EPA's New Restrictions on Coal Plants to Kill Nearly a Million Jobs

Gee, I can't imagine why West Virginia and Kentucky didn't vote for Obama in either primary or general election. It must be because they are all racists.
I got a news email about the EPA
disnt have time to read it but one of the headlines were (paraphrased)"EPA gets more power with regulations"
it is some environmental people that want me to subscribe at work. they put out the new EPA regulations, fines etc. all about tje environment..
I heard a bit on the radio last week, but don't remember what station...the only talk/news radio I listen to is NPR, so maybe that...

Couldn't find a quote on the web, either, so I guess this is just hearsay (or should that be heresy? :lol:)

One of the EPA higher-ups said they didn't look at jobs lost in the coal industry when formulating their impact to the economy.

Apparently, coal miners DESERVE to be unemployed.

That's a square kick in the nuts to the UMW, innit?
Look at the bright side:

The laid off people will be able to receive Economy Stimulating unemployment insurance! Plus they can get ObamaPhones and subsidies for ObamaCare!
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I got a news email about the EPA
disnt have time to read it but one of the headlines were (paraphrased)"EPA gets more power with regulations"
it is some environmental people that want me to subscribe at work. they put out the new EPA regulations, fines etc. all about tje environment..

fire back this e-mail:

EPA admits banning coal plants won't impact global warming.

The Obama administration is effectively banning the construction of new coal-fired power plants, a move officials admit will have little to no impact on global warming.

“The EPA does not anticipate that this proposed rule will result in notable CO2 emission change …

EPA admits banning coal plants won't impact global warming | The Daily Caller
Oh yeah? I heard it was a _kajilliion_ jobs!

ODS. It's what's for dinner. Nothing funnier than a group of righties telling everyone what Obama and those dirty liberals _really_ think.

Nothing funnier than a group of Obama monkeys telling everyone not to look behind the curtain.

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