Esquire’s Profile Of White American Boy During Black History Month Stirs Controversy


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013

Esquire has found itself embroiled in controversy on social media after a piece about a young white, middle-class teenager was chosen as the focal point for a piece on growing up in America in the March issue of the magazine, which was released during February ― Black History Month.

The piece follows 17-year-old high school senior Ryan Morgan from West Bend, Wisconsin. Morgan is featured in a powerful cover image on the March 2019 issue of Esquire. Overlaid over the image of Morgan, who is donning both a button-down and a hoodie and holding a sneaker, is the text: “An American Boy.”

“What it’s like to grow up white, middle class, and male in the era of social media, school shootings, toxic masculinity, #MeToo, and a divided country,” it reads.

Readers are given a rundown of Morgan’s day-to-day, which includes his retelling of an altercation with a female classmate, an AP exam, interactions with his girlfriend, Kaitlyn, and his feelings.

In one section that unpacks how Morgan, who lives in a predominately Trump-voting territory, feels politically. He says that “last year was really bad.”

“I couldn’t say anything without pissing someone off ... Lots of drama over politics,” he says. “It ruined friendships and changed social groups. People were making friends based on their politics more than anything.” reads the piece, which says that, surprisingly, the most popular opinion at Morgan’s high school was “anti-Trump.”

The piece goes on to say: “Ryan, raised in Republican households, was surprised by the vitriol. ‘Everyone hates me because I support Trump?’ he says. ‘I couldn’t debate anyone without being shut down and called names. Like, what did I do wrong?’”

Esquire's Profile Of White American Boy During Black History Month Stirs Controversy | HuffPost

The funny thing is the dumb left actually justifies what the article is claiming.

What has happened here is the left has an established conclusion, and then they search for the argument after their established conclusion.

Conclusion being: We should never have any sympathy for these awful oppressors young white men, claiming that the month of February is an inappropriate month for it. Cause it is you know, black patronizing month.

The article points out how this culture is very confused. All American kids are receiving very mixed messages. We are told that men and women are exactly the same from the left on one hand, we see that everywhere. Yet, according to the left we need to treat women with a very specific attitude and men very differently. We are told that race does not matter and we should treat everyone by the content of character rather than color of skin and then we are told based on the color of this kids skin that they should shut up. People who are white and male should not hold any opinion as though their opinion is not determined by the content itself.

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