ENOUGH....Time for Gun Control....NOW

Once again, Correlation does not prove cause and effect!

When people who would rob a house know that a large percentage of homeowners in an area own firearms are they more or less likely to attempt a home break in?

Very few homes suffer home invasions, burglary is usually committed when no one is home.

Nothing in my position on gun control has ever proposed that the 2nd A. Right be repealed. I respect the right to own and possess a gun to protect one's home or business as long as the gun owner is sane, sober and responsible. Thus my advocacy for Licensing and Registration, which ought to be a states right's issue, and one supported by responsible gun owners.

The issues isn't whether or not you've proposed the 2nd Amendment be repealed but that you are one of those that wants to define sane, sober, and responsible. That way, you can get what you get the same result and can deny you really oppose the 2nd amendment. With what you say you support, you prove you want a certain end result without having to admit that's what you want. It's like Bill Clinton's depends on what the definition of "is" is. It's how Liberals operate.

I don't get to define sober, sane and responsible, that is for a legislature to determine. Is one DUI or two the determining factor of a sober person, is one detained as a danger to himself or others sane or not?

As usual your facts germinate between your ears, where reality never resides.

What makes the legislature experts in those matters? They would be defined using politics not reality.

Seems between your ears is where shit resides.

So we are to allow people not accountable to the people (the NRA) define our laws? You really are dumb.

There are plenty of senators and assembly members who have accepted money from the NRA and are biddable to their desires, but still accountable to the voters.

Funny ain't it, the right wing is all over the CGI but never a word is spoken against the NRA

When people who would rob a house know that a large percentage of homeowners in an area own firearms are they more or less likely to attempt a home break in?

Very few homes suffer home invasions, burglary is usually committed when no one is home.

Nothing in my position on gun control has ever proposed that the 2nd A. Right be repealed. I respect the right to own and possess a gun to protect one's home or business as long as the gun owner is sane, sober and responsible. Thus my advocacy for Licensing and Registration, which ought to be a states right's issue, and one supported by responsible gun owners.

The issues isn't whether or not you've proposed the 2nd Amendment be repealed but that you are one of those that wants to define sane, sober, and responsible. That way, you can get what you get the same result and can deny you really oppose the 2nd amendment. With what you say you support, you prove you want a certain end result without having to admit that's what you want. It's like Bill Clinton's depends on what the definition of "is" is. It's how Liberals operate.

I don't get to define sober, sane and responsible, that is for a legislature to determine. Is one DUI or two the determining factor of a sober person, is one detained as a danger to himself or others sane or not?

As usual your facts germinate between your ears, where reality never resides.

What makes the legislature experts in those matters? They would be defined using politics not reality.

Seems between your ears is where shit resides.

So we are to allow people not accountable to the people (the NRA) define our laws? You really are dumb.

So we're supposed to let people that have a political motive makes decisions in areas where they're not experts? That proves you're an idiot.
Yeah I'll take your word over the Australian Bureau of Crime Research

And just because it's popular doesn't mean it's effective.

Sheep like you tend to agree with everything your masters do

That isn't issue (the ABCR). There are many other issues at stake.

Of course it is effective. There have been no mass shootings since the ban was in place.

In the 10 years I have been on here I have asked several righties to debate me on my lack of freedoms vs your apparent unfettered freedoms? Why? Because I certainly feel a lot freer down here than I would up there. Nobody has ever taken up that offer. I wonder why.

Just because you think you're free doesn't mean you are. You are a slave to the NRA and your combative mindset that makes you fear your govt and think you need a gun. I don't fear my govt. If they piss me off, I'll vote them out.

So 1996 Rampage killing by Peter May, who shot dead six members of his family before killing himself[8]

1996 Port Arthur 35 dead

2002 Monash University

2011 Hectorville

2014 Hunt Family murders

2014 Logan SHooting

2014 Sydney siege

Seems to me you have plenty of gun crimes and the ones listed are where more than one person was killed and/or shot

I wonder how many more crimes are committed with guns where only one person is shot and/or killed

Seems to me that your research bureau was right. The gun ban had no real effect on crime
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Those who own, have in their custody and control a gun, kill innocent people, sometimes in mass. I think that's a problem.
Interesting then how your mindless and ineffectual 'solutions' to this problem involves restricting the rights of the law abiding, rather than criminals.

The policy of the NRA, no control, no way....
This is a lie, and further proof of how you can only argue from emotion ignorance and/or dishonesty.
I agree; more gun control. More people need to get involved. Take gun classes, use both hands, and nail the shooter fast and permanently.

All gun nutters think they're Clint Eastwood until the fit hits the shan and they pee their pants, drop and run...
Yesterday a Syrian Illegal who crossed into the US through our porous border with some other ISIS buddies just stabbed and attempted to cut the heads off 2 Americans while yelling, 'Allah Akbar'.

Where was the government, who wants to limit our ability to defend ourselves?

Where was the government, whose refusal to enforce existing Immigration laws and secure our border, allowed this POS into the country to perpetrate this terrorist attack?

Where was the government, who has supplied / funded / armed / trained / protected his ISIS counterparts?

I notice all the libs who demand even more gun control, that doesn't work now, all have armed bodyguards.

Yeah, F* them. 'Shall NOT Be Infringed.'

'Nuff Said.
When people who would rob a house know that a large percentage of homeowners in an area own firearms are they more or less likely to attempt a home break in?

Very few homes suffer home invasions, burglary is usually committed when no one is home.

Nothing in my position on gun control has ever proposed that the 2nd A. Right be repealed. I respect the right to own and possess a gun to protect one's home or business as long as the gun owner is sane, sober and responsible. Thus my advocacy for Licensing and Registration, which ought to be a states right's issue, and one supported by responsible gun owners.

The issues isn't whether or not you've proposed the 2nd Amendment be repealed but that you are one of those that wants to define sane, sober, and responsible. That way, you can get what you get the same result and can deny you really oppose the 2nd amendment. With what you say you support, you prove you want a certain end result without having to admit that's what you want. It's like Bill Clinton's depends on what the definition of "is" is. It's how Liberals operate.

I don't get to define sober, sane and responsible, that is for a legislature to determine. Is one DUI or two the determining factor of a sober person, is one detained as a danger to himself or others sane or not?

As usual your facts germinate between your ears, where reality never resides.

What makes the legislature experts in those matters? They would be defined using politics not reality.

Seems between your ears is where shit resides.

So we are to allow people not accountable to the people (the NRA) define our laws? You really are dumb.

There are plenty of senators and assembly members who have accepted money from the NRA and are biddable to their desires, but still accountable to the voters.

Funny ain't it, the right wing is all over the CGI but never a word is spoken against the NRA


The NRA is a civil rights group who works to protect the 2nd Amendment and provide access to firearms safety and training classes.......they have as much a right to petition poltiicians as the foriegn countries donating to hilary clinton through the clinton foundation.....er.....well......they aren't supposed to do that actually, but she is a democrat so who cares...right?
Yeah I'll take your word over the Australian Bureau of Crime Research

And just because it's popular doesn't mean it's effective.

Sheep like you tend to agree with everything your masters do

That isn't issue (the ABCR). There are many other issues at stake.

Of course it is effective. There have been no mass shootings since the ban was in place.

In the 10 years I have been on here I have asked several righties to debate me on my lack of freedoms vs your apparent unfettered freedoms? Why? Because I certainly feel a lot freer down here than I would up there. Nobody has ever taken up that offer. I wonder why.

Just because you think you're free doesn't mean you are. You are a slave to the NRA and your combative mindset that makes you fear your govt and think you need a gun. I don't fear my govt. If they piss me off, I'll vote them out.

And that is a lie....the only reason you haven't had a mass public shooting is that the shooters didn't kill 3 people...you have had numerous public shootings where many people were shot, they did not reach the definition by killing 3 people...not one of the Australian gun laws stopped those shooters from shooting people......

Pure dumb luck is no way to evaluate gun control laws...

and that is just what the Germans thought, and what the Mexicans think.....as their citizens were and are murdered....by their police and military....
The Second Amendment is all anyone needs for their "firearms license" in this country. As it should be.... Lol

I disagree. Americans have shown they are not mature enough to allow the 2nd to stand.

Really? 99.999 percent of the gun owners never commit a crime. There is a proven 8% of the criminal population that commits 80% of the violent crime. So you think it is correct to penalize 90 million people for the actions of less than 100,000? You're a fool.

Those who own, have in their custody and control a gun, kill innocent people, sometimes in mass. I think that's a problem. 99.999999% of people with a mental illness do not kill people with guns, yet the NRA and its members want to single them out as the problem. How many of 99.999% of gun owners are drunks, drug addicts, wife beaters and suffer from mental illness?

99.999999% of criminals never kill anyone, yet the NRA and its members want to deprive them of their 2nd A Rights.

The policy of the NRA, no control, no way, enables the 00000.1% who should never own or possess a gun to get one.

Sorry....there were 200 million guns in the 1990s in private hands, and now we have 357,000,000 guns in private hands, and the gun murder rate went down 49%.......mass shooters are not an issue in this country......of the 8,124 gun murders in 2014, about 30 were from mass public shootings...in gun free zones where normal, law abiding gun owners couldn't carry guns to stop the killers.....
The Second Amendment is all anyone needs for their "firearms license" in this country. As it should be.... Lol

I disagree. Americans have shown they are not mature enough to allow the 2nd to stand.

Really? 99.999 percent of the gun owners never commit a crime. There is a proven 8% of the criminal population that commits 80% of the violent crime. So you think it is correct to penalize 90 million people for the actions of less than 100,000? You're a fool.

Those who own, have in their custody and control a gun, kill innocent people, sometimes in mass. I think that's a problem. 99.999999% of people with a mental illness do not kill people with guns, yet the NRA and its members want to single them out as the problem. How many of 99.999% of gun owners are drunks, drug addicts, wife beaters and suffer from mental illness?

99.999999% of criminals never kill anyone, yet the NRA and its members want to deprive them of their 2nd A Rights.

The policy of the NRA, no control, no way, enables the 00000.1% who should never own or possess a gun to get one.

I was wrong...in 2014 there were 8,124 gun murders as show on the FBI homicide table 8.......from Mother Jones and their tracking of mass shootings from 1982-2016...there were 18 people killed by mass public shooters....

And...according to the Department of Justice....Americans use guns 1,500,00 times a year to stop violent criminal attack and to save lives, many times stopping mass public shooters.......

US Mass Shootings, 1982-2016: Data From Mother Jones' Investigation
The Second Amendment is all anyone needs for their "firearms license" in this country. As it should be.... Lol

I disagree. Americans have shown they are not mature enough to allow the 2nd to stand.

Really? 99.999 percent of the gun owners never commit a crime. There is a proven 8% of the criminal population that commits 80% of the violent crime. So you think it is correct to penalize 90 million people for the actions of less than 100,000? You're a fool.

Those who own, have in their custody and control a gun, kill innocent people, sometimes in mass. I think that's a problem. 99.999999% of people with a mental illness do not kill people with guns, yet the NRA and its members want to single them out as the problem. How many of 99.999% of gun owners are drunks, drug addicts, wife beaters and suffer from mental illness?

99.999999% of criminals never kill anyone, yet the NRA and its members want to deprive them of their 2nd A Rights.

The policy of the NRA, no control, no way, enables the 00000.1% who should never own or possess a gun to get one.

Now you're simply lying. The NRA is all for PEOPLE control. We have ample evidence that the only people affected by gun control laws are the law abiding. We know this. France has every anti gun law you want and they had a single mass shooting that killed more people than all of the mass shootings in the USA over the last 15 years. Add in Norway, another wry catcher approved country and between the two of them you have more unfortunate people killed than have been killed in the USA in over 20 years.

So, your gun control don't work dude. The NRA says if you use a gun to commit a crime you go to prison. In the US legal system the use a gun go to jail laws are the first crimes that get plead away by the DA's. YOU progressives constantly fight to release violent criminals back out into society. Why is that? YOU progressives are constantly opening the door for violent criminals to come here from violent third world counties. Why is that? Not enough violent criminals here for you that you feel the need to import more?

Face it dude, the reason why we have so much violence here is because of progressives like you who have never met a violent criminal you didn't like.

Well 'dude' we are talking about "arms" control, if we are speaking to the wording of the 2nd A. And unless you are employed by an agency of the criminal justice system, you have no experience other than TV on how the process works. And in the future, address me as "Sir" or "Mr. Catcher".

You have to earn respect, thus I will continue to refer to you as "dude". I'm an Expert Witness and Officer of the Court. I assure you I know the legal system quite well. The wording of the 2nd is quite clear. The historical context is likewise quite well known. Political operatives like you try and twist the meaning but even a cursory knowledge exposes your tactics for the false narrative they are.
Active Shooter at Oregon High School

BREAKING: Reports of active shooter at high school near Portland | Q13 FOX News

PORTLAND — There were multiple reports of an active shooter around 8:30 a.m. at a high school in Troutdale, Oregon.

According to the Columbian Newspaper, area police requested assistance from Clark County Washington sheriff’s deputies at Reynolds High School in Troutdale, Ore. to respond to calls of a possible shooting.

Read more: BREAKING: Reports of active shooter at high school near Portland | Q13 FOX News

Sorry, children. It's time to make it harder to get your shiny, dangerous toys. Too many loonies out there. Every week now.

The "GOOD GUY WITH A GUN" at Walmart ended up in the hospital in Las Vegas. SO there goes that Wayne LaPierre bullshit myth.

Take your gun control bullshit and shove it up your sorry ass.

The gun is the tool. The person using it is the weapon and unless you get rid of every criminal that would use a gun, which he can get anywhere, then your gun control bullshit is just that. Bullshit.

Grow a brain you fucking moron.
When people who would rob a house know that a large percentage of homeowners in an area own firearms are they more or less likely to attempt a home break in?

Very few homes suffer home invasions, burglary is usually committed when no one is home.

Nothing in my position on gun control has ever proposed that the 2nd A. Right be repealed. I respect the right to own and possess a gun to protect one's home or business as long as the gun owner is sane, sober and responsible. Thus my advocacy for Licensing and Registration, which ought to be a states right's issue, and one supported by responsible gun owners.

The issues isn't whether or not you've proposed the 2nd Amendment be repealed but that you are one of those that wants to define sane, sober, and responsible. That way, you can get what you get the same result and can deny you really oppose the 2nd amendment. With what you say you support, you prove you want a certain end result without having to admit that's what you want. It's like Bill Clinton's depends on what the definition of "is" is. It's how Liberals operate.

I don't get to define sober, sane and responsible, that is for a legislature to determine. Is one DUI or two the determining factor of a sober person, is one detained as a danger to himself or others sane or not?

As usual your facts germinate between your ears, where reality never resides.

What makes the legislature experts in those matters? They would be defined using politics not reality.

Seems between your ears is where shit resides.

So we are to allow people not accountable to the people (the NRA) define our laws? You really are dumb.

There are plenty of senators and assembly members who have accepted money from the NRA and are biddable to their desires, but still accountable to the voters.

Funny ain't it, the right wing is all over the CGI but never a word is spoken against the NRA

What are you a fucking fool? No career politicians accountable to anybody but themselves. Dip shit
I agree; more gun control. More people need to get involved. Take gun classes, use both hands, and nail the shooter fast and permanently.

All gun nutters think they're Clint Eastwood until the fit hits the shan and they pee their pants, drop and run...
The anti-gun nutters thing the federal government is going to protect all 57 states under sniperfire. Shit for brains
Very few homes suffer home invasions, burglary is usually committed when no one is home.

Nothing in my position on gun control has ever proposed that the 2nd A. Right be repealed. I respect the right to own and possess a gun to protect one's home or business as long as the gun owner is sane, sober and responsible. Thus my advocacy for Licensing and Registration, which ought to be a states right's issue, and one supported by responsible gun owners.

The issues isn't whether or not you've proposed the 2nd Amendment be repealed but that you are one of those that wants to define sane, sober, and responsible. That way, you can get what you get the same result and can deny you really oppose the 2nd amendment. With what you say you support, you prove you want a certain end result without having to admit that's what you want. It's like Bill Clinton's depends on what the definition of "is" is. It's how Liberals operate.

I don't get to define sober, sane and responsible, that is for a legislature to determine. Is one DUI or two the determining factor of a sober person, is one detained as a danger to himself or others sane or not?

As usual your facts germinate between your ears, where reality never resides.

What makes the legislature experts in those matters? They would be defined using politics not reality.

Seems between your ears is where shit resides.

So we are to allow people not accountable to the people (the NRA) define our laws? You really are dumb.

There are plenty of senators and assembly members who have accepted money from the NRA and are biddable to their desires, but still accountable to the voters.

Funny ain't it, the right wing is all over the CGI but never a word is spoken against the NRA

What are you a fucking fool? No career politicians accountable to anybody but themselves. Dip shit

Hmmm... is a fucking fool any different than a regular fool?

I ask because you seem to lack the intellectual capability to qualify as a fool, thus I wonder if you were called a fucking fool in your formative days, and were insulted, even if you couldn't understand how fucking modified fool.
The issues isn't whether or not you've proposed the 2nd Amendment be repealed but that you are one of those that wants to define sane, sober, and responsible. That way, you can get what you get the same result and can deny you really oppose the 2nd amendment. With what you say you support, you prove you want a certain end result without having to admit that's what you want. It's like Bill Clinton's depends on what the definition of "is" is. It's how Liberals operate.

I don't get to define sober, sane and responsible, that is for a legislature to determine. Is one DUI or two the determining factor of a sober person, is one detained as a danger to himself or others sane or not?

As usual your facts germinate between your ears, where reality never resides.

What makes the legislature experts in those matters? They would be defined using politics not reality.

Seems between your ears is where shit resides.

So we are to allow people not accountable to the people (the NRA) define our laws? You really are dumb.

There are plenty of senators and assembly members who have accepted money from the NRA and are biddable to their desires, but still accountable to the voters.

Funny ain't it, the right wing is all over the CGI but never a word is spoken against the NRA

What are you a fucking fool? No career politicians accountable to anybody but themselves. Dip shit

Hmmm... is a fucking fool any different than a regular fool?

I ask because you seem to lack the intellectual capability to qualify as a fool, thus I wonder if you were called a fucking fool in your formative days, and were insulted, even if you couldn't understand how fucking modified fool.
Your too PC for your own good. Lol

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