Erratic behavior?


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2017

Of course not! For Scumpty it is completely normal behavior, as it has been for his three plus years in office. He has called Covid a hoax fro day 1, and he ain't about to give in now, despite the massive number of US deaths and infections, even his own. He has always been true to his beliefs and a stand up guy, unwilling to back down, admit error, or apologize for his transgressions. That's why we love him so!

CNN has been after him from day 1, with article after article, pointing out Scumpty's shortcomings, when the majority of us see them not as shortcomings, but as strengths. And now the FDA, part of his own administration and subject to the orders of Scumpty, has made it much more difficult for him to get an election saving vaccine before November 3rd.

Even his beloved Russia is not delivering. With Scumpty trailing Vice President Biden by 16 points in the polls, one has to wonder if, at this late date, even Putin can rescue Scumpty from an ignominious ass kicking on election day. Sad, so sad! Bigly!!!

Of course not! For Scumpty it is completely normal behavior, as it has been for his three plus years in office. He has called Covid a hoax fro day 1, and he ain't about to give in now, despite the massive number of US deaths and infections, even his own. He has always been true to his beliefs and a stand up guy, unwilling to back down, admit error, or apologize for his transgressions. That's why we love him so!

CNN has been after him from day 1, with article after article, pointing out Scumpty's shortcomings, when the majority of us see them not as shortcomings, but as strengths. And now the FDA, part of his own administration and subject to the orders of Scumpty, has made it much more difficult for him to get an election saving vaccine before November 3rd.

Even his beloved Russia is not delivering. With Scumpty trailing Vice President Biden by 16 points in the polls, one has to wonder if, at this late date, even Putin can rescue Scumpty from an ignominious ass kicking on election day. Sad, so sad! Bigly!!!
Yet another example of how Trump is unfit to be president; yet another compelling reason to vote Trump out of office.

Of course not! For Scumpty it is completely normal behavior, as it has been for his three plus years in office. He has called Covid a hoax fro day 1, and he ain't about to give in now, despite the massive number of US deaths and infections, even his own. He has always been true to his beliefs and a stand up guy, unwilling to back down, admit error, or apologize for his transgressions. That's why we love him so!

CNN has been after him from day 1, with article after article, pointing out Scumpty's shortcomings, when the majority of us see them not as shortcomings, but as strengths. And now the FDA, part of his own administration and subject to the orders of Scumpty, has made it much more difficult for him to get an election saving vaccine before November 3rd.

Even his beloved Russia is not delivering. With Scumpty trailing Vice President Biden by 16 points in the polls, one has to wonder if, at this late date, even Putin can rescue Scumpty from an ignominious ass kicking on election day. Sad, so sad! Bigly!!!
Yet another example of how Trump is unfit to be president; yet another compelling reason to vote Trump out of office.

Unfit because he doesn't want taxpayer dollars bailing out poorly run democratic states?

4 more years.

The one that is unfit for office is Pissloser, who can't seem to put a clean bill before the senate for true Covid19 relief.
CNN and the Communist party hoped and prayed (To Baal, Muhammad, Beelzebub, and Moloch, all the devils of the burning hells) that the president would die.

His rapid recovery had made the Himmlerites distressed.

Chris Cuomo offered a calm, rational, and intelligent on air analysis on Tuesday;

"Fuck, fucking Covid is fucking fatal, why isn't that MOTHERFUCKER DEAD? NO ONE RECOVERS, EVER - we were PROMISED that Trump would DIE."

An aid walked over and reminded Cuomo that he had recovered back in June.

Cuomo rationally explianed;

"You dumb little motherfucker, that was just a show, I didn't fuckin have nutin. This fucking Trump has TO DIE goddammit. He had to be LYING, like me. No one recovers."

The aid reminds Cuomo that Covid has a 99.8% survival rate.

Cuomo calmly exclaimed;

"You're dead motherfucker, your family is dead, my brother is the most prolific mass murderer in American history. You think he'd kill all those old people and not kill you and everyone you know? Covid is 100% fatal. If you vote in person you WILL DIE!!!'

Of course not! For Scumpty it is completely normal behavior, as it has been for his three plus years in office. He has called Covid a hoax fro day 1, and he ain't about to give in now, despite the massive number of US deaths and infections, even his own. He has always been true to his beliefs and a stand up guy, unwilling to back down, admit error, or apologize for his transgressions. That's why we love him so!

CNN has been after him from day 1, with article after article, pointing out Scumpty's shortcomings, when the majority of us see them not as shortcomings, but as strengths. And now the FDA, part of his own administration and subject to the orders of Scumpty, has made it much more difficult for him to get an election saving vaccine before November 3rd.

Even his beloved Russia is not delivering. With Scumpty trailing Vice President Biden by 16 points in the polls, one has to wonder if, at this late date, even Putin can rescue Scumpty from an ignominious ass kicking on election day. Sad, so sad! Bigly!!!
Yet another example of how Trump is unfit to be president; yet another compelling reason to vote Trump out of office.

Unfit because he doesn't want taxpayer dollars bailing out poorly run democratic states?

4 more years.

The one that is unfit for office is Pissloser, who can't seem to put a clean bill before the senate for true Covid19 relief.

CNN is unhinged and irrational. "Super Spreader?"

The little Goebbels are almost a parody of themselves.

Of course not! For Scumpty it is completely normal behavior, as it has been for his three plus years in office. He has called Covid a hoax fro day 1, and he ain't about to give in now, despite the massive number of US deaths and infections, even his own. He has always been true to his beliefs and a stand up guy, unwilling to back down, admit error, or apologize for his transgressions. That's why we love him so!

CNN has been after him from day 1, with article after article, pointing out Scumpty's shortcomings, when the majority of us see them not as shortcomings, but as strengths. And now the FDA, part of his own administration and subject to the orders of Scumpty, has made it much more difficult for him to get an election saving vaccine before November 3rd.

Even his beloved Russia is not delivering. With Scumpty trailing Vice President Biden by 16 points in the polls, one has to wonder if, at this late date, even Putin can rescue Scumpty from an ignominious ass kicking on election day. Sad, so sad! Bigly!!!
Don't underestimate Trump.... He will cheat, lie, or steal to win, including abusing his presidential power, and the Russians will help him, to the very end.

Trump has been seeding a rigged election months BEFORE ballots were even printed and before the first vote was even cast..... Trump can not be trusted in any way, shape, or form, he is planning to RIG a win, for himself.
TRUMP just played Pelosi with the tweet on walking away from the stimulus negotiations. Knowing democrats would claim TRUMP wants to inflict further pain on people struggling to get by in the mist of COVID. TRUMP now has tweeted he will sign a stand alone bill giving people $1200 if Pelosi gets one to his desk. SO now the balls in Pelosi's court on if she will put the people first or if she will continue to use peoples suffering as leverage for payouts to bailout democrat failed cities.

The MSM isn't covering TRUMP's recent tweet, but I'm sure Pence is set to spread the message in tonights debate.

Of course not! For Scumpty it is completely normal behavior, as it has been for his three plus years in office. He has called Covid a hoax fro day 1, and he ain't about to give in now, despite the massive number of US deaths and infections, even his own. He has always been true to his beliefs and a stand up guy, unwilling to back down, admit error, or apologize for his transgressions. That's why we love him so!

CNN has been after him from day 1, with article after article, pointing out Scumpty's shortcomings, when the majority of us see them not as shortcomings, but as strengths. And now the FDA, part of his own administration and subject to the orders of Scumpty, has made it much more difficult for him to get an election saving vaccine before November 3rd.

Even his beloved Russia is not delivering. With Scumpty trailing Vice President Biden by 16 points in the polls, one has to wonder if, at this late date, even Putin can rescue Scumpty from an ignominious ass kicking on election day. Sad, so sad! Bigly!!!
Don't underestimate Trump.... He will cheat, lie, or steal to win, including abusing his presidential power, and the Russians will help him, to the very end.

Trump has been seeding a rigged election months BEFORE ballots were even printed and before the first vote was even cast..... Trump can not be trusted in any way, shape, or form, he is planning to RIG a win, for himself.

Prove it.

Of course not! For Scumpty it is completely normal behavior, as it has been for his three plus years in office. He has called Covid a hoax fro day 1, and he ain't about to give in now, despite the massive number of US deaths and infections, even his own. He has always been true to his beliefs and a stand up guy, unwilling to back down, admit error, or apologize for his transgressions. That's why we love him so!

CNN has been after him from day 1, with article after article, pointing out Scumpty's shortcomings, when the majority of us see them not as shortcomings, but as strengths. And now the FDA, part of his own administration and subject to the orders of Scumpty, has made it much more difficult for him to get an election saving vaccine before November 3rd.

Even his beloved Russia is not delivering. With Scumpty trailing Vice President Biden by 16 points in the polls, one has to wonder if, at this late date, even Putin can rescue Scumpty from an ignominious ass kicking on election day. Sad, so sad! Bigly!!!
Yet another example of how Trump is unfit to be president; yet another compelling reason to vote Trump out of office.
I am not compelled.

Sorry. Trump may not be perfect, but he is the best option right now, without question.

Maybe Dems will run a serious, non-communist candidate in 2024.

Give us a "gay couple defends pot farm with machine guns" type candidate and you'll have my vote. Otherwise....

Of course not! For Scumpty it is completely normal behavior, as it has been for his three plus years in office. He has called Covid a hoax fro day 1, and he ain't about to give in now, despite the massive number of US deaths and infections, even his own. He has always been true to his beliefs and a stand up guy, unwilling to back down, admit error, or apologize for his transgressions. That's why we love him so!

CNN has been after him from day 1, with article after article, pointing out Scumpty's shortcomings, when the majority of us see them not as shortcomings, but as strengths. And now the FDA, part of his own administration and subject to the orders of Scumpty, has made it much more difficult for him to get an election saving vaccine before November 3rd.

Even his beloved Russia is not delivering. With Scumpty trailing Vice President Biden by 16 points in the polls, one has to wonder if, at this late date, even Putin can rescue Scumpty from an ignominious ass kicking on election day. Sad, so sad! Bigly!!!
Don't underestimate Trump.... He will cheat, lie, or steal to win, including abusing his presidential power, and the Russians will help him, to the very end.

Trump has been seeding a rigged election months BEFORE ballots were even printed and before the first vote was even cast..... Trump can not be trusted in any way, shape, or form, he is planning to RIG a win, for himself.

Prove it.
Why bother? As a good little Trumpist minions, you all in unison, will deny it....

Regardless, that was my warning and opinion! Do not trust Trump, he has something crooked up his sleeve! I stand by that!!!
Trump is basically in over his head. His businesses are losing money hand over fist and he owes 100s of millions to God knows who. That's a security risk. If he doesn't win, he faces bankruptcy and possibly indictment for tax fraud.

President Trump, Tax Fraud?

Some Russian Oligarch will pay his hundreds of millions in loans when they come due, in 2 years.... you can count on it!

Of course not! For Scumpty it is completely normal behavior, as it has been for his three plus years in office. He has called Covid a hoax fro day 1, and he ain't about to give in now, despite the massive number of US deaths and infections, even his own. He has always been true to his beliefs and a stand up guy, unwilling to back down, admit error, or apologize for his transgressions. That's why we love him so!

CNN has been after him from day 1, with article after article, pointing out Scumpty's shortcomings, when the majority of us see them not as shortcomings, but as strengths. And now the FDA, part of his own administration and subject to the orders of Scumpty, has made it much more difficult for him to get an election saving vaccine before November 3rd.

Even his beloved Russia is not delivering. With Scumpty trailing Vice President Biden by 16 points in the polls, one has to wonder if, at this late date, even Putin can rescue Scumpty from an ignominious ass kicking on election day. Sad, so sad! Bigly!!!
Don't underestimate Trump.... He will cheat, lie, or steal to win, including abusing his presidential power, and the Russians will help him, to the very end.

Trump has been seeding a rigged election months BEFORE ballots were even printed and before the first vote was even cast..... Trump can not be trusted in any way, shape, or form, he is planning to RIG a win, for himself.

Thanks Nazi Piloshiti

It's TRUMP we need to worry about - yeah, right...


A Postal Service mail carrier in New Jersey was arrested Wednesday for allegedly discarding mail, including 99 general election ballots.

Nicholas Beauchene was charged with one count of delay, secretion or detention of mail and one count of obstruction of mail. He faces a maximum penalty of five years in prison and a $250,000 fine for the delay charge, and up to six months in prison and a $6,000 fine for obstruction.

The discarded ballots were addressed to residents of West Orange, N.J., U.S. Attorney Craig Carpentino said.

According to documents filed in the U.S. District Court for the District of New Jersey, approximately 1,875 pieces of mail were recovered from dumpsters in North Arlington and West Orange between Oct. 2 and Oct. 5. They were slated for delivery in Orange and West Orange.

Prosecutors allege that Beauchene was the only mail carrier assigned to deliver to those addresses. He is scheduled to appear Wednesday in Newark federal court.



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