Epstein Pilot - Trump Flew on the Lolita Express

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Prediction about the Epstein trial

All of will be swept under the rug EXCEPT any instance where Trump may have had contact with Epstein and probably most of it made up in a dossier of some sort.


The prosecution is James Comey's daughter.

The Deep State wins every time!!!
Yes. The person who writes those logs.

Under oath.

Now provide your source for Clinton being on it multiple times. So we can all laugh at your embarrassing behavior. Thanks.
This is a crack up...the media and you tards are in full cover mode for the Clintons once again...what are you saying?...that Trump was worse then Bill Clinton...are you crazy?...once again...we don't care...you are the hypocrites not us.....


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The judge never "threw" the case out of court. Get your facts straight.
"During the 2016 election, an anonymous woman filed and then dropped a lawsuit accusing Trump of raping her at a party hosted by Epstein in 1994, when she was just 13-years-old. Trump denied the allegations as being “categorically false,” and reporters have also deemed the account to be potentially unreliable, as it was shopped to the media by fringe figures that included a former Jerry Springer producer. According to Vox, the sole journalist who was able to interview the anonymous accuser, “came away confused and even doubting whether [she] really exists.”"

from a previous link.

You mean this is how you trumptards talk? Bragging about molesting women? You guys must be some sick puppies.

But I am curious... how would Rump know "they just let you do it" unless he has tried it?
How would is most likely from other guy talking. When “men” really don’t comprehend The Hetero it’s quite bemusing. Odd that you think in order for someone to render comment then they MUST have done it themself. Have you ever liked seeing a girl naked or does thought of such thing cause great Pearl Clutch and fake indignation?

Donald Trump flying on the plane is not new information.
This had been reported prior to the testimony from the pilot.
According to the flight logs, Trump did not fly to the island.
He traveled from Palm Beach to Newark Liberty airport.
Glenn & Eva Dybun were also on board.
This reportedly came while his jet was under maintenance.

its absolute insanity the the way the communist are suddenly out of thin air trying to link Trump to Epsteins crimes ! they are terrified of the possibility of Trump running in 2024 .
I know check the libnet...every mention of Clinton on Epsteins plane has Trump's name in the title....they think we are stupid I guess....
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