Europe in ten years!Today Egypt, tomorrow any European country


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
The True Meaning of Islam is a 24/7 non-stop killing ( or converting ) of non-Muslims. It is clearly demanded in Koran, only a good killer of non-Muslims can enter Muslim Paradise.

"164 Jihad Verses in the Koran -- Passages in the Quran about Islamic Holy War" compiled by Yoel Natan

In Name of Moon God Allah

ALLAH, the Moon God

Muslims have already killed 270m non-Muslims

Now the 'True Islam' is spreading in the World by sky-high rates, murders in Egypt today will became murders in Europe tomorrow.

The Islamic State might have been driven out of Syria and Iraq for the most part, but they are spread out all over the world, mainly in North Africa now.
Clarion Project (h/t HS) This extremely graphic video was filmed in el-Arish in Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula, not far from the Gaza Strip. It shows ISIS fighters wandering the streets of the city where they freely embark on an orgy of carnage. Clarion periodically publishes this type of video to remind you why we challenge radical Islam in all its forms wherever it rears its head.

Do not watch here if you have a weak heart.

ANOTHER GRAPHIC ISIS VIDEO: Executions in the streets of Egypt

Think about: Today Egypt, tomorrow any European country.The traitorous politicians can not save you and so-called coward 'police' and 'armies' will flee with pants full of shi. from coming Islam Forces in Europe

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