CDZ Entitled government and it's employees destoying the free market


Diamond Member
Jun 1, 2013
Everywhere needed

Government from local to state to federal levels are more and more becoming wealth networks for it's hand picked members, and treating community members as subjects.

This is a huge national problem. Government was never meant to dictate, but rather to mediate community desires and needs and deliver services to the community based on interaction and input from the governed.

Today that is completely upside down as governments have seized more and more power and demand more and more taxation to satiate their personal enrichment and power at taxpayer peril. Many if not most of America's local, state and even federal bureaucracies no longer work for the people, but rather for themselves, extracting as much as they can from taxpayers and moving wealth into the hands of government employees who have now been given salaries and benefits from taxes and fees far outstripping the ability of the real producers, private enterprise, to compete.

In essence, local, state and federal governments are more and more resembling Socialist entities, ruled by serfdom rather than servants of The People.

Governments produce nothing, other than a welfare state to make it's subjects more dependent on it. It creates thousands upon thousands of rules and laws many of which are specifically written to stuff their coffers and transfer wealth. While government can provide beneficial organized services, today in many cases, it has instead transformed in prima facie criminal organizations.

More than ever, it's not what you know....but who you know. City, state and federal hiring practices today are all about getting their friends and favorites in and on the dole, rather than equitably hiring the most qualified candidate.

This is a cancer that is just one more of many cancers eroding America and freedom today.

it all leads to the death of freedom and prosperity in the long run.
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lumping All government into one basket wont work. lets start at the top & weed out the real villains. MY # one pick Mitch Mc over the years he has voted 15 times against any raise in the mim wage, but voted 6 times for a pay raise for him self. and that's just for starters
Destroying the free market?
LOL we dont have a free market. Our market is HEAVILY regulated, unfortunately.
You want me to be upset with a government worker and want me to sing the praises of corporatists and billionaires. Never going to happen. I know many state workers. They are fine Christian middle class workers who are doing nothing close to destroying the free market.

Government from local to state to federal levels are more and more becoming wealth networks for it's hand picked members, and treating community members as subjects.

This is a huge national problem. Government was never meant to dictate, but rather to mediate community desires and needs and deliver services to the community based on interaction and input from the governed.

Today that is completely upside down as governments have seized more and more power and demand more and more taxation to satiate their personal enrichment and power at taxpayer peril. Many if not most of America's local, state and even federal bureaucracies no longer work for the people, but rather for themselves, extracting as much as they can from taxpayers and moving wealth into the hands of government employees who have now been given salaries and benefits from taxes and fees far outstripping the ability of the real producers, private enterprise, to compete.

In essence, local, state and federal governments are more and more resembling Socialist entities, ruled by serfdom rather than servants of The People.

Governments produce nothing, other than a welfare state to make it's subjects more dependent on it. It creates thousands upon thousands of rules and laws many of which are specifically written to stuff their coffers and transfer wealth. While government can provide beneficial organized services, today in many cases, it has instead transformed in prima facie criminal organizations.

More than ever, it's not what you know....but who you know. City, state and federal hiring practices today are all about getting their friends and favorites in and on the dole, rather than equitably hiring the most qualified candidate.

This is a cancer that is just one more of many cancers eroding America and freedom today.

it all leads to the death of freedom and prosperity in the long run.
The cancers eroding America and freedom today are the authoritarian right’s contempt for our democratic institutions and conservatives’ efforts to increase the size and power of the state at the expense of individual liberty.

Government from local to state to federal levels are more and more becoming wealth networks for it's hand picked members, and treating community members as subjects.

This is a huge national problem. Government was never meant to dictate, but rather to mediate community desires and needs and deliver services to the community based on interaction and input from the governed.

Today that is completely upside down as governments have seized more and more power and demand more and more taxation to satiate their personal enrichment and power at taxpayer peril. Many if not most of America's local, state and even federal bureaucracies no longer work for the people, but rather for themselves, extracting as much as they can from taxpayers and moving wealth into the hands of government employees who have now been given salaries and benefits from taxes and fees far outstripping the ability of the real producers, private enterprise, to compete.

In essence, local, state and federal governments are more and more resembling Socialist entities, ruled by serfdom rather than servants of The People.

Governments produce nothing, other than a welfare state to make it's subjects more dependent on it. It creates thousands upon thousands of rules and laws many of which are specifically written to stuff their coffers and transfer wealth. While government can provide beneficial organized services, today in many cases, it has instead transformed in prima facie criminal organizations.

More than ever, it's not what you know....but who you know. City, state and federal hiring practices today are all about getting their friends and favorites in and on the dole, rather than equitably hiring the most qualified candidate.

This is a cancer that is just one more of many cancers eroding America and freedom today.

it all leads to the death of freedom and prosperity in the long run.
The cancers eroding America and freedom today are the authoritarian right’s contempt for our democratic institutions and conservatives’ efforts to increase the size and power of the state at the expense of individual liberty.

You are a great little Marxist.....

"Accuse your freedom loving opposition of that which you are guilty"

And you have "Guilty as Sin" written in bold lettering across your forehead.

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