EPA Chief Wants to Partner With, Not Punish, States


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
Geez...what a concept! Allow states and the people of each state to control their own lives instead of having a centralized authority thousands of miles away dictate to them how they will live their lives? No wonder the fascist left is furious.

Scott Pruitt, the Oklahoma attorney general, stressed "cooperative federalism" would be his guiding philosophy in running the EPA, meaning he wants the often controversial agency to work with states.

Pruitt Wants EPA to Partner With, Not Punish, States
Pruitt is a paid stooge for the oil companies not only is he another whack job climate change denier he's spent most of his career suing and lobbying against the EPA and trying too abolish it entirely. His "cooperative federalism" is politician double speak for "abolish the office ". Hope you like lead in your water

Whitehouse pointed out that Pruitt has yet to release complete financial records on some of these organizations and further, while Pruitt was an executive member of the Republican Attorney General’s Association, it received more than $530,000 from the oil rich Koch Industries and $160,000 from Exxon Mobile. Pruitt implied there was no connection.

Pruitt is a paid stooge for the oil companies not only is he another whack job climate change denier he's spent most of his career suing and lobbying against the EPA and trying too abolish it entirely. His "cooperative federalism" is politician double speak for "abolish the office ". Hope you like lead in your water

Whitehouse pointed out that Pruitt has yet to release complete financial records on some of these organizations and further, while Pruitt was an executive member of the Republican Attorney General’s Association, it received more than $530,000 from the oil rich Koch Industries and $160,000 from Exxon Mobile. Pruitt implied there was no connection.

Thanks for confirming Pruitt is an excellent pick for the job.
Geez...what a concept! Allow states and the people of each state to control their own lives instead of having a centralized authority thousands of miles away dictate to them how they will live their lives? No wonder the fascist left is furious.

Scott Pruitt, the Oklahoma attorney general, stressed "cooperative federalism" would be his guiding philosophy in running the EPA, meaning he wants the often controversial agency to work with states.

Pruitt Wants EPA to Partner With, Not Punish, States
Except I hope he reams Calif a new one.
Pruitt is a paid stooge for the oil companies not only is he another whack job climate change denier he's spent most of his career suing and lobbying against the EPA and trying too abolish it entirely. His "cooperative federalism" is politician double speak for "abolish the office ". Hope you like lead in your water

Whitehouse pointed out that Pruitt has yet to release complete financial records on some of these organizations and further, while Pruitt was an executive member of the Republican Attorney General’s Association, it received more than $530,000 from the oil rich Koch Industries and $160,000 from Exxon Mobile. Pruitt implied there was no connection.

Thanks for confirming Pruitt is an excellent pick for the job.
thanks for not trying to spin any of that and pretend like thats not exactly what you want to be done
Pruitt is a paid stooge for the oil companies not only is he another whack job climate change denier he's spent most of his career suing and lobbying against the EPA and trying too abolish it entirely. His "cooperative federalism" is politician double speak for "abolish the office ". Hope you like lead in your water

Whitehouse pointed out that Pruitt has yet to release complete financial records on some of these organizations and further, while Pruitt was an executive member of the Republican Attorney General’s Association, it received more than $530,000 from the oil rich Koch Industries and $160,000 from Exxon Mobile. Pruitt implied there was no connection.

Thanks for confirming Pruitt is an excellent pick for the job.
thanks for not trying to spin any of that and pretend like thats not exactly what you want to be done
I pray for low energy costs and not spending a dime on the Gorebal Warming myth.

That answer your question?
Geez...what a concept! Allow states and the people of each state to control their own lives instead of having a centralized authority thousands of miles away dictate to them how they will live their lives? No wonder the fascist left is furious.

Scott Pruitt, the Oklahoma attorney general, stressed "cooperative federalism" would be his guiding philosophy in running the EPA, meaning he wants the often controversial agency to work with states.

Pruitt Wants EPA to Partner With, Not Punish, States
The Heritage Foundation team created a digital-first, multimedia news platform called The Daily Signal.

You're offering pure GOP strategy/consulting firm garbage, and trying to pass it off as news.

What kind of idiots are you hoping will read this?

Maybe dumb asses who can't tell a phony think tank (Heritage Foundation) putting together a web site that looks like it might have been created by journalists.

You're going to have to step up your game to fool people on this site
Geez...what a concept! Allow states and the people of each state to control their own lives instead of having a centralized authority thousands of miles away dictate to them how they will live their lives? No wonder the fascist left is furious.

Scott Pruitt, the Oklahoma attorney general, stressed "cooperative federalism" would be his guiding philosophy in running the EPA, meaning he wants the often controversial agency to work with states.

Pruitt Wants EPA to Partner With, Not Punish, States
Geez...what a concept! Allow states and the people of each state to control their own lives instead of having a centralized authority thousands of miles away dictate to them how they will live their lives? No wonder the fascist left is furious.

Scott Pruitt, the Oklahoma attorney general, stressed "cooperative federalism" would be his guiding philosophy in running the EPA, meaning he wants the often controversial agency to work with states.

Pruitt Wants EPA to Partner With, Not Punish, States
The Heritage Foundation team created a digital-first, multimedia news platform called The Daily Signal. You're offering pure GOP strategy/consulting firm garbage, and trying to pass it off as news. What kind of idiots are you hoping will read this?

Maybe dumb asses who can't tell a phony think tank (Heritage Foundation) putting together a web site that looks like it might have been created by journalists.

You're going to have to step up your game to fool people on this site
I'm not trying to "fool" anyone, you immature nitwit. The Heritage Foundation is one of the most respected think tanks in the world. They are independent and study policy.

It's getting old listening to you sad and desperate progressives attack the source because you can't dispute the facts. Is old and tiresome and played out. Come up with some new material. Or are you not bright enough to do that?
Geez...what a concept! Allow states and the people of each state to control their own lives instead of having a centralized authority thousands of miles away dictate to them how they will live their lives? No wonder the fascist left is furious.

Scott Pruitt, the Oklahoma attorney general, stressed "cooperative federalism" would be his guiding philosophy in running the EPA, meaning he wants the often controversial agency to work with states.

Pruitt Wants EPA to Partner With, Not Punish, States
The Heritage Foundation team created a digital-first, multimedia news platform called The Daily Signal. You're offering pure GOP strategy/consulting firm garbage, and trying to pass it off as news. What kind of idiots are you hoping will read this?

Maybe dumb asses who can't tell a phony think tank (Heritage Foundation) putting together a web site that looks like it might have been created by journalists.

You're going to have to step up your game to fool people on this site
I'm not trying to "fool" anyone, you immature nitwit. The Heritage Foundation is one of the most respected think tanks in the world. They are independent and study policy.

It's getting old listening to you sad and desperate progressives attack the source because you can't dispute the facts. Is old and tiresome and played out. Come up with some new material. Or are you not bright enough to do that?
HAH!!!!! They duped you too! I get it....LOL

The Heritage Foundation is anything but Independent.

This is their mission statement from THEIR web site. About Heritage Foundation

"Founded in 1973, The Heritage Foundation is a research and educational institution—a think tank—whose mission is to formulate and promote conservative public policies based on the principles of free enterprise, limited government, individual freedom, traditional American values, and a strong national defense"

You're an idiot

"The Signal".....YOUR SCITED SOURCE......is THEIR on line news letter/propaganda piece.

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