Ethics :

This is what happens when a society is taught that human life has no value.
here is an interesting article that discusses the agencies that never reported this clinic or didnt follow up....

Why Dr. Kermit Gosnell's Case Is About Poverty, Not Roe v. Wade - - TIME Healthland

That's seriously fucked up. Dr. Gosnell deserves a maximum sentence for his behavior. His illegal abortions and frequent violation of his Hippocratic oath says more about his ethics as a doctor and not about abortion.

His treatment of patients was worse than slipshod. The report describes instances of his failure to remove all the fetal parts from a uterus, his puncturing a uterus, tearing a cervix and colon, and refusing to call in assistance from another hospital when a patient convulsed and fell on the floor.

At least one woman, Karnamaya Mongar, 41, died in Gosnell's care, after his untrained staff administered an overdose of Demerol — the doctor regularly asked his staff to give patients drugs — and her heart stopped beating. (Nine of Gosnell's employees, none of whom were licensed to practice medicine, were charged as well.)

Read more: Why Dr. Kermit Gosnell's Case Is About Poverty, Not Roe v. Wade - - TIME Healthland

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