going off BBC.

Try VICE.. I'm a VICE addict now. The channel WAS in my cable line-up but now I can only see a couple times a week as an HBO special. These are REAL journalists. They have a slight lefty slant. But they cover stories IN DEPTH and with dogged determination to present the actual situation. You'll see stuff you never KNEW existed as news.

Don't know how deep their on-line coverage really is. But check it out.
There should be NATURAL concern from ANY Civil Libertarians when the Army conducts DOMESTIC training exercises that seem to be aimed at insurrection control. Only real Civil Libertarians left aren't in EITHER of either of your demented wings.

Right, especially when the ones sounding the alarm are all wearing tinfoil hats.

That's all ya got? If you're allowing them to suck out your brains -- it'll be obvious every time you get rolled on facts and background. And there's been a LOT of rolling lately.

As with the "Trump Lied about the law" as pertains to "separating" children and parents. Folks NOT watching CNN/MSNBC knew the background and the legal decisions. YOUR side could only call them liars. It went like this.

Trump is AWFUL. He's LYING about the law. He could STOP this tomorrow with an EO.

No he can't. The law goes back to legal decisions from the 90s and the Obama Admin. Check the Flores decision. We need CONGRESS to act.

You're lying. It's all HIS fault. There is no "existing law"..

Then Trump drafts and SIGNS the EO. (which is of really marginal use BECAUSE we need new law)

This is even WORSE. NOW Trump doesn't know what he's doing. Read the Flores decision. This is a CYNICAL attempt to hide the problem. We need CONGRESS to act on this.

Told you that a week ago Dude.

You folks are losing brain cells and arguments watching these pep rallies on TV. There's nothing preparing you to discuss these "outrages"..

You left out the part where Obama, Bush, and even Trump until his policy change were able to stay within the law without separating so many families, and requiring tent cities for the victims. Did fox forget to mention that part?

No families that really ARE families were getting separated if they came thru CHECKPOINTS. If they CRASH the border illegally, then it's more likely they will be considered for legal action. It's actually very rare even under Trump. So far only 500 cases.

Now there are 12,000 minors in HHS custody, not criminal detention, today. And only 2,000 appeared at the border with someone CLAIMING to be a parent. The rest are largely 14 - 20 yr olds being COUNTED as children. They are not "children" in their home countries. That majority came by themselves.

Six year old picked up by ICE wandering in the desert ALONE this week. How much of that can you take?

Those pictures of little kids didn't look like they came here on their own.

You totally unaware of the 150,000 kids that flooded the border in 2013/14 after the Admin played up the DACA card? They were KIDS carrying babies. Not an adult in sight. ACLU SUED the Obama Admin over the holding and processing conditions for these kids.

And I told you that ICE just this week picked up a SIX YEAR OLD wandering in the desert. A coyote his parents hired probably stranded him 40 miles out and pointed north. No wonder you're not outraged. You have no clue of the IMMENSITY of this problem..

Special on VICE tonight made it clear that parents DONT CARE about being deported. Even if there is no deportation action against them. They are signing their American kids off to foster agencies and NOT taking them with them. It's like winning the lottery. Breed an American -- let it grow up in America and mom/dad will be living like baron/barroness back in the Homeland when they get a good education and a job. And they are signing NON-American kids off as well because of the POSSIBILITY that DACA will be extended to future border crashed children as well

We're not breaking up families. We're providing a means to insure an INCOME to the parents back home for life. Otherwise these families would choose to STAY together in the face of deportation.

But that's not really what the topic is about. It's about brain decay and not KNOWING the facts and the background from watching pep rallies instead of news. Pep rallies with cheerleaders that sound like all those "mean kids" who were always telling others what to wear and how to act to be "popular".
Last edited:
This included Trump loses 1500 children..........yet they were turned over to relatives under Obama.......A LIE.

And -- after PROCESSING and "fostering them out" those TENS of thousands that were allowed in under Obama ---- ??????? Well nobody cares. There's no welfare checks. No follow up. Unk Sam is DONE with them and literally no one cares 150,000 unescorted minors showed up because of the DACA promise. We ADMITTED about 100,000 of those. MOST lived in barracks and abandoned gyms for longer than a year. AND NOW --- there are about 10,000 lost officially. And no fucking idea how successful the placements were.

Selective outrage and MEDIA BLACKOUT. Because it happened under Obama.
It isn’t selective outrage, it is apples and oranges.

In the one case, you have an unprecedented number of unaccompanied minors entering the US and no real policy or capacity for handling them.

Is it a problem? You bet.

But here is where we discover problem A is apples and problem B is oranges.

Trump et al created a POLICY. That policy was to change the way they were going to prosecute illegal immigrants from civil to criminal. They specifically stated that they would take their children away from them 100%)...that was the Trump administration policy. To compound it, they had no real policy or plan in p,ace for dealing with these children nor adequate shelter for them nor means of even tracking them. There also appears to have been a policy to not even let the parents know where there kids were. This is a classic FUBAR scenario of this administration’s own making.

There is no question in my mind that this was intended as a deterrent, that it is cruel and unforgivable. That is the oranges.

The apples are a reflection of our inability to adequately handle the influx of unacompanied minors. The oranges are the result of a deliberate policy. And THAT IS ON TRUMP.

And I am going to throw something else into the pot that I heard on the news recently. The detainment of illegal immigrant minors is privately contracted very lucrative industry. Like the private prison industry. And that is not partisan and that should worry all of us!
There should be NATURAL concern from ANY Civil Libertarians when the Army conducts DOMESTIC training exercises that seem to be aimed at insurrection control. Only real Civil Libertarians left aren't in EITHER of either of your demented wings.

Right, especially when the ones sounding the alarm are all wearing tinfoil hats.

That's all ya got? If you're allowing them to suck out your brains -- it'll be obvious every time you get rolled on facts and background. And there's been a LOT of rolling lately.

As with the "Trump Lied about the law" as pertains to "separating" children and parents. Folks NOT watching CNN/MSNBC knew the background and the legal decisions. YOUR side could only call them liars. It went like this.

Trump is AWFUL. He's LYING about the law. He could STOP this tomorrow with an EO.

No he can't. The law goes back to legal decisions from the 90s and the Obama Admin. Check the Flores decision. We need CONGRESS to act.

You're lying. It's all HIS fault. There is no "existing law"..

Then Trump drafts and SIGNS the EO. (which is of really marginal use BECAUSE we need new law)

This is even WORSE. NOW Trump doesn't know what he's doing. Read the Flores decision. This is a CYNICAL attempt to hide the problem. We need CONGRESS to act on this.

Told you that a week ago Dude.

You folks are losing brain cells and arguments watching these pep rallies on TV. There's nothing preparing you to discuss these "outrages"..

Even the NYTimes that RAN with "Trump is lying about EXISTING immigration law" preventing him from writing an EO for several days -- Came out the same day as the EO was announced with a huge article about Trump now doesn't know what he's doing because he's violating law and legal precedent.

It's not funny to me anymore. It's disintegration of trust and truth. And it's very dangerous.
Trump was lying. And what is more blaming everyone but himself for this mess.

Trump was NOT lying. He said LAW had to made to fix the separation process. The left media said it was a lie UNTIL he signed the EO. THEN the leftist media finally DISCOVERED that law had to fix this. Not an EO.

The rest of us KNEW THIS all along because we're not just eating crap from the leftist media.

What was he lying about? Be very careful. Because even the NY Times now suddenly understands the law and Flores decision and the OLD rules on NOT keeping minors in general criminal detention for more than 20 days. It was ALWAYS a fact.
I disagree. He has a choice between treating it as a criminal or civil matter. Previous administrations treated it as civil, Trump chose to treat it as criminal and prosecute 100%. THAT is policy. Agencies always have discretion. That is a FACT.

So why did he change the policy?
Right, especially when the ones sounding the alarm are all wearing tinfoil hats.

That's all ya got? If you're allowing them to suck out your brains -- it'll be obvious every time you get rolled on facts and background. And there's been a LOT of rolling lately.

As with the "Trump Lied about the law" as pertains to "separating" children and parents. Folks NOT watching CNN/MSNBC knew the background and the legal decisions. YOUR side could only call them liars. It went like this.

Trump is AWFUL. He's LYING about the law. He could STOP this tomorrow with an EO.

No he can't. The law goes back to legal decisions from the 90s and the Obama Admin. Check the Flores decision. We need CONGRESS to act.

You're lying. It's all HIS fault. There is no "existing law"..

Then Trump drafts and SIGNS the EO. (which is of really marginal use BECAUSE we need new law)

This is even WORSE. NOW Trump doesn't know what he's doing. Read the Flores decision. This is a CYNICAL attempt to hide the problem. We need CONGRESS to act on this.

Told you that a week ago Dude.

You folks are losing brain cells and arguments watching these pep rallies on TV. There's nothing preparing you to discuss these "outrages"..

You left out the part where Obama, Bush, and even Trump until his policy change were able to stay within the law without separating so many families, and requiring tent cities for the victims. Did fox forget to mention that part?

No families that really ARE families were getting separated if they came thru CHECKPOINTS. If they CRASH the border illegally, then it's more likely they will be considered for legal action. It's actually very rare even under Trump. So far only 500 cases.

Now there are 12,000 minors in HHS custody, not criminal detention, today. And only 2,000 appeared at the border with someone CLAIMING to be a parent. The rest are largely 14 - 20 yr olds being COUNTED as children. They are not "children" in their home countries. That majority came by themselves.

Six year old picked up by ICE wandering in the desert ALONE this week. How much of that can you take?

Those pictures of little kids didn't look like they came here on their own.

You totally unaware of the 150,000 kids that flooded the border in 2013/14 after the Admin played up the DACA card? They were KIDS carrying babies. Not an adult in sight. ACLU SUED the Obama Admin over the holding and processing conditions for these kids.

And I told you that ICE just this week picked up a SIX YEAR OLD wandering in the desert. A coyote his parents hired probably stranded him 40 miles out and pointed north. No wonder you're not outraged. You have no clue of the IMMENSITY of this problem..

Special on VICE tonight made it clear that parents DONT CARE about being deported. Even if there is no deportation action against them. They are signing their American kids off to foster agencies and NOT taking them with them. It's like winning the lottery. Breed an American -- let it grow up in America and mom/dad will be living like baron/barroness back in the Homeland when they get a good education and a job. And they are signing NON-American kids off as well because of the POSSIBILITY that DACA will be extended to future border crashed children as well

We're not breaking up families. We're providing a means to insure an INCOME to the parents back home for life. Otherwise these families would choose to STAY together in the face of deportation.

But that's not really what the topic is about. It's about brain decay and not KNOWING the facts and the background from watching pep rallies instead of news. Pep rallies with cheerleaders that sound like all those "mean kids" who were always telling others what to wear and how to act to be "popular".
You absolutely are breaking up families.
There should be NATURAL concern from ANY Civil Libertarians when the Army conducts DOMESTIC training exercises that seem to be aimed at insurrection control. Only real Civil Libertarians left aren't in EITHER of either of your demented wings.

Right, especially when the ones sounding the alarm are all wearing tinfoil hats.

That's all ya got? If you're allowing them to suck out your brains -- it'll be obvious every time you get rolled on facts and background. And there's been a LOT of rolling lately.

As with the "Trump Lied about the law" as pertains to "separating" children and parents. Folks NOT watching CNN/MSNBC knew the background and the legal decisions. YOUR side could only call them liars. It went like this.

Trump is AWFUL. He's LYING about the law. He could STOP this tomorrow with an EO.

No he can't. The law goes back to legal decisions from the 90s and the Obama Admin. Check the Flores decision. We need CONGRESS to act.

You're lying. It's all HIS fault. There is no "existing law"..

Then Trump drafts and SIGNS the EO. (which is of really marginal use BECAUSE we need new law)

This is even WORSE. NOW Trump doesn't know what he's doing. Read the Flores decision. This is a CYNICAL attempt to hide the problem. We need CONGRESS to act on this.

Told you that a week ago Dude.

You folks are losing brain cells and arguments watching these pep rallies on TV. There's nothing preparing you to discuss these "outrages"..

Even the NYTimes that RAN with "Trump is lying about EXISTING immigration law" preventing him from writing an EO for several days -- Came out the same day as the EO was announced with a huge article about Trump now doesn't know what he's doing because he's violating law and legal precedent.

It's not funny to me anymore. It's disintegration of trust and truth. And it's very dangerous.
Trump was lying. And what is more blaming everyone but himself for this mess.

Trump was NOT lying. He said LAW had to made to fix the separation process. The left media said it was a lie UNTIL he signed the EO. THEN the leftist media finally DISCOVERED that law had to fix this. Not an EO.

The rest of us KNEW THIS all along because we're not just eating crap from the leftist media.

What was he lying about? Be very careful. Because even the NY Times now suddenly understands the law and Flores decision and the OLD rules on NOT keeping minors in general criminal detention for more than 20 days. It was ALWAYS a fact.
As opposed to eating crap from the rightist media?
Trump et al created a POLICY. That policy was to change the way they were going to prosecute illegal immigrants from civil to criminal. They specifically stated that they would take their children away from them 100%)..

Only true under THREE conditions.

1) They child is in immediate need of care or rehab from mental/physical problems.

2) There is a sufficient belief that the "family" claim is not genuine. They came with NO birth records, no ID, no passport, no nothing. And bringing in kids for the "lottery" that I just mentioned is now one of the biggest Cent American past times.

3) There are outstanding immigration issues from PREVIOUS entries to the US or other criminal activity suspected.

Ones that come in through CHECKPOINTS have violated no law and are pending "amnesty" or parentage claims so they are NOT subject to any other criminal penalties. So number 3 does NOT apply to them...

Not gonna do this here. It's totally off - topic. I suggest you stop telling folks that they and Trump are liars and start looking into OTHER SOURCES of information and news.
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Right, especially when the ones sounding the alarm are all wearing tinfoil hats.

That's all ya got? If you're allowing them to suck out your brains -- it'll be obvious every time you get rolled on facts and background. And there's been a LOT of rolling lately.

As with the "Trump Lied about the law" as pertains to "separating" children and parents. Folks NOT watching CNN/MSNBC knew the background and the legal decisions. YOUR side could only call them liars. It went like this.

Trump is AWFUL. He's LYING about the law. He could STOP this tomorrow with an EO.

No he can't. The law goes back to legal decisions from the 90s and the Obama Admin. Check the Flores decision. We need CONGRESS to act.

You're lying. It's all HIS fault. There is no "existing law"..

Then Trump drafts and SIGNS the EO. (which is of really marginal use BECAUSE we need new law)

This is even WORSE. NOW Trump doesn't know what he's doing. Read the Flores decision. This is a CYNICAL attempt to hide the problem. We need CONGRESS to act on this.

Told you that a week ago Dude.

You folks are losing brain cells and arguments watching these pep rallies on TV. There's nothing preparing you to discuss these "outrages"..

Even the NYTimes that RAN with "Trump is lying about EXISTING immigration law" preventing him from writing an EO for several days -- Came out the same day as the EO was announced with a huge article about Trump now doesn't know what he's doing because he's violating law and legal precedent.

It's not funny to me anymore. It's disintegration of trust and truth. And it's very dangerous.
Trump was lying. And what is more blaming everyone but himself for this mess.

Trump was NOT lying. He said LAW had to made to fix the separation process. The left media said it was a lie UNTIL he signed the EO. THEN the leftist media finally DISCOVERED that law had to fix this. Not an EO.

The rest of us KNEW THIS all along because we're not just eating crap from the leftist media.

What was he lying about? Be very careful. Because even the NY Times now suddenly understands the law and Flores decision and the OLD rules on NOT keeping minors in general criminal detention for more than 20 days. It was ALWAYS a fact.
As opposed to eating crap from the rightist media?

Get a diet of journal articles. That cover these issues in depth and with REAL journalistic integrity. Or AT LEAST -- compare the stories on both sides. I mean COMPLETELY compare them. And decide which stories are more reliable and hold up to scrutiny. Because the left is getting CREAMED in debate with only their daily fake outrages that they are consuming.

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