ESPN Radio Host Says Jon Gruden Scandal is Why It’s ‘Hard for Black Americans to EVER Trust White People’

Go into any ghetto, and everyone is talking about "jive assed honky mutha fackas"
I've seen black people that will say that stuff to the face of white people with absolutely no fear. lol They know it's a one-way street and that the scale is rigged in that sense.
Being observant and commenting correctly on people’s general tendencies is taboo. Titty pictures equally so but two guys sucking dick is PC perfection
The same I can say about whites.
Most of them don't trust blacks.
Go to 'Most wanted' in any police department.
Look on black on white crimes statistic.
I don't speak about BLM or hordes of blacks who ransacked numerous businesses of whites

I could add 4 or 5 other reasons to that list but really, why bother? We all know why most blacks aren't trusted.
It amazes me how many intelligent people fail to understand email is forever.
Well, the NFL chose to embrace the politicized slippery slope of identity politics, forgetting that they should've remained solely sports entertainment.
They get what's coming to them.
And to think that so many idiots bet their hard earned dollars on this travesty filled shitshow.
I'll take the under that this league continues to eventually implode.

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