EPA’s Next Regulatory Tsunami

people need to contact your REPRESENTITIVES in Congress and DEMAND they defund most of the government agencies under Obama rein. and then next DEFUND his ass SO he can't cause us anymore damage

One thing is certain: The EPA needs to be de-fanged. The EPA is more destructive that strategic bombing of all our cities.

ABSOLUTLY. and they are doing Obama's bidding for him by going around CONGRESS and we the people who put Republicans in charge.
LOL. Reminds me of when we decided to get the lead out of the gasoline. All the whining and puking about how the engines were going to go the hell, the mileage would be terrible, and it wouldn't reduce pollution, anyway. So here we are with ICE's that put out twice to three times as much power, get double or more, miles per gallon, and put out 1/80the the pollution of the old ICE's that ran on leaded gas.

People like Staph, would wallow in their own shit if the powers that be said it was what they wanted. The rest of us would like to see a reduction in asthma and other lung related diseases in this nation.
Lol, it reminds me of the left changing the light bulbs we use, they contain mercury. Which will turn landfills into toxic dumps.
Battery operated cars, which batteries last a few years, again will turn landfills into toxic dumps.
Getting rid of coal with replacing it, will hurt the poor, the people you say you defend. A toxic lie.
Making Americans change their lifestyles for global warming, an unproven lie. We need to get rid of liberalism which is toxic to America.
Let the free market come up with solutions, not the government. Gruber is right Obama supporters are stupid.
I don't what we have a Congress for. All these Government agencies just do what the hell they want anyway. Obama promised higher electricity rates and you still voted for him. so enjoy it

EPA’s Next Regulatory Tsunami
Paul Driessen|Nov 15, 2014

  • 153SHARES

Looming Environmental Protection Agency ozone regulations personify the Obama administration’s secrecy, collusion, fraud, and disdain for concerns about the effects that its tsunami of regulations is having on the livelihoods, living standards, health and welfare of millions of American families.

ALL of it here:
EPA s Next Regulatory Tsunami - Paul Driessen - Page 1

Ya clean air and water's a horrible idea. Will eat into our profits. If we make enough money we can buy portable clean air and drinking water.

Are you willing to pay a $1000 utility bill for air that's 0.00000001% cleaner?
If his welfare goes up, you know he will!
LOL. Reminds me of when we decided to get the lead out of the gasoline. All the whining and puking about how the engines were going to go the hell, the mileage would be terrible, and it wouldn't reduce pollution, anyway. So here we are with ICE's that put out twice to three times as much power, get double or more, miles per gallon, and put out 1/80the the pollution of the old ICE's that ran on leaded gas.

Actually, much of the outcry was correct: engines not designed for unleaded gas DID have problems using it! Mostly, it was high-duty-cycle uses like heavy trucks, boats, power equipment, motorcycles, and stationary engines. (Note: leaded gas was widely available until 1996, and vehicles were built to run it until at least 1990!) Piston-engine aircraft STILL burn leaded fuel. It took twenty years to phase it out, and that was with a 4-year head start in doing so. (Carmakers started designing engines for it in 1971.)

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