ESPN Radio Host Says Jon Gruden Scandal is Why It’s ‘Hard for Black Americans to EVER Trust White People’


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
"Hmmmm, let's see, who are our callers today?"

"Looks like on line 1, we have Tawana Brawley. Jesse Smolett on line 2, and the Duke Lacrosse liars on line 3"

Jon Gruden resigned from the Las Vegas Raiders after leaked emails showed him making racist, sexist and homophobic comments for nearly a decade.

"Hmmmm, let's see, who are our callers today?"

"Looks like on line 1, we have Tawana Brawley. Jesse Smolett on line 2, and the Duke Lacrosse liars on line 3"

The same I can say about whites.
Most of them don't trust blacks.
Go to 'Most wanted' in any police department.
Look on black on white crimes statistic.
I don't speak about BLM or hordes of blacks who ransacked numerous businesses of whites
The same I can say about whites.
Most of them don't trust blacks.
Go to 'Most wanted' in any police department.
Look on black on white crimes statistic.
I don't speak about BLM or hordes of blacks who ransacked numerous businesses of whites
There is truth to this, and it's fair. You can argue over why black people commit more violent crime on average, but it's ultimately irrelevant to the individual who simply wants to be safe.

If you had two roads to walk down, both of which were mostly safe, but one of which was slightly more safe, which one would you prefer to walk down? It's obvious. People are afraid of black people, and they have a biological and evolutionary reason to be. They are more likely to be victimized by them on average. A random black person you bump into is statistically more likely to be dangerous than a random white person. Even some black people will tell you they are more scared of black youths than white youths.
This is another liberal writer who is only capable of seeing one side of the coin.

Sure, there is reason why some black people do not trust white people, but there is absolutely also reasons for why some white people do not trust black people.
Problem is, you'll never see an article written by the MSM about it.
There is truth to this, and it's fair. You can argue over why black people commit more violent crime on average, but it's ultimately irrelevant to the individual who simply wants to be safe.

If you had two roads to walk down, both of which were mostly safe, but one of which was slightly more safe, which one would you prefer to walk down? It's obvious. People are afraid of black people, and they have a biological and evolutionary reason to be. They are more likely to be victimized by them on average. A random black person you bump into is statistically more likely to be dangerous than a random white person. Even some black people will tell you they are more scared of black youths than white youths.

Just go through any black neighborhood in any city, especially after 8 p.m.
I don't think you're going completely careless
This is another liberal writer who is only capable of seeing one side of the coin.

Sure, there is reason why some black people do not trust white people, but there is absolutely also reasons for why some white people do not trust black people.
Problem is, you'll never see an article written by the MSM about it.

Even most 'woke' white zombies don't trust blacks. And they'll never admit it, even under torture!!
ZOMG a guy has big lips and someone made fun og him for it. Somehow that means he thinks white people are superior. Because no white person has big lips.
These people are so fucking stupid.

Blacks talk like that about other blacks, and in locker rooms such banter is common per former players.

The poor, put upon blacks. I have an idea, emigrate then.
There are a lot of white people who trash blacks when the latter aren't present, but the reverse is also true.

Go into any ghetto, and everyone is talking about "jive assed honky mutha fackas"

I don't know what any of this has to do with "trust".

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