Energy Sources


Platinum Member
Nov 29, 2008
I came across this video this morning of a printed generator and thought it was very interesting so sharing.

I can picture one day in the near future where even the poorer of us people can afford to get off grid; or at least generate most of our own electrical needs for not a whole heck of a lot of cash.

Why would I go to all the effort for this? Plus the setup now keeps the coal miners employed.
Why can't we use all sources available for as cheaply and cleanly as possible? I do not have a problem with keeping someone else working up to the point it injures another. If energy can be used that is cheaply sourced isn't that a plus for everyone's standard of living? Even coal miners need electric for their homes too and the more feasible it is the less they have to work and the more time they can spend with their families too. Greed is an issue in all things so first thing let's get rid of investment bankers who are stripping the wealth off the tops of everyone else's backs.
I came across this video this morning of a printed generator and thought it was very interesting so sharing.

I can picture one day in the near future where even the poorer of us people can afford to get off grid; or at least generate most of our own electrical needs for not a whole heck of a lot of cash.

I've been subscribed to this guys channel for awhile now. He loves to tinker. Does a lot with wind energy. I like his idea of generating power from artificial "reeds" of grass
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Why would I go to all the effort for this? Plus the setup now keeps the coal miners employed.
Why can't we use all sources available for as cheaply and cleanly as possible? I do not have a problem with keeping someone else working up to the point it injures another. If energy can be used that is cheaply sourced isn't that a plus for everyone's standard of living? Even coal miners need electric for their homes too and the more feasible it is the less they have to work and the more time they can spend with their families too. Greed is an issue in all things so first thing let's get rid of investment bankers who are stripping the wealth off the tops of everyone else's backs.
It's a di rod ELECTROSTATIC generator, similar to a wimshurst generator. They are high voltage STATIC generators that produce VERY LOW current. They are fun to play with, but really not very useful.
The future of all energy is only 50-75 yrs away and it’s nuclear fusion !!
Almost unlimited and clean
The power of the sun
I've heard the phrase before but will have to refresh my mind on it.

You just need one side hot & the other side cold to make it run...expanding & contracting gasses do the rest.

I've used this exact model on my wood stove 16 years now. It can move air around a home just fine.

Won't seem to link. 3 blade Eco-fan

Nowadays there are a lot of already exsisting alternative sources of energy. Or even lifehacks on how to reduce electric energy consumption. that`s a really great example
Personally, I`ve been using only pellet stoves for my whole life and it`s really great for keeping your home warm, while consumptioning no electricity at all..
This idea with the fan seems very original, never tried this method before, actually
But as for those, who considers that they are doing fine with electricity, I recommend to read this article even with diagrams..and about stoves itself in this article
I've heard the phrase before but will have to refresh my mind on it.

You just need one side hot & the other side cold to make it run...expanding & contracting gasses do the rest.

I've used this exact model on my wood stove 16 years now. It can move air around a home just fine.

Won't seem to link. 3 blade Eco-fan

Nowadays there are a lot of already exsisting alternative sources of energy. Or even lifehacks on how to reduce electric energy consumption. that`s a really great example
Personally, I`ve been using only pellet stoves for my whole life and it`s really great for keeping your home warm, while consumptioning no electricity at all..
This idea with the fan seems very original, never tried this method before, actually
But as for those, who considers that they are doing fine with electricity, I recommend to read this article even with diagrams..and about stoves itself in this article
I've heard the phrase before but will have to refresh my mind on it.

You just need one side hot & the other side cold to make it run...expanding & contracting gasses do the rest.

I've used this exact model on my wood stove 16 years now. It can move air around a home just fine.

Won't seem to link. 3 blade Eco-fan

I looked into the cost of pellets for a pellet stove sister-law gave husband and they seem pretty reasonable. Mostly we burn wood from old trees an angel friend brings or scraps from a lumber mill.

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