Establishment Joe Gives Pay Raise to Federal Workers and More Money to Welfare Queens


May 23, 2014
Sure, because the establishment government worker bees within the Swamp do such a fine job. Lol. Also, more hard working people's tax dollars going to the lame and lazy. This 47 year establishment insider idiot Xibiden is a completely in the bag for Washington D.C. and inner city blacks who he perceives as being victims of "systemic racism."
Sure, because the establishment government worker bees within the Swamp do such a fine job. Lol. Also, more hard working people's tax dollars going to the lame and lazy. This 47 year establishment insider idiot Xibiden is a completely in the bag for Washington D.C. and inner city blacks who he perceives as being victims of "systemic racism."

With a 15 dollar minimum wage you can expect more robots, automation and less human workers. The less need for human workers equals less jobs and more unemployed. Not to mention another devastating effect on the small businesses that are left.
I did not know there were Federal Government workers making less than $15.00/Hr. Wonder what happens to the location adjustment when they change the base?
The poor white hillbillies in Kentucky that help keep Moscow Mitch in the Senate, hate Biden, but his attention to their desperate needs won't be refused.

The hypocrisy of conservatism.
Exactly! You let them tell it its only minorities on welfare., or work shitty jobs that would benefit the 15 dollars a hour minimum wage.. When statistics especially in these "red" states that are so damn conservative show that in fact their voters get the majority of the socialist handouts. Farming subsidies, food stamps, drug rehabs etc.

Grotesque, ugly, low IQ, welfare queens are the best friends of democrats. Obese monsters represent diversity! And according to the Talmudic Zionists who insist on a racist ethnostate for themselves, this is good for the West who created civilization, ridiculous Pulitzer prizes notwithstanding.
The poor white hillbillies in Kentucky that help keep Moscow Mitch in the Senate, hate Biden, but his attention to their desperate needs won't be refused.

The hypocrisy of conservatism.

is it anything like the hypocrisy of liberalism?.....just asking...
Grotesque, ugly, low IQ, welfare queens are the best friends of democrats. Obese monsters represent diversity! And according to the Talmudic Zionists who insist on a racist ethnostate for themselves, this is good for the West who created civilization, ridiculous Pulitzer prizes notwithstanding.
Grotesque, ugly, low IQ, welfare queens are the best friends of democrats. Obese monsters represent diversity! And according to the Talmudic Zionists who insist on a racist ethnostate for themselves, this is good for the West who created civilization, ridiculous Pulitzer prizes notwithstanding.
Or the grotesque, ugly. Low IQ, welfare queens that are best Friends of the republicans and members of the maga hordes that think their skin color makes them somehow superior to anyone. It's amazing that some of you really act as if it's only black people that are on welfare, when it's a fact that its more white welfare queens in this country than anyone
Grotesque, ugly, low IQ, welfare queens are the best friends of democrats. Obese monsters represent diversity! And according to the Talmudic Zionists who insist on a racist ethnostate for themselves, this is good for the West who created civilization, ridiculous Pulitzer prizes notwithstanding.
Or the grotesque, ugly. Low IQ, welfare queens that are best Friends of the republicans and members of the maga hordes that think their skin color makes them somehow superior to anyone. It's amazing that some of you really act as if it's only black people that are on welfare, when it's a fact that its more white welfare queens in this country than anyone. Calling someone else Obese monsters is a crazy comment looking at some of those pictures of those fat people beasts out of breath trying to commit a coup a few weeks ago. Those are some obese, racist monsters
Grotesque, ugly, low IQ, welfare queens are the best friends of democrats. Obese monsters represent diversity! And according to the Talmudic Zionists who insist on a racist ethnostate for themselves, this is good for the West who created civilization, ridiculous Pulitzer prizes notwithstanding.
Or the grotesque, ugly. Low IQ, welfare queens that are best Friends of the republicans and members of the maga hordes that think their skin color makes them somehow superior to anyone. It's amazing that some of you really act as if it's only black people that are on welfare, when it's a fact that its more white welfare queens in this country than anyone. Calling someone else Obese monsters is a crazy comment looking at some of those pictures of those Wilderbeast out of breath trying to commit a coup a few weeks ago. Those are some obese, racist monsters
Sure, because the establishment government worker bees within the Swamp do such a fine job. Lol. Also, more hard working people's tax dollars going to the lame and lazy. This 47 year establishment insider idiot Xibiden is a completely in the bag for Washington D.C. and inner city blacks who he perceives as being victims of "systemic racism."
"Elections have consequences."
Sure, because the establishment government worker bees within the Swamp do such a fine job. Lol. Also, more hard working people's tax dollars going to the lame and lazy. This 47 year establishment insider idiot Xibiden is a completely in the bag for Washington D.C. and inner city blacks who he perceives as being victims of "systemic racism."

With a 15 dollar minimum wage you can expect more robots, automation and less human workers. The less need for human workers equals less jobs and more unemployed. Not to mention another devastating effect on the small businesses that are left.
100% correct
Sure, because the establishment government worker bees within the Swamp do such a fine job. Lol. Also, more hard working people's tax dollars going to the lame and lazy. This 47 year establishment insider idiot Xibiden is a completely in the bag for Washington D.C. and inner city blacks who he perceives as being victims of "systemic racism."
"Elections have consequences."
Yep. The American people lost to a 47 year career politician.
I did not know there were Federal Government workers making less than $15.00/Hr. Wonder what happens to the location adjustment when they change the base?

I don't!

I make about $14 and change.
Wow. I really did not know. Congrats on the raise. No location adjustment? Cost of living in KY (state of my birth) to TN about the same. Thanks for doing what you are doing (something with assisting vets on benefits?) as I think it is worth more.:clap:
Grotesque, ugly, low IQ, welfare queens are the best friends of democrats. Obese monsters represent diversity! And according to the Talmudic Zionists who insist on a racist ethnostate for themselves, this is good for the West who created civilization, ridiculous Pulitzer prizes notwithstanding.
Ever get behind one in the grocery store with 5 kids and a shopping cart full of junk food and red drank?

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