
Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2014
Top Of The Great Divide

In a stunningly stupid move the EPA has proposed to force the O-Zone made by man below what occurs naturally in nature.

It was only in May 2012 that EPA decided which US counties met new 2008 ozone standards that cut allowable ground-level ozone levels from 80 parts per billion to 75 ppb. Now EPA wants to slash allowable levels even further: to 70 or even 60 ppb, equivalent to 70 or 60 seconds in 32 years.

80 parts per billion is what naturally occurs in forest areas where no man made inputs are creating it. This is also the current EPA standard but the Obama EPA is pushing for levels below 60 parts per billion. What these people do not understand is that even if we wanted too we could not bring naturally occurring and manufactured O-Zone into compliance at 60ppb. It simply is impossible as natural sources will not allow it.

This would effectively ban power transmission lines across the US, electric motors in your homes and businesses, and RF transmissions like TV and Radio as these all create massive amounts of O-Zone. You can also count out Hydroelectric power generation and any alternator which creates cycling energy (AC). All things using or creating cycling energy create O-Zone.

The Obama EPA see's the AGW scam going down in flames so they are changing up to a new way of freedom deprivation. The proposed regulations would kill 7.3 million jobs would be dead and gone by 2020..

This is what Alarmist Democrat Eviro wacko extremists want to do to america.. KILL IT and put in place a communist government.. Pristine environments in Wyoming have 80-100 parts per billion O-Zone because of PINE TREES which create it..

Its time to take these enviro wackos and put them behind bars.. Their unrealistic wants are stupid and ruining our nation.!

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FYI, the average HOME using electronic devices have levels above 90ppb.. Your home would now be deemed unsafe by the EPA and they can then seize it and control it.. They already have this power all it takes is the declaration of unsafe for them to take control.. So much for the Fourth Amendment.
How about a source more credible than Watts?
"That Senate report, The Chains of Environmental Command, also notes that the Obama EPA has been deliberately packed with far-left environmental activists who work with their former Big Green colleagues to shape policy. They give radical groups critical insider access and also funnel millions of taxpayer dollars through grants to their former organizations, often in violation of agency ethics rules.

These arrogant, unelected, unaccountable, deceitful, dictatorial elites think they have a right to impose ozone, carbon dioxide, ObamaCare and other diktats on us, “for our own good.” They are a primary reason American businesses and families are already paying $1.9 trillion per year to comply with mountains of federal regulations – $353 billion of these costs from EPA alone. The damage to jobs, livelihoods, liberties, living standards, health and welfare is incalculable."

The US senate report has a shit load more credibility than a half with leftist moron..
Frequent Questions Ground-level Ozone Standards Designations US EPA

Where does ground level ozone come from?

In the Earth's lower atmosphere, near ground level, ozone is formed when pollutants emitted by cars, power plants, industrial boilers, refineries, chemical plants, and other sources chemically react in the presence of sunlight. Ozone at ground level is a harmful air pollutant.

A source for real information on ozone, not the swill that Billy Boob is peddling.
Clean Air Counts - At Home Ozone Your Health


We release VOCs into the air when we use appliances, lighting, lawnmowers, cars, and paints and cleaning products containing VOCs. For example, industrial processes, motor vehicle exhaust, gasoline vapors, and chemical solvents in paints and glues emit VOCs. They are almost always composed of carbon and hydrogen. VOCs generally have a noticeable odor, but are nearly invisible and evaporate easily.

Nitrogen oxides form when fuel is burned at high temperatures, such as in the combustion process that powers a car. Humans produce NOx when they drive motor vehicles, use electric appliances that rely on utilities to burn coal or gas, and conduct other industrial and residential activities. According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S.EPA), 49 percent of NOx emissions come from motor vehicles. NOx emissions are particularly serious because they usually are odorless and colorless and can travel hundreds of miles.

Benzene and Toluene
Benzene and toluene are among the chemicals that may be found in products that release VOCs and NOx, especially paints and painting products, burned or stored fuels, cleaning products, and industrial solvents. Benzene is known to cause cancer, including leukemia. Toluene mainly affects the nervous system, causing cause headaches, confusion, and memory loss. Several studies have shown that unborn animals were harmed when their mothers breathed high levels of toluene. For more information on these chemicals, visit the Agency for Toxic Substances & Disease Registry at www.atsdr.cdc.gov/ToxProfiles.

The internet is absolutely wonderful for getting credible sources of information. Truly amazing how people like Billy Boob believe they have to pull shit out of their ass to post anything.
Clean Air Counts - At Home Ozone Your Health


We release VOCs into the air when we use appliances, lighting, lawnmowers, cars, and paints and cleaning products containing VOCs. For example, industrial processes, motor vehicle exhaust, gasoline vapors, and chemical solvents in paints and glues emit VOCs. They are almost always composed of carbon and hydrogen. VOCs generally have a noticeable odor, but are nearly invisible and evaporate easily.

Nitrogen oxides form when fuel is burned at high temperatures, such as in the combustion process that powers a car. Humans produce NOx when they drive motor vehicles, use electric appliances that rely on utilities to burn coal or gas, and conduct other industrial and residential activities. According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S.EPA), 49 percent of NOx emissions come from motor vehicles. NOx emissions are particularly serious because they usually are odorless and colorless and can travel hundreds of miles.

Benzene and Toluene
Benzene and toluene are among the chemicals that may be found in products that release VOCs and NOx, especially paints and painting products, burned or stored fuels, cleaning products, and industrial solvents. Benzene is known to cause cancer, including leukemia. Toluene mainly affects the nervous system, causing cause headaches, confusion, and memory loss. Several studies have shown that unborn animals were harmed when their mothers breathed high levels of toluene. For more information on these chemicals, visit the Agency for Toxic Substances & Disease Registry at www.atsdr.cdc.gov/ToxProfiles.

The internet is absolutely wonderful for getting credible sources of information. Truly amazing how people like Billy Boob believe they have to pull shit out of their ass to post anything.
That all sounds way more dangerous than hydraulic fracturing.

Provided those doing the fracking do the neccessary investigations, and take the neccessary precautions. Those that do not will make it rough for anybody involved in that endevour.
Now this Brings a warm fuzzy to my heart..

As Rep. Lamar Smith (R-TX), Chairman of the House on Science, Space and Technology Committee, noted in a letter, 16 of the 20 CASAC members who “peer-reviewed” the ozone studies also helped to write the studies. That makes it even less likely that their reviews were “independent.”

The Good ol boy Climategate Pal review Circle Jerk! Happening today in our EPA....

There is no objectivity or science in the Obama EPA... ITS AGENDA ONLY and DO AS I SAY!

16 out of 20 people reviewing THEIR OWN WORK....
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There is no intellect between Billy Boobs ears, and no chance of there ever being any.
refute the facts moron.. You can call me names all day and i dont give a rats ass because i have facts on my side..

In fact you still have not provided me with the science that shows what the 120ppm increase of CO2 has done. Be sure to include how you filtered out what is man made and how that increase alone has affected earth systems.. Bring the Math, Methods and data with you..
The Carbon Dioxide Greenhouse Effect

Not that you will read that, or are even capable of understanding what it says. But it is a site from the largest Scientific Society in the world, the American Institute of physics.

that has been debunked so many times its not worth taking my time to show you again..
In short.. This is NOT A CLOSED SYSTEM.. This is not Venus.... their hypothesis is incorrect.

Hell it doesn't even address what is actually attributed to man. IT Fails to rule out other potential causes.. and little or no data or methods. IE: not enough information to reproduce anything.
Clean Air Counts - At Home Ozone Your Health


We release VOCs into the air when we use appliances, lighting, lawnmowers, cars, and paints and cleaning products containing VOCs. For example, industrial processes, motor vehicle exhaust, gasoline vapors, and chemical solvents in paints and glues emit VOCs. They are almost always composed of carbon and hydrogen. VOCs generally have a noticeable odor, but are nearly invisible and evaporate easily.

Nitrogen oxides form when fuel is burned at high temperatures, such as in the combustion process that powers a car. Humans produce NOx when they drive motor vehicles, use electric appliances that rely on utilities to burn coal or gas, and conduct other industrial and residential activities. According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S.EPA), 49 percent of NOx emissions come from motor vehicles. NOx emissions are particularly serious because they usually are odorless and colorless and can travel hundreds of miles.

Benzene and Toluene
Benzene and toluene are among the chemicals that may be found in products that release VOCs and NOx, especially paints and painting products, burned or stored fuels, cleaning products, and industrial solvents. Benzene is known to cause cancer, including leukemia. Toluene mainly affects the nervous system, causing cause headaches, confusion, and memory loss. Several studies have shown that unborn animals were harmed when their mothers breathed high levels of toluene. For more information on these chemicals, visit the Agency for Toxic Substances & Disease Registry at www.atsdr.cdc.gov/ToxProfiles.

The internet is absolutely wonderful for getting credible sources of information. Truly amazing how people like Billy Boob believe they have to pull shit out of their ass to post anything.
That all sounds way more dangerous than hydraulic fracturing.


Just walking into my home is more dangerous than fracking.. According to the EPA and morons in this thread cant see the hypocrisy and stupidity of their desires..
Republicans make up the science they want to believe. Only, it's no longer science. It's "science fiction".
Poor little alarmist wont debate the facts presented they just wanna cry and call names..... Ok moron show me where im wrong...
How about we start with your title.


They have done no such thing.
How about a source more credible than Watts?
"That Senate report, The Chains of Environmental Command, also notes that the Obama EPA has been deliberately packed with far-left environmental activists who work with their former Big Green colleagues to shape policy. They give radical groups critical insider access and also funnel millions of taxpayer dollars through grants to their former organizations, often in violation of agency ethics rules.

These arrogant, unelected, unaccountable, deceitful, dictatorial elites think they have a right to impose ozone, carbon dioxide, ObamaCare and other diktats on us, “for our own good.” They are a primary reason American businesses and families are already paying $1.9 trillion per year to comply with mountains of federal regulations – $353 billion of these costs from EPA alone. The damage to jobs, livelihoods, liberties, living standards, health and welfare is incalculable."

The US senate report has a shit load more credibility than a half with leftist moron..

By all means. Let's pack the Environmental Protection Agency with people who DON'T want to protect the environment.


Whether or not the ozone at ground level is a threat and whether or not the Obama administration wants to lower the allowed levels, your characterization of them and their motives is completely off the track.

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