Europe Cashing in Jews, Absorbing Muslims

The impression among a large and growing number of Europe's Jews is that there is no longer a place for them in Europe. Despite British Prime Minister David Cameron's reassurances, it is clear that Europe today has no more interest in saving its Jews than it did in 1940.

Most British Jews feel they have no future in Europe poll - Yahoo News

Why does one religious group feel that they are more entitled to another religious group?

Entitled to what?
Victim status.

I see nothing in the article or the situation in which anyone is claiming victimization. Try to get over your mindless hate and focus on the thread topic. Europe's Jews increasingly feel there is no place for them in Europe. Does that bother you?
The impression among a large and growing number of Europe's Jews is that there is no longer a place for them in Europe. Despite British Prime Minister David Cameron's reassurances, it is clear that Europe today has no more interest in saving its Jews than it did in 1940.

Most British Jews feel they have no future in Europe poll - Yahoo News

Why does one religious group feel that they are more entitled to another religious group?
Considering specifics I would suggest Hitler and jihad are a couple of good reasons.
The impression among a large and growing number of Europe's Jews is that there is no longer a place for them in Europe. Despite British Prime Minister David Cameron's reassurances, it is clear that Europe today has no more interest in saving its Jews than it did in 1940.

Most British Jews feel they have no future in Europe poll - Yahoo News

Why does one religious group feel that they are more entitled to another religious group?
As in the right to live a peaceful existence without fear from the extremists of another religion who've vowed to wipe them out?
The impression among a large and growing number of Europe's Jews is that there is no longer a place for them in Europe. Despite British Prime Minister David Cameron's reassurances, it is clear that Europe today has no more interest in saving its Jews than it did in 1940.

Most British Jews feel they have no future in Europe poll - Yahoo News

Why does one religious group feel that they are more entitled to another religious group?
Considering specifics I would suggest Hitler and jihad are a couple of good reasons.

Hitler, jihad and the tsunami invasion of Europe by Islam.

Who can blame the jewish people.
I see nothing in the article or the situation in which anyone is claiming victimization.
What a surprise.

According to the CAA's poll of 2,230 British Jews, 58 percent felt Jews might have no long-term future in Europe, 45 percent felt their family was threatened by Islamist extremism and more than half had witnessed more anti-Semitism in the last two years than ever before.
It's too late for Europe.

Europe has sold their souls to Islam

They have sold their souls to hell

Now its pay time for weak Europe
Europe in its current state is softening.

Europe is desintegrating..

If they are weak idiots that can not say NO to radical Islam...

They deserve all the hell that is coming to them.

And then some.
I see nothing in the article or the situation in which anyone is claiming victimization.
What a surprise.

According to the CAA's poll of 2,230 British Jews, 58 percent felt Jews might have no long-term future in Europe, 45 percent felt their family was threatened by Islamist extremism and more than half had witnessed more anti-Semitism in the last two years than ever before.

Security concerns are a major reason people emigrate. It's not a matter of victimization. It's no biggie really ... should Europe's Jews get squeezed out, millions of Muslims will gladly take their place.

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