Zone1 Ethnics Out Of Control...

Canon Shooter

Diamond Member
Jan 7, 2020
Seems these dumbasses believed that they should have to pay $1.75 for extra hot sauce, despite the fact that every other person who wants extra hot sauce pays $1.75 for extra hot sauce:

I'm glad they were arrested, and I hope they get the maximum penalty allowed...
THey sound like one their names. I think the person, young woman who either owns or runs that restaurant is of hispanic origin. Would you call that racism? hate crime??

These women caused a lot of damage and onlookers did nothing but laugh, egg them on and video on their cellphones. They did nothing to stop this insanity and i never saw the cops show up and their destruction went on and on and on. I don't have significant hope that these women will face any kind of punishment...I doubt they'll have to pay for damages. That is the state of our justice system. It isn't working and it is the dmocrats' fault.
Seems these dumbasses believed that they should have to pay $1.75 for extra hot sauce, despite the fact that every other person who wants extra hot sauce pays $1.75 for extra hot sauce:

I'm glad they were arrested, and I hope they get the maximum penalty allowed...

It's a jungle out there. When I want to escape it for a time I hike on the mountain behind our property. Slip into the woods and vanish—the most soothing therapy available in this Hell World of ours. At least ticks suck blood because sucking blood is their nature. People these days? They just SUCK.

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