Ending Individual Liberty

I don't want to take away anyone's rights or liberties...Of course, we're a civilization based on working together.

I refuse to work with liberals on anything so they can just forget it, no compromise zero!
"No compromise, un-American TP GOP" (TIME) hater dupe....and then you complain about congress. RW idiocy. Good government is only possible with cooperation and compromise. And in your case, some intelligence.

I don't compromise with liars and traitors.
I don't want to take away anyone's rights or liberties...Of course, we're a civilization based on working together.

I refuse to work with liberals on anything so they can just forget it, no compromise zero!
"No compromise, un-American TP GOP" (TIME) hater dupe....and then you complain about congress. RW idiocy. Good government is only possible with cooperation and compromise. And in your case, some intelligence.

I don't compromise with liars and traitors.
You are totally misinformed, hater dupe. But thanks for 9/11 thru total incompetence, the stupidest wars EVER, and a corrupt world economic meltdown (and 6 years of mindless obstruction), Great job!
The majority opinion in Nebbia was held by 4 Hoover appointees and 1 Wilson appointee.

You should read the decision.
You get that Hoover and Wilson were both Progressives, right?
You get that Harding and Coolidge were conservatives and caused or allowed the "deregulation" that caused the great world depression, right?

Total nonsense.

In “A Monetary History of the United States,” Nobel Prize-winning economist Milton Friedman along with coauthor Anna J. Schwartz lay the mega-catastrophe of the Great Depression squarely at the feet of the Federal Reserve."
Read more at Bernanke: Federal Reserve caused Great Depression

a. In 1935, the Brookings Institution (left-leaning) delivered a 900-page report on the New Deal and the National Recovery Administration, concluding that “ on the whole it retarded recovery.” article - AEI

2. This is what Harding and Coolidge caused:
"The Roaring Twenties were the period of sustained economic prosperity with a distinctive cultural edge in New York, Montreal, Chicago, Detroit, Paris, Berlin, London, Los Angeles, and many other major cities during the 1920s in the United States, Canada and Europe. The French called it the "années folles" ("Crazy Years"),[1] emphasizing the era's social, artistic and cultural dynamism. Normalcy returned to politics in the wake of hyper-emotional patriotism after World War I, jazz music blossomed, the flapper redefined modern womanhood and Art Deco peaked. Economically the era saw the large-scale use of automobiles, telephones, motion pictures, electricity, unprecedented industrial growth, accelerated consumer demand and aspirations, plus significant changes in lifestyle and culture. The media focused on celebrities, especially sports heroes and movie stars, as cities rooted for their home teams and filled the new palatial cinemas and gigantic sports stadiums. In most major countries women won the right to vote."
Roaring Twenties - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I have yet to find any post of yours either accurate or informed.
Back at you lol- And I have a Masters in History. Yup, another giant Pub bubble in the 20's. Explain margin buying in the twenties, THAT giant bust, and the worst inequality until...NOW. Better solid Dem growth, brainwashed chump.

New deal polices with unions with the monopoly busting policies of the 1900s built the middle class we had in teh 50's. The republicans want to do away with all this.

You nailed it.
I don't want to take away anyone's rights or liberties...Of course, we're a civilization based on working together.

I refuse to work with liberals on anything so they can just forget it, no compromise zero!
"No compromise, un-American TP GOP" (TIME) hater dupe....and then you complain about congress. RW idiocy. Good government is only possible with cooperation and compromise. And in your case, some intelligence.

I don't compromise with liars and traitors.
You are totally misinformed, hater dupe. But thanks for 9/11 thru total incompetence, the stupidest wars EVER, and a corrupt world economic meltdown (and 6 years of mindless obstruction), Great job!

Your rage and irrational thought is noted.
6. Why is it so difficult for Liberals/Progressives/Democrats to admit that they accept...plan on.....said loss of our individual liberty?
Liberty is not anarchy. Moderation, in all things.

Soooo......does this mean you've refined your earlier position, and when it comes to those who think and say things you don't agree with.....

...you're no longer threatening to 'bury' them.....just toss a moderate amount of sand at 'em?

Now you're just a 'moderate' fascist?
To bury means to put you where you belong, where you can do no harm. And I have never changed my position, which is most are Americans in name only, and you aren't even that much...

1. "To bury means to put you where you belong, where you can do no harm."

You're a pretty articulate guy....I think we both know what you meant by 'bury.'
Now you're backing away....
....good to see I've taught you a lesson.

2. "....where you can do no harm."
As you were objecting to specific uses of my liberty....""Think stupid, talk stupid, and we bury you, for your own good"...and thinking and talking were what you objected to.....
.....you still evince your innate fascist objectives, i.e., block dissenting thought and speech: somehow thought and speech with which you don't agree is "harm."

Seems I have more to teach you.

3. "And I have never changed my position,..."
I just showed that you have.

4. ".....which is most are Americans in name only, and you aren't even that much.."
Well...if you are claiming to be American.....why can't you speak English?

5. Bottom line: you're a fascist, aiming to block free speech and free thought.
I believe in individual liberty.
QED.....I'm far more American than you.
I defend free speech, I defend free thought, and you will never be an American, not now, not ever...
Back at you lol- And I have a Masters in History. Yup, another giant Pub bubble in the 20's. Explain margin buying in the twenties, THAT giant bust, and the worst inequality until...NOW. Better solid Dem growth, brainwashed chump.

A masters in history? So you spent your career asking "you want fries with that?"

One thing you don't have is any semblance of a grasp of basic economic principle.
Pure ignorance>>Stupid insults...clever. ANSWER THE QUESTION lol. So what caused the Great Depression, the S+L Crisis/recession, and the 2008 Booosh world meltdown in dumbass Pub dupe World, dingbat? Pure coincidence? lol

Both started under republican Admins. Too much deregulation.

Had nothing to do with deregulation. It was largely due to a combination of policies mostly designed to make housing more affordable to the working poor. Government backed loans were made to people who had no business borrowing money to buy a home. When they defaulted, as anyone with a brain could have predicted, it created a financial crisis which exacerbated the problems of an already anemic economy.
And how did all those toxic, new private corporation mortgages all of a sudden become available in 2003? lol. Why did Fannie and Freddie's share of the market go from 75-80% to 25% in one year, Pub dupe? Why were they rated A+ when they were junk, insured and sold around the world? You're a total fool of greedy, corrupt, megarich Pubs.

To fully understand the crisis you have to go back way before 2003. It starts in 1980 with:
Depository Institutions Deregulation and Monetary Control Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
It gave the Federal Reserve greater control over non-member banks.

Then in 1982:
Alternative Mortgage Transaction Parity Act of 1982 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Mortgages allowed by the act included:
Prior to the passage of AMTPA, banks were barred from making anything but the conventional fixed-rate, amortizing mortgages. AMPTA lifted those restrictions, giving birth to all the new and exotic mortgages that have so many borrowers in hot water today. For instance:

  • Adjustable-rate mortgages, in which the interest rate becomes floating after a number of years.
  • Balloon-payment mortgages, which have an outsized payment when the loan comes due.
  • Interest-only mortgages, which require only repayment of interest (not principal too) during the first few years of the loan, only to hit borrowers with crushing monthly-payment resets once the new monthly payment kicks in.
  • And worst of all, the option-ARM, which allows borrowers to underpay by as much as they want during the first few years. The awful upshot is the unpaid monthly interest gets tacked onto the size of the loan. So your $300,000 mortgage can turn into a $350,000 loan in a hurry, destroying any equity you have in your home.
Then we have the The Housing and Community Development Act of 1992 and repeal of Glass-Steagall in 1999.

A toxic brew of Congressional legislation which led to the crisis.
How Congress set up the subprime mess - Jan. 31, 2008

So we have the introduction of ARMs, where your payments are low on the front end and high on the back end... Legislation designed to force lending institutions to make loans to low-income families... Repeal of any kind of pesky oversight... and then, the housing bubble burst.

As the price of homes plummeted, the ARM rates were kicking in... You're suddenly paying a mortgage WAY higher than the actual value of the home you are in. Defaults skyrocketed. Financial institutions began to sink... toxic debt accumulated. ALL of it was the result of policies implemented by our government to make buying a home easier for those with low income.
4. A few examples of freedom slipping away:
a. Nebbia v. New York,291 U.S. 502(1934) A little guy named Leo Nebbia, a shopkeeper, sold two quarts of milk and a five cent loaf of bread for eighteen cents. This, after New York's Milk Control Board had set a price of nine cents a quart for the milk!

" Nebbia argued that price controls were an unconstitutional interference with the freedom of contractincluded within theDue Process Clauseof the14thAmendment.... The US Supreme Court found that government can interfere withfreedom of contract only to serve a valid police purpose of protecting public health, public safety or public morals. In this case, the Court found that milk is essential to good health,..." Nebbia v. New York | The Law School Guys

"He was guilty of giving his customers a good deal, cutting into his own profit margin." Charles Murray, "By The People"

That was 1934.....who was the monarch...er, President?

The Contract Clause appears in the United States Constitution, Article I, section 10, clause 1. It states:

No State shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance, or Confederation; grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal; coin Money; emit Bills of Credit; make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts; pass any Bill of Attainder, ex post facto Law, or Law impairing the Obligation of Contracts, or grant any Title of Nobility. Contract Clause - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It doesn't say 'unless the government decides otherwise,' does it.

The majority opinion in Nebbia was held by 4 Hoover appointees and 1 Wilson appointee.

You should read the decision.
You get that Hoover and Wilson were both Progressives, right?
You get that Harding and Coolidge were conservatives and caused or allowed the "deregulation" that caused the great world depression, right?

Total nonsense.

In “A Monetary History of the United States,” Nobel Prize-winning economist Milton Friedman along with coauthor Anna J. Schwartz lay the mega-catastrophe of the Great Depression squarely at the feet of the Federal Reserve."
Read more at Bernanke: Federal Reserve caused Great Depression

a. In 1935, the Brookings Institution (left-leaning) delivered a 900-page report on the New Deal and the National Recovery Administration, concluding that “ on the whole it retarded recovery.” article - AEI

2. This is what Harding and Coolidge caused:
"The Roaring Twenties were the period of sustained economic prosperity with a distinctive cultural edge in New York, Montreal, Chicago, Detroit, Paris, Berlin, London, Los Angeles, and many other major cities during the 1920s in the United States, Canada and Europe. The French called it the "années folles" ("Crazy Years"),[1] emphasizing the era's social, artistic and cultural dynamism. Normalcy returned to politics in the wake of hyper-emotional patriotism after World War I, jazz music blossomed, the flapper redefined modern womanhood and Art Deco peaked. Economically the era saw the large-scale use of automobiles, telephones, motion pictures, electricity, unprecedented industrial growth, accelerated consumer demand and aspirations, plus significant changes in lifestyle and culture. The media focused on celebrities, especially sports heroes and movie stars, as cities rooted for their home teams and filled the new palatial cinemas and gigantic sports stadiums. In most major countries women won the right to vote."
Roaring Twenties - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I have yet to find any post of yours either accurate or informed.
Back at you lol- And I have a Masters in History. Yup, another giant Pub bubble in the 20's. Explain margin buying in the twenties, THAT giant bust, and the worst inequality until...NOW. Better to have solid Dem growth than ANOTHER corrupt Pub bubble/bust/scandal (S+L, 2008), brainwashed chump.

"And I have a Masters in History."

Look closer....the paper says "Mustard," not "Masters."

Anyone who has read your posts knows you are a zero when it comes to knowing anything.

I gave you three linked statements that shredded your post....and you couldn't rebut any.

Everything your Democrats said about the causes of the recession that Roosevelt turned into a Depression, were lies.

The biggest liar was Roosevelt.

I double dog dare you to challenge me on that.
Last edited:
The majority opinion in Nebbia was held by 4 Hoover appointees and 1 Wilson appointee.

You should read the decision.
You get that Hoover and Wilson were both Progressives, right?
You get that Harding and Coolidge were conservatives and caused or allowed the "deregulation" that caused the great world depression, right?

Total nonsense.

In “A Monetary History of the United States,” Nobel Prize-winning economist Milton Friedman along with coauthor Anna J. Schwartz lay the mega-catastrophe of the Great Depression squarely at the feet of the Federal Reserve."
Read more at Bernanke: Federal Reserve caused Great Depression

a. In 1935, the Brookings Institution (left-leaning) delivered a 900-page report on the New Deal and the National Recovery Administration, concluding that “ on the whole it retarded recovery.” article - AEI

2. This is what Harding and Coolidge caused:
"The Roaring Twenties were the period of sustained economic prosperity with a distinctive cultural edge in New York, Montreal, Chicago, Detroit, Paris, Berlin, London, Los Angeles, and many other major cities during the 1920s in the United States, Canada and Europe. The French called it the "années folles" ("Crazy Years"),[1] emphasizing the era's social, artistic and cultural dynamism. Normalcy returned to politics in the wake of hyper-emotional patriotism after World War I, jazz music blossomed, the flapper redefined modern womanhood and Art Deco peaked. Economically the era saw the large-scale use of automobiles, telephones, motion pictures, electricity, unprecedented industrial growth, accelerated consumer demand and aspirations, plus significant changes in lifestyle and culture. The media focused on celebrities, especially sports heroes and movie stars, as cities rooted for their home teams and filled the new palatial cinemas and gigantic sports stadiums. In most major countries women won the right to vote."
Roaring Twenties - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I have yet to find any post of yours either accurate or informed.
Back at you lol- And I have a Masters in History. Yup, another giant Pub bubble in the 20's. Explain margin buying in the twenties, THAT giant bust, and the worst inequality until...NOW. Better solid Dem growth, brainwashed chump.

New deal polices with unions with the monopoly busting policies of the 1900s built the middle class we had in teh 50's. The republicans want to do away with all this.

Here ya' go, you fool:

The Obama Economic Hit-Parade!

1.More than 6.7 million more Americans have been plunged into poverty since Obama became President.

2.Real household income is down 5%

3. Consumer prices are up 10.2%

4. When Obama took office on Jan. 20, 2009, the debt was $10,626,877,048,913.08. Since then, it has increased $7,514,567,086,650.22--which is $65,443 per household, $70,985 per full-time worker and $84,266 per full-time private-sector worker. Under Obama: Federal Debt Up $84,266 Per Full-Time Private-Sector Worker

5. (CNSNews.com) - The federal government drove $789,473,350,613.20 deeper into debt in calendar year 2014, an increase that equaled $6,875 per household, $7,458 per full-time year-round worker, and $8,853 per full-time year-round private-sector worker. According tothe Treasury, the debt started calendar year 2014 at $17,351,970,784,950.10 and ended it at $18,141,444,135,563.30. Under Obama: Federal Debt Up $84,266 Per Full-Time Private-Sector Worker

6. Food stamp recipients up 49%

7. Debt held by the public is up 89%

However, the Obama administrationrecently projected an annual deficit of $750 billion in the fiscal year that began Oct. 1, and $626 billion the year after. At that rate, the debt owed to the public will more than double during the Obama presidency.

As of 2012, according to the most recent figures reported by the Census Bureau, median (midpoint) income for all U.S. households was $51,017, which was 4.9 percent lower (in inflation-adjusted dollars) than it was in 2008, the year before Obama took office.

The same story applies to family income, which includes many families with two earners. (The “household” figure includes single persons living alone, as well as families.) Median family income in 2012 was $62,241, or 5.1 percent below the inflation-adjusted 2008 level.

The number of persons living in poverty also worsened again in 2012, according to the most recent Census figures.

8. As of last year, 46,496,000 persons lived in households with income below the official poverty line, an increase of nearly 6.7 million since 2008 and 249,000 since 2011. The total poverty rate remained unchanged in 2012 at 15 percent of the total U.S. population. So for the second straight year, the poverty rate was 1.8 points higher than it was in 2008.

Obama’s Numbers, October Update

9...in today’s recovery — the slowest in the modern era going back to 1947 — private capital investment has lagged badly. ... so has the jobs situation, with 92 million dropping out of the workforce altogether. A labor-participation rate of 62.8% and an employment-to-population rate of 58% are historic lows indicative of the anemic jobs recovery.Big Business Swings Behind a Mantra of Growth - The New York Sun

10. Tavis Smiley: 'Black People Will Have Lost Ground in Every Single Economic Indicator' Under Obama

Tavis Smiley: 'Black People Will Have Lost Ground in Every Single Economic Indicator' Under Obama

11. . ".... the... [dollar] has today a value of barely a 1,250th of an ounce of gold, a staggering plunge from an 853rd of an ounce on the day Mr. Obama took office...." Fiat Wages - The New York Sun

12. "CBO says deficits slated to shrink in coming years, but will soar again if spending or tax changes are not made

Federal deficits have soared between 2009 and 2012, bring the total long-term debt to a level equal to 73 percent of the nation’s GDP. “Between 2009 and 2012, the federal government recorded the largest budget deficits relative to the size of the economy since 1946, causing federal debt to soar.”

CBO says deficits slated to shrink in coming years, but will soar again if spending or tax changes are not made

13. "Incomes Have Dropped Twice as Much During the 'Recovery' as During the Recession
. ...the Census Bureau's Current Population Survey ....indicate that the real (inflation-adjusted)median annual household income in America has fallen by 4.4 percent during the "recovery," after having fallen by 1.8 during the recession.


14. "(CNSNews.com) - The real median income of American women dropped a little more than four percent in the first three full years after the end of the last recession,..... Census Bureau income data, the median income of American women was $21,520 in constant 2012 dollars. That was down $914 dollars—or about 4.1 percent—from 2009." Median Income of Women Dropped 4%--In First 3 Years of Recovery

15. "US economy slowed to 0.1 percent growth rate in Q1

WASHINGTON (AP) — The U.S. economy slowed drastically in the first three months of the year...to a barely discernible 0.1 percent annual rate in the January-March quarter, the Commerce Department said Wednesday. That was the weakest pace since the end of 2012 and was down from a 2.6 percent rate in the previous quarter.... the anemic growth last quarter is surely a topic for discussion at the Federal Reserve's latest policy meeting,..."

My Way News - US economy slowed to 0.1 percent growth rate in Q1

16. "More Than 92 Million Americans Remain Out Of Labor Force
The unemployment rate dropped to 6.3 percent in April from 6.7 percent in March, the lowest it has been since September 2008 when it was 6.1 percent. The sharp drop, though, occurred because the number of people working or seeking work fell. The Bureau of Labor Statistics does not count people not looking for a job as unemployed.

The bureau noted that the civilian labor force dropped by 806,000 last month, following an increase of 503,000 in March."

Report: More Than 92 Million Americans Remain Out Of Labor Force

The amount (not seasonally adjusted) of Americans not in thelabor force in April rose to 92,594,000, almost 1 million more than the previous month.

17. "The U.S. economy contractedat a much steeper pace than previously estimated in the firstquarter, but there are indications that growth has sincerebounded strongly.

The Commerce Department said on Wednesday gross domesticproduct fell at a 2.9 percent annual rate, the economy's worstperformance in five years, instead of the 1.0 percent pace ithad reported last month." Shrink wrapped: US economy contracted sharply in Q1

18. (CNSNews.com) - The number of Americans 16 and older who did not participate in the labor force climbed to a record high of 92,120,000 in June, according to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS)..... the labor force participation rate for Americans was 62.8 percent, matching a 36-year low. Record Number of Americans Not in Labor Force in June

19. (CNSNews.com)– The unemployment rate for black Americans is more than double that of white Americans, according to the latest data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).... In the numbers released today, covering the month of June, the seasonally adjusted unemployment rate for black Americans age 16 and over was 10.7%, reported the BLS. The unemployment rate for white Americans in the same age group and time-frame was 5.3%, said the BLS. Black Unemployment 10.7%, More Than Double White Unemployment 5.3%

20. (CNSNews.com) - 11.4 million Americans age 16 and over have left the workforce since President Obama took office in January 2009, according to data released today from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).
In July 2014, there were 92,001,000 Americans, 16 and over, who were classified as “not in the labor force,” meaning they not only did not have a job, but they didn’t actively seek one in the last four weeks

11,472,000 Americans Have Left Workforce Since Obama Took Office

21. "The 35.4 Percent: 109,631,000 on Welfare
109,631,000 Americans lived in households that received benefits from one or more federally funded "means-tested programs" — also known as welfare — as of the fourth quarter of 2012,according to data released Tuesdayby the Census Bureau. When those receiving benefits from non-means-tested federal programs — such as Social Security, Medicare, unemployment and veterans benefits — were added to those taking welfare benefits, it turned out that 153,323,000 people were getting federal benefits of some type at the end of 2012.

Subtract the 3,297,000 who were receiving veterans' benefits from the total, and that leaves 150,026,000 people receiving non-veterans' benefits."

The 35.4 Percent: 109,631,000 on Welfare

22. "(CNSNews.com)-- In June 2014, there were 46,496,145 recipients of the food stamp program, which is enough to fill the Yankee Stadium 925 times, according todata fromthe Department of Agriculture " 46,496,145: Food Stamp Recipients Can Fill Yankee Stadium 925 Times

23. In a stunning Tuesday report, Gallup CEO and Chairman Jim Clifton revealed that “for the first time in 35 years, American business deaths now outnumber business births.”Clifton says for the past six years since 2008, employer business startups have fallen below the business failure rate, spurring what he calls“an underground earthquake” that only stands to worsen as lagging U.S. Census data becomes available.
“Let’s get one thing clear: This economy is never truly coming back unless we reverse the birth and death trends of American businesses,” writes Clifton." Economic Death Spiral: More American Businesses Dying Than Starting - Breitbart

24. "Disability insurance entitlement explodes under Obama
Those of you paying attention have noticed that the Obama administration is actually doing what it promised: transforming America into a gigantic welfare state." Disability insurance entitlement explodes under Obama

25. Washington, D.C.- An unabated influx of illegal aliens along the southern border of the United States is causing a health crisis in the border region. Actions by the Obama Administration to disperse illegals across America while providing an incentive for more illegals to come could lead to a nationwide health crisis that is likely to manifest itself first within our public schools.....It has spread as far north as southern Mexico and south into Panama. Diseases such as this could be carried across our border by illegal immigrants and could create a nationwide health crisis. Chicken pox, measles, mumps and tuberculosis are already causing problems." — Project 21 member Michael Dozier, Ph.D., an expert in homeland security issues and talk radio host who has worked with humanitarian aid missions in Africa, Asia, the Balkans and the United States

Public Schools Face Health Threat from Illegal Aliens

26. "Despite the improving economy, most Americans continue to say that they are falling behind the cost of living. Overall, 55% said in theJan. 7-11 surveythat their family’s income is falling behind the cost of living,.... Views on this question have shown no improvement over the course of the last year..." Public opinion on the economy and Obama’s handling of it

27. "But with February’s slow down the 12-month wage growth rate ticked down to 2%....[Under Reagan: 'In 1984 alone real economic growth boomed by 6.8%, the highest in 50 years.http://www.forbes.com/sites/peterferrara/2011/05/05/reaganomics-vs-obamanomics-facts-and-figures/ ] Totalemployment gains in December and January were therefore 18,000 lower than what BLS previously reported. The labor force participation rate ticked lower to 62.8% from 62.9%, ..." http://www.forbes.com/sites/samanth...00-jobs-in-february-unemployment-down-to-5-5/

a. "But wage gains continued to lag, rising only 0.1 percent in February for private-sector workers after a reported 0.5 increase in January.... .“We hear we’re on the road to recovery, but people aren’t convinced of that.”http://www.nytimes.com/2015/03/07/business/economy/jobs-report-unemployment-february.html?_r=0

b. "White youths saw their rate decrease 1.4 percent to 15 percent, but young African-Americans saw theirs reach 30 percent, a 0.3 percent increase.... For the population as a whole, participation rates are still hovering around their 1978 lows at 62.8 percent,..." http://dailycaller.com/2015/03/06/unemployment-down-to-5-5-percent-in-february/

c. "92,898,000 Americans were not in the labor force in February, according todatareleased from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) on Friday. ...The 157,002,000 who participated in the labor force was 62.8 percent of the 249,899,000 civilian noninsttutional population, which matches the 62.8 percent rate in April, May, June, and October of 2014 as well as the participation rate in March of 1978. The participation rate hit its lowest level since February 1978 (62.7 percent) in September and December of 2014. http://cnsnews.com/news/article/ali...pation-has-hovered-near-37-year-low-11-months

(CNSNews.com) - A record 56,023,000 women, age 16 years and over, were not in the labor force in February.,,, According to the BLS, 56.7 percent of women were participating in the labor force in February, a drop from 56.8 percent in January. http://cnsnews.com/news/article/ali-meyer/56023000-record-number-women-not-labor-force

28. "Surprise: U.S. Economic Data Have Been the World's Most Disappointing
It's not only the just-released University of Michigan consumer confidence report and February retail sales on Thursday that surprised economists and investors with another dose of underwhelming news. Overall, U.S. economic data have been falling short of prognosticators' expectations by the most in six years." http://www.bloomberg.com/news/artic...economic-data-most-disappointing-in-the-world

29. "More Businesses Shutting Down than Starting Up
'Business deaths now exceed business births for the first time' in decades.
The American economy is less entrepreneurial now than at any point in the last three decades. That's the conclusion of anew study out from the Brookings Institution, which looks at the rates of new business creation and destruction since 1978.

Not only that, but during the most recent three years of the study -- 2009, 2010 and 2011 -- businesses were collapsing faster than they were being formed, a first. Overall, new businesses creation (measured as the share of all businesses less than one year old) declined by about half from 1978 to 2011." http://www.weeklystandard.com/blogs/more-businesses-shutting-down-starting_791127.html

30. Americans Not in Labor Force Exceed 93 Million for First Time; 62.7% Labor Force Participation Matches 37-Year Low

31. Except for rich, Americans' incomes fell last year
In fresh data that adds fire to a growing debate over income inequality, the department said that Americans on average saw income decline for the second straight year in the 12 months to June 2014.

The average pre-tax income fell 0.9 percent from the same period a year earlier, to $64,432. http://news.yahoo.com/except-rich-americans-incomes-fell-last-220335392.html

32. "The Big Lie: 5.6% Unemployment
The official unemployment rate, as reported by the U.S. Department of Labor, is extremely misleading.

Right now, we're hearing much celebrating from the media, the White House and Wall Street about how unemployment is "down" to 5.6%. The cheerleading for this number is deafening. The media loves a comeback story, the White House wants to score political points and Wall Street would like you to stay in the market.

While you are as unemployed as one can possibly be, and tragically may never find work again, you arenotcounted in the figure we see relentlessly in the news -- currently 5.6%. Right now, as many as 30 million Americans are either out of work or severely underemployed. Trust me, the vast majority of them aren't throwing parties to toast "falling" unemployment.

Right now, the U.S. is delivering at a staggeringlylow rate of 44%, which is the number of full-time jobs as a percent of the adult population,..." http://www.gallup.com/opinion/chairman/181469/big-lie-unemployment.aspx

a. "....the number of Americans not in the labor force rose once again, this time to 93,194K from 93,175K, with the result being a participation rate of 69.45 or just above the lowest percentage since 1977, will merely catalyze even more upside to the so called "market" which continues to reflect nothing but central bank liquidity, and thus - the accelerating deterioration of the broader economy." http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2015-05-08/americans-not-labor-force-rise-record-93194000

33. "Even if you leave out the first quarter of 2009—when the recession that started in December 2007 was still ongoing--President Barack Obama has presided over the lowest average first-quarter GDP growth of any president who has served since 1947, which is the earliest year for which the Bureau of Economic Analysis has calculated quarterly GDP growth. " http://www.cnsnews.com/blog/terence...-obama-has-lowest-average-1stq-gdp-growth-any

34. After 6 1/2 years of Obama, 47% of Americans could not handle a $400 expense:

"The survey results reveal a lack of economic preparedness among many adults. Only 53 percent of respondents indicate that they could cover a hypothetical emergency expense costing $400 without selling something or borrowing money. Thirty-one percent of respondents report going without some form of medical care in the past year because they could not afford it." http://www.federalreserve.gov/newsevents/press/other/20150527a.htm

35. "The share of North America in the global high-income population decreased from 54% in 2001 to 46% in 2011,.... several countries in Western Europe had higher shares of high-income populations than the U.S. in 2011...the U.S. had the unfortunate distinction of slipping backwards as the share of its high-income population decreased from 58% in 2001 to 56% in 2011....The proportion of Americans who are upper-middle income barely moved from 31% in 2001 to 32% in 2011, and the share that is high income actually fell, as noted, from 58% to 56%....The median annual household income in the U.S. fell from $53,646 in 2001 to $50,054 in 2011 (U.S. Census Bureau)..... Unlike in the U.S., Canadian residents progressed from upper-middle income to the high-income standard of living...."http://www.pewglobal.org/2015/07/08...e-class-status-remains-out-of-reach-for-many/

36. The Obama Administration is aggressively exploiting regulation to achieve its policy agenda, issuing 157 new major rules at a cost to Americans approaching $73 billion annually....twice the annual average of his predecessor George W. Bush.And much more regulation is on the way, with another 125 major rules on the Administration’s to-do list, including dozens linked to the Dodd–Frank financial regulation law and the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, known as Obamacare. http://www.heritage.org/research/reports/2014/03/red-tape-rising-five-years-of-regulatory-expansion

37. The number of people not in the labor force reached another record high in July, according to new jobs data released Friday by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
TheBLS reportsthat 93,770,000 people (16 and older) were neither employed last month nor had made specific efforts to find work in the prior four weeks.


.... a 38-year low, the Labor Department reported on Friday.... -- The number of long-term unemployed (those jobless for 27 weeks or more) was little changed at 2,180,000 in July (up from 2,121,000 in June). These individuals accounted for 26.9 percent of the unemployed. http://cnsnews.com/news/article/sus...not-labor-force-participation-rate-matches-38

According to the BLS,56,209,000 women aged 16 and older were not participating in the workforce in July, besting April’srecordof 56,167,000 http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2015/08/07/record-56209000-women-not-in-labor-force/

38. Average unemployment rate under Bush: 5.31

Average unemployment rate under Obama: 8.46 http://historyinpieces.com/research/us-unemployment-rates-president (thru 2014)

Excellent link showing the economy http://www.deptofnumbers.com/income/us/
6. Why is it so difficult for Liberals/Progressives/Democrats to admit that they accept...plan on.....said loss of our individual liberty?
Liberty is not anarchy. Moderation, in all things.

Soooo......does this mean you've refined your earlier position, and when it comes to those who think and say things you don't agree with.....

...you're no longer threatening to 'bury' them.....just toss a moderate amount of sand at 'em?

Now you're just a 'moderate' fascist?
To bury means to put you where you belong, where you can do no harm. And I have never changed my position, which is most are Americans in name only, and you aren't even that much...

1. "To bury means to put you where you belong, where you can do no harm."

You're a pretty articulate guy....I think we both know what you meant by 'bury.'
Now you're backing away....
....good to see I've taught you a lesson.

2. "....where you can do no harm."
As you were objecting to specific uses of my liberty....""Think stupid, talk stupid, and we bury you, for your own good"...and thinking and talking were what you objected to.....
.....you still evince your innate fascist objectives, i.e., block dissenting thought and speech: somehow thought and speech with which you don't agree is "harm."

Seems I have more to teach you.

3. "And I have never changed my position,..."
I just showed that you have.

4. ".....which is most are Americans in name only, and you aren't even that much.."
Well...if you are claiming to be American.....why can't you speak English?

5. Bottom line: you're a fascist, aiming to block free speech and free thought.
I believe in individual liberty.
QED.....I'm far more American than you.
I defend free speech, I defend free thought, and you will never be an American, not now, not ever...

Let's see how simple it is to prove you to be both a liar and a fascist.....

Did you say this?

"Think stupid, talk stupid, and we bury you, for your own good."
How do you grip the wall like that?


So Franco hater dupe has a masters in history, but you aren't even aware of the Market Revolution.

lol. Well regulated capitalism has nothing to do with communism, Cold War dinosaur. The middle class in great number appeared when the giant trusts of the industrial revolution were broken up and regulated and workers were paid enough to be middle class. The 1820's my ass. The 1930's-50's. TY Roosevelts! TR and FDR.

Wrong, you ignorant sot.

Learn some history, then we can talk.
How do you grip the wall like that?


So Franco hater dupe has a masters in history, but you aren't even aware of the Market Revolution.

lol. Well regulated capitalism has nothing to do with communism, Cold War dinosaur. The middle class in great number appeared when the giant trusts of the industrial revolution were broken up and regulated and workers were paid enough to be middle class. The 1820's my ass. The 1930's-50's. TY Roosevelts! TR and FDR.

Wrong, you ignorant sot.

Learn some history, then we can talk.

Well....his having earned his "Mustard in History" at the Robert Fiance School of Cosmetology "Learn Beauty-Hair-Skin-Nails-Makeup" might explain it.
That's the market revolution that was a precurser of the industrial revolution. Before the IR, businesses and farms were smaller and the bosses were close to their workers and there wasn't the huge gap in pay that the giant industries and monopolies produced, and only trust busting TR started to reform. There's no mention of a burgeoning middle class in your link, dingbat. That happened 100 years later. Read the "Good Old Days- They Were Terrible". You have the Reagan dementia of the Pub dupe.

Again Franco hater dupe, you clearly have no knowledge of history at all. Let's just say that I'm skeptical that you have an associates, much less a masters, in anything. You sound like a blue collar union worker from the 70's trying to impress people with your frequent malapropisms.

You don't even grasp the terms in use. Gaps in pay, moron? Prior to the market revolution there was no pay. Tenement farmers toiled for sustenance, hoping to scratch out enough not to starve to death. Big government owned everything and granted use to overseers. It was purely and only due to the uniquely American concept of individual liberty that allowed small farms to keep what they produced and specialize. The industrial revolution was the first wide scale use of wages.

Look Franco hater dupe, you clearly lack even a basic education. The first of the antitrust laws was the Sherman act of 1890, long before Roosevelt. I realize that you you have no grasp at all of history, but these laws dealt with price fixing and restraint of trade - another concept you have no knowledge of - and had nothing at all to do with wages. In the Clayton act of 1914, show me any provision dealing with wages, particularly with "pay gaps?"

You have no idea what you're talking about and are an ignorant fool.
Well....his having earned his "Mustard in History" at the Robert Fiance School of Cosmetology "Learn Beauty-Hair-Skin-Nails-Makeup" might explain it.

My wife teaches Cosmetology, and those girls have to learn a lot - but not history. Still I doubt Franco Hater Dupe knows how to properly sanitize scissors and other cosmo tools. I would bet he pushed a button on a machine for his entire career, paid the wage of a tradesman due to the union, but never thinking, just pushing a button to make the press open or close.
"No compromise, un-American TP GOP" (TIME) hater dupe....and then you complain about congress. RW idiocy. Good government is only possible with cooperation and compromise. And in your case, some intelligence.

What "compromise" do you Communists offer, Franco Hater Dupe? If the producers continue to make things, you're willing to reap the rewards, just as long has it takes no effort on your part?

No doubt you spent your life getting paid the equivalent of $30 an hour to push a button, and you think that should be the way it is forever.

Sorry, computers push the button now, they are more accurate and don't go on strike.
Well....his having earned his "Mustard in History" at the Robert Fiance School of Cosmetology "Learn Beauty-Hair-Skin-Nails-Makeup" might explain it.

My wife teaches Cosmetology, and those girls have to learn a lot - but not history. Still I doubt Franco Hater Dupe knows how to properly sanitize scissors and other cosmo tools. I would bet he pushed a button on a machine for his entire career, paid the wage of a tradesman due to the union, but never thinking, just pushing a button to make the press open or close.

But...but.....hater dupe....sputter sputter....pube...dupe....GOP Scissors!
Actually, prevarication is.

Lying requires intent. I suspect that Franco has so little grasp of the subjects at hand that he believes the idiocy he posts is true. The union told him what he thought most of his life. When the plant closed, he turned to ThinkProgress and other hate sites to fill in.
And you think the posts PC makes are true? LUUK OUT, LIBIRULS ARE COMMIES AND WUNT TO GAY MARRY.

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