Even Liberals Know The Truth


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
On the Right, we’ve known all along that the ‘welfare system’ is not only fraudulent in principle, but debilitating for those who participate. Now, inveterate Liberal NYTimes writere Nicholas Kristof adds his degree of exactitude.

I challenge any who read this not to feel the pain in their hearts; Progressives will not admit the truth.

The take-away is that much of the solution is what conservatives have been saying for decades.

1. “THIS is what poverty sometimes looks like in America: parents here in Appalachian hill country pulling their children out of literacy classes. Moms and dads fear that if kids learn to read, they are less likely to qualify for a monthly check for having an intellectual disability…. the Supplemental Security Income program….

a. About four decades ago, most of the children S.S.I. covered had severe physical handicaps or mental retardation that made it difficult for parents to hold jobs — about 1 percent of all poor children. But now 55 percent of the disabilities it covers are fuzzier intellectual disabilities short of mental retardation, where the diagnosis is less clear-cut. More than 1.2 million children across America — a full 8 percent of all low-income children — are now enrolled in S.S.I. as disabled, at an annual cost of more than $9 billion.

b. That is a burden on taxpayers, of course, but it can be even worse for children whose families have a huge stake in their failing in school…. condemned to a life of poverty on the dole — and that’s the outcome of a program intended to fight poverty.

c. But the bottom line is that we shouldn’t try to fight poverty with a program that sometimes perpetuates it.

2. This is painful for a liberal to admit, but conservatives have a point when they suggest that America’s safety net can sometimes entangle people in a soul-crushing dependency.

3. Some young people here don’t join the military (a traditional escape route for poor, rural Americans) because it’s easier to rely on food stamps and disability payments.

4. Antipoverty programs also discourage marriage: In a means-tested program like S.S.I., a woman raising a child may receive a bigger check if she refrains from marrying that hard-working guy she likes. Yet marriage is one of the best forces to blunt poverty. In married couple households only one child in 10 grows up in poverty, while almost half do in single-mother households.

5. ‘The greatest challenge we face as educators is how to break that dependency on government.’… a tentative lesson from the field is that while we need safety nets, the focus should be instead on creating opportunity —

6. I don’t want to suggest that America’s antipoverty programs are a total failure. On the contrary, they are making a significant difference. Nearly all homes here in the Appalachian hill country now have electricity and running water, and people aren’t starving.

7. Our political system has created a particularly robust safety net for the elderly, focused on Social Security and Medicare — because the elderly vote. This safety net has brought down the poverty rate among the elderly from about 35 percent in 1959 to under 9 percent today.

8. Of American families living in poverty today, 8 out of 10 have air-conditioning, and a majority have a washing machine and dryer. Nearly all have microwave ovens. What they don’t have is hope.

9. A growing body of careful research suggests that the most effective strategy is to work early on children and education, and to try to encourage and sustain marriage.

10. I don’t want to write anybody off, but I admit that efforts to help Ms. McCormick may end with a mixed record. But those twin boys she’s carrying? There’s time to transform their lives, and they — and millions like them — should be a national priority. They’re too small to fail.” http://www.nytimes.com/2012/12/09/o...d=2&adxnnlx=1355241766-9YB8/+T5s0YnaFOVSnoFHg

I suggest that those in charge are not oblivious to the solutions suggested in Kristof's piece....so the perceptive on the Left, many of whom made the mistaken votes in the election, should ask themselves why they've been lied to.

And...perhaps....ask why this article wasn't printed prior to the election.....
Don't let PoliticalChic's rants lead you to believe that Republicans hate poor people.

After all, if the Republican Party hated poor people they would not have helped to make so many of them.

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Don't let PoliticalChic's rants lead you to believe that Republicans hate poor people.

After all, if the Republican Party hated poor people they would not have made so many of them.


Sorry cupcake, generational poverty is part and parcel of the Progressive's welfare state... which btw, in case you haven't noticed, is something conservatives want overhauled.
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Don't let PoliticalChic's rants lead you to believe that Republicans hate poor people.

After all, if the Republican Party hated poor people they would not have made so many of them.


Sorry cupcake, generational poverty is part and parcel of the Progressives welfare state... which btw, in case you haven't noticed, is something conservatives want overhauled.

Don't worry. I understand.

Bush and the Republicans had the White House, the House, and the Senate. During this time they helped to create many millions upon millions more poor people.

So they quite obviously love poor people very much.

More people should know the GOP loves poor people, too.

Republicans make them, Democrats cuddle them. The father and the mother of the poor.


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Don't let PoliticalChic's rants lead you to believe that Republicans hate poor people.

After all, if the Republican Party hated poor people they would not have made so many of them.


Sorry cupcake, generational poverty is part and parcel of the Progressives welfare state... which btw, in case you haven't noticed, is something conservatives want overhauled.

Don't worry. I understand.

Bush and the Republicans had the White House, the House, and the Senate. During this time they helped to create many millions upon millions more poor people.

So they quite obviously love poor people very much.

More people should know the GOP loves poor people, too.

Republicans make them, Democrats cuddle them. The father and the mother of the poor.



Oh, it's all Bush's fault.. how delicious.

My God you're ignorant.
Sorry cupcake, generational poverty is part and parcel of the Progressives welfare state... which btw, in case you haven't noticed, is something conservatives want overhauled.

Don't worry. I understand.

Bush and the Republicans had the White House, the House, and the Senate. During this time they helped to create many millions upon millions more poor people.

So they quite obviously love poor people very much.

More people should know the GOP loves poor people, too.

Republicans make them, Democrats cuddle them. The father and the mother of the poor.



Oh, it's all Bush's fault.. how delicious.

My God you're ignorant.

I'm sorry. Are you having a problem with generalizations about groups of people?

Don't let PoliticalChic's rants lead you to believe that Republicans hate poor people.

After all, if the Republican Party hated poor people they would not have helped to make so many of them.


What is really funny is that you were exactly the dim-wit I pictured as I read Kristof's article...the kind of sanctimonious 'I love the poor' dunces who endorse the programs that Kristof is skewering.

Learning isn't a strong point with you, is it.
Don't worry. I understand.

Bush and the Republicans had the White House, the House, and the Senate. During this time they helped to create many millions upon millions more poor people.

So they quite obviously love poor people very much.

More people should know the GOP loves poor people, too.

Republicans make them, Democrats cuddle them. The father and the mother of the poor.



Oh, it's all Bush's fault.. how delicious.

My God you're ignorant.

I'm sorry. Are you having a problem with generalizations about groups of people?


What on Earth are you babbling about now? I make a simple statement of fact about the Progressive welfare state, you respond with some blather about GWB and now ask me why I have issues with generalizations about groups of people?

Are you fucking high or something?




I just love it when Libs eat their own.

So....you're characterizing the testimony of Nicholas Kristof in the disgusting manner of that cartoon?


"Nicholas Donabet Kristof (born April 27, 1959) is an American journalist, author, op-ed columnist, and a winner of two Pulitzer Prizes. He has written an op-ed column for The New York Times since November 2001 and The Washington Post says that he "rewrote opinion journalism" with his emphasis on human rights abuses and social injustices, such as human trafficking and the Darfur conflict.[1] Archbishop Desmond Tutu of South Africa has described Kristof as an "honorary African" for shining a spotlight on neglected conflicts."
Nicholas D. Kristof - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Excellent! You've identified this über-Liberal as a liar!!
Love it.

BTW...where does that leave you?
I mean...beside being an idiot.

I don't usually agree with Kristof.....but your post may just be the winner in the category of unintentional humor.
Don't let PoliticalChic's rants lead you to believe that Republicans hate poor people.

After all, if the Republican Party hated poor people they would not have helped to make so many of them.


What is really funny is that you were exactly the dim-wit I pictured as I read Kristof's article...the kind of sanctimonious 'I love the poor' dunces who endorse the programs that Kristof is skewering.

Learning isn't a strong point with you, is it.

I must say, you are a master at finding room to construct strawmen in your little mind.


I am not happy with the size and scope of the entitlement state in our country. Not at all.

But I can't help but marvel at the Republican Party's willingness to create so many people who end up using these programs they hate so much. Gee, maybe if they stopped helping to create so many poor people, that would go a long way toward eliminating the gigantic drain on our economy! You think?

Oh, no. That's right. You don't think. We have some programs which provide enough support to people that they are able to find food and shelter, and then when you look around and don't see any people without food and shelter, you claim there are no poor people because poor means no heat and no shelter and no food! BWA-HA-HA-HA!

Is there waste? Hell yes. But it is funny how you focus like a laser beam solely on the poor and the programs for the poor. There is some weird pathology at work there.





I just love it when Libs eat their own.

So....you're characterizing the testimony of Nicholas Kristof in the disgusting manner of that cartoon?


"Nicholas Donabet Kristof (born April 27, 1959) is an American journalist, author, op-ed columnist, and a winner of two Pulitzer Prizes. He has written an op-ed column for The New York Times since November 2001 and The Washington Post says that he "rewrote opinion journalism" with his emphasis on human rights abuses and social injustices, such as human trafficking and the Darfur conflict.[1] Archbishop Desmond Tutu of South Africa has described Kristof as an "honorary African" for shining a spotlight on neglected conflicts."
Nicholas D. Kristof - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Excellent! You've identified this über-Liberal as a liar!!
Love it.

BTW...where does that leave you?
I mean...beside being an idiot.

I don't usually agree with Kristof.....but your post may just be the winner in the category of unintentional humor.

I realize that, in your binary political world, folks are either "conservative" or "liberal".

Crazy enough, some of us belong to neither ideological group. My best guess is that most of us don't, for that matter. Go figure, huh?

Since I clearly need to explain, here we go: It has been my experience that partisan ideologues on both ends of the spectrum have managed to convince themselves that they have a vice-like grip on The Truth.

So, when I see a partisan ideologue making such a claim, I snicker a bit and think:


That's all. You don't have to take it so personally.

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Don't let PoliticalChic's rants lead you to believe that Republicans hate poor people.

After all, if the Republican Party hated poor people they would not have helped to make so many of them.


What is really funny is that you were exactly the dim-wit I pictured as I read Kristof's article...the kind of sanctimonious 'I love the poor' dunces who endorse the programs that Kristof is skewering.

Learning isn't a strong point with you, is it.

I must say, you are a master at finding room to construct strawmen in your little mind.


I am not happy with the size and scope of the entitlement state in our country. Not at all.

But I can't help but marvel at the Republican Party's willingness to create so many people who end up using these programs they hate so much. Gee, maybe if they stopped helping to create so many poor people, that would go a long way toward eliminating the gigantic drain on our economy! You think?

Oh, no. That's right. You don't think. We have some programs which provide enough support to people that they are able to find food and shelter, and then when you look around and don't see any people without food and shelter, you claim there are no poor people because poor means no heat and no shelter and no food! BWA-HA-HA-HA!

Is there waste? Hell yes. But it is funny how you focus like a laser beam solely on the poor and the programs for the poor. There is some weird pathology at work there.


And of course you're ready to enlighten us as to exactly how the Republican party creates poor people as opposed to how liberal and Progressives create poverty through runaway & unchecked entitlements?

This oughtta be breathtaking...




I just love it when Libs eat their own.

So....you're characterizing the testimony of Nicholas Kristof in the disgusting manner of that cartoon?


"Nicholas Donabet Kristof (born April 27, 1959) is an American journalist, author, op-ed columnist, and a winner of two Pulitzer Prizes. He has written an op-ed column for The New York Times since November 2001 and The Washington Post says that he "rewrote opinion journalism" with his emphasis on human rights abuses and social injustices, such as human trafficking and the Darfur conflict.[1] Archbishop Desmond Tutu of South Africa has described Kristof as an "honorary African" for shining a spotlight on neglected conflicts."
Nicholas D. Kristof - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Excellent! You've identified this über-Liberal as a liar!!
Love it.

BTW...where does that leave you?
I mean...beside being an idiot.

I don't usually agree with Kristof.....but your post may just be the winner in the category of unintentional humor.

I realize that, in your binary political world, folks are either "conservative" or "liberal".

Crazy enough, some of us belong to neither ideological group. My best guess is that most of us don't, for that matter. Go figure, huh?

Since I clearly need to explain, here we go: It has been my experience that partisan ideologues on both ends of the spectrum have managed to convince themselves that they have a vice-like grip on The Truth.

So, when I see a partisan ideologue making such a claim, I snicker a bit and think:


That's all. You don't have to take it so personally.


It's not that I take it personally...it's that I respect and stand up for truth.

Could you explain the parts of the OP that lack truth?

But, personally, for conservatives, data informs policy.
What Kristof is revealing is that the same is not true for Liberal-auspiced welfare policy.
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I just love it when Libs eat their own.

So....you're characterizing the testimony of Nicholas Kristof in the disgusting manner of that cartoon?


"Nicholas Donabet Kristof (born April 27, 1959) is an American journalist, author, op-ed columnist, and a winner of two Pulitzer Prizes. He has written an op-ed column for The New York Times since November 2001 and The Washington Post says that he "rewrote opinion journalism" with his emphasis on human rights abuses and social injustices, such as human trafficking and the Darfur conflict.[1] Archbishop Desmond Tutu of South Africa has described Kristof as an "honorary African" for shining a spotlight on neglected conflicts."
Nicholas D. Kristof - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Excellent! You've identified this über-Liberal as a liar!!
Love it.

BTW...where does that leave you?
I mean...beside being an idiot.

I don't usually agree with Kristof.....but your post may just be the winner in the category of unintentional humor.

I realize that, in your binary political world, folks are either "conservative" or "liberal".

Crazy enough, some of us belong to neither ideological group. My best guess is that most of us don't, for that matter. Go figure, huh?

Since I clearly need to explain, here we go: It has been my experience that partisan ideologues on both ends of the spectrum have managed to convince themselves that they have a vice-like grip on The Truth.

So, when I see a partisan ideologue making such a claim, I snicker a bit and think:


That's all. You don't have to take it personally.


Exactly. It is too often assumed that if one does not drink the piss of the whackos in one brand, one must be a whacko from the other brand.

Only Liberals Know The Truth

Fixed that for you.

I'm thinking that a fix for you would be along the lines of what is meant when one refers to a canine as having been 'fixed.'

Let's see if logic is of aid here:

a. Only Liberals Know The Truth

b. Nicholas Kristof is a well known Liberal

c. Therefore his piece, i.e., the OP, must be true.

Thanks so much for your endorsement.
It's not that I take it personally...it's that I respect and stand up for truth.

Could you explain the parts of the OP that lack truth?

Rather than always being on the attack and seeking ways to take something away from the poor, work on coming up with ideas that prevent people from falling into poverty to begin with.

Provide superior ideas for success rather than seeking to find fault in others so often.

There is currently a massive redistribution of wealth going on up the ladder, not down the ladder. This unnatural concentration is doing more damage to our market system, and creating more poverty, than anything else going on right now.

The fight over taxes and entitlement programs is classic political misdirection.

The partisan hacks on the right can see that taking more from the rich will not solve the problem. However, they cannot see that taking more from the poor will not solve the problem, either.

The obverse is true for the partisan hacks on the left.

Don't let PoliticalChic's rants lead you to believe that Republicans hate poor people.

After all, if the Republican Party hated poor people they would not have made so many of them.


Sorry cupcake, generational poverty is part and parcel of the Progressives welfare state... which btw, in case you haven't noticed, is something conservatives want overhauled.

Don't worry. I understand.

Bush and the Republicans had the White House, the House, and the Senate. During this time they helped to create many millions upon millions more poor people.

So they quite obviously love poor people very much.

More people should know the GOP loves poor people, too.

Republicans make them, Democrats cuddle them. The father and the mother of the poor.



Too bad you are unaware of what a 'tautology' is.

You seem to be quite invested in same.

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