Ethics complaints against Pelosi and Schiff


Platinum Member
Dec 31, 2015
Hopefully they'll get their asses handed to them for their actions.

Here's the story on Pelosi......

40 conservative groups sign ethics complaint against Pelosi

…….."Speaker Pelosi's conduct is an encroachment across the constitutionally-mandated separation of powers. She has no business examining or investigating the president's legitimate exercise of his authority to determine the foreign and national security policy of the United States," reads the complaint...………….

And here's the one on Schiff.....

.‘Must be held accountable’: Matt Gaetz files ethics complaint against Adam Schiff

......The complaint accused Mr. Schiff, chairman of the House intelligence committee, of distorting President Trump’s call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, of lying about the investigation into Russia’s 2016 election meddling and of keeping Mr. Gaetz and other members of Congress out of a non-public impeachment hearing.....

They both need to be held accountable for the way they've handled themselves in the pursuit of the President It's political bias and has nothing to do with the country or the people they are supposed to represent.
Hopefully they'll get their asses handed to them for their actions.
Here's the story on Pelosi......
40 conservative groups sign ethics complaint against Pelosi
…….."Speaker Pelosi's conduct is an encroachment across the constitutionally-mandated separation of powers. She has no business examining or investigating the president's legitimate exercise of his authority to determine the foreign and national security policy of the United States," reads the complaint...………….
And here's the one on Schiff.....
.‘Must be held accountable’: Matt Gaetz files ethics complaint against Adam Schiff
......The complaint accused Mr. Schiff, chairman of the House intelligence committee, of distorting President Trump’s call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, of lying about the investigation into Russia’s 2016 election meddling and of keeping Mr. Gaetz and other members of Congress out of a non-public impeachment hearing.....
They both need to be held accountable for the way they've handled themselves in the pursuit of the President It's political bias and has nothing to do with the country or the people they are supposed to represent.

Truth of the matter is that Nancy & Co will laugh at the ethics complaints, tear them up and throw them in the waste basket. They carry no particular legal weight and worst case, by the time they effect a pulling back of the reigns, their damage will have been done in dragging Trump through yet more mud.

The President DOES NOT answer to Nancy and her Congress in how he runs his presidency, and while they do hold impeachment powers, the impeachment was intended for HIGH crimes, etc., etc., meaning that, things which were so egregious and outstanding as to stand on their own as offenses, NOT requiring a whisteblower to go running crying about something said in a private phone call that requires weeks and months of investigation just to determine if you even have a case.

In other words, rather than being a case of: TRUMP DID THIS! It is more a case of: CAN WE GET TRUMP ON THIS?

If that were the case, the GOP could have "blown the whistle" on Obama at least 200 times but they were too busy overwhelmed with real and legitimate actions and concerns of his as it was. The goal of the Democrats here is clear: slow Trump down on his getting at what they really did in 2016 trying to sabotage him, and so tire the voter from hearing all this wrangling about what this side said or did that come 2020 election time, they are so exhausted, they just tune it all out and stop listening altogether, or at the very least, are just left with a bad taste in their mouth figuring that Trump is the one who put them all through this circus.
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Hopefully they'll get their asses handed to them for their actions.

Here's the story on Pelosi......

40 conservative groups sign ethics complaint against Pelosi

…….."Speaker Pelosi's conduct is an encroachment across the constitutionally-mandated separation of powers. She has no business examining or investigating the president's legitimate exercise of his authority to determine the foreign and national security policy of the United States," reads the complaint...………….

And here's the one on Schiff.....

.‘Must be held accountable’: Matt Gaetz files ethics complaint against Adam Schiff

......The complaint accused Mr. Schiff, chairman of the House intelligence committee, of distorting President Trump’s call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, of lying about the investigation into Russia’s 2016 election meddling and of keeping Mr. Gaetz and other members of Congress out of a non-public impeachment hearing.....

They both need to be held accountable for the way they've handled themselves in the pursuit of the President It's political bias and has nothing to do with the country or the people they are supposed to represent.
it is amazing that there really are people who trust Pelosi and Schiff, liberals are duped dolts
Pelosi was unethical long before this coup attempt. Calling her unethical is like calling a priest father. The only thing that would bother her is to take her money or freedom and she's confident that her establishment buddies won't let that happen.
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The only thing that would bother her is to take her money of freedom and she's confident that her establishment buddies won't let that happen.

Ahem... Noticed how many libtard politicians have died in the last few weeks? Just sayin...

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