End of Conservative Talk Radio? Network Will Drop Limbaugh & Hannity

Why would you post TV ratings in a thread about radio?

Allow me to explain it to ya dummy.. Being there is no such thing as Liberal Talk Radio, one must go to the next form of communication for the losing enterprise of Liberalism.. Don't thank me.. I'm use to making liberals look dumb.

Of course there is. While the Conservatives that own the radio stations might not air them on their 600+ stations, these shows do exist and often top the talk show ratings in their markets.
Bull. They air what sells, period. There are plenty of liberal shows by the way but in general the liberal demographic is far more open to TV and internet leading to a smaller audience in radio. Besides, have you ever listened to liberal talk radio? It is utter garbage on a level that puts Rush to shame. Here we have Norman Goldman, Randy Rhodes and another big name that I forget atm but I can tell you that thy are make up the biggest gasbags that I have ever heard on talk radio. I listen to a liberal show most of the time too – it is one of the higher quality shown when I am going to and from work on POTUS – but the likes of the major talking heads off XM they are nothing more than constant insults, lies and random sound effects. I have herd fewer actual issues than I can count on a single hand. Absolute trash.

That might be different in other markets but I don’t know about them. All I can say is that in the Seattle market, the liberal talent is seriously lacking.
Florida, good example. Miami had a Progressive Talk station. It was consistently among the top rated for the Miami area. They flipped it to Sports. (Because a gazillion wasn't enough). Now it's at the bottom of the bottom.


Explain the logic of this. In San Francisco, Clear Channel took the number one rated show (a Progressive Show)in the 6 AM to 9 AM time slot, short months before the 2012 Election, and replaced it with Glenn Beck. Did I mention this was in San Francisco?
Because businesses do not always make sound decisions. As a matter of fact, executives do not necessarily know what is best on the ground and often get caught up in numbers from other targets when they are not portable to their target audience. They were likely thinking that Beck would port over like he had in many other places and bring in a lot of revenue. Apparently, they were dead wrong. It happens and more often than business would like.

Bad decisions do NOT lead directly to ‘bias.’
Anyone else think drivebymedia and speedy are the same person? The idiocy in their post is very very similar.

nah, just part of the 51% that voted for bottom of the class type product, yet they are 100% of the crowd who would let Obama leave a steamer in their kitchen and smile while asking for the mop

I can't quite see Murdoch and the Koch Boys letting Limbaugh and Hannity drop out of sight.

They need the rants of these two creeps to keep their tea party chorus drooling at the mouth.

Now that the advertisers are gone, it is only a matter of when Murdoch and the Koch Boys shut off the money spigot.


They are still #1 and #2 in talk radio.

You really are embarrassing yourself in this thread.

He's a liberal. He posted almost this exact same thread a couple of weeks agao, got hammered for his stupidity, and now he simply posts the same drivel again. his is why I'm discussing less and less with liberals and more and more I'm simply laughing at them.
The Libs want the airwaves for themselves.
What they don't have enough control of the media as it is.

All this talk of the demise of right wing radio and what have you I believe has more
to do with how people want to get their information.

Print media is in trouble,I'm sure not too many people get home at 6PM
and rush to turn on the TV to watch the big three networks to get their news.

Gone are the days of Dan Rather,Tom Brokaw,Peter Jennings.

More and more people are going to the Internet.
And the younger the person the more they are inclined to stay
on their social networks...

Would they even notice the announcement in the upper right hand corner
of Facebook announcing that the Russians have launched all their Nukes at Detroit.

That would be redundant first of all....

But the habits of the audience has changed a lot and recently...

Right wing talk will survive.... you can count on that Lefties
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Since the OP lost the radio debate about two post into the thread I see he tried to switch the debate to Megyn Kelly taking over the Hannity time slot I would just point out if that happens you on the left will lose your poster boy for your FOX News is a right wing propaganda network talking point. Good luck trying to sell Megyn Kelly is a radical right winger like you do with Hannity LMAO.
The end of Conservative Hate Radio?

Cumulus Media, the second-largest broadcast company in the nation, is poised to drop Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity from its stations before the close of 2013, an industry source said.

The move would take the No. 1 and No. 2 talk show hosts off 40 channels in some of the nation’s biggest markets, Politico reported.

Read more: Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity may lose 40-channel Cumulus deal - Washington Times
Limbaugh and Hannity don't trust computers or the internet.

Their adding machines do well by them thank you ....

.... “The Rush Limbaugh Show” is dying in the ratings.

One trade publication called it ‘the end of right-wing, conservative talk radio.’”

He continued, “And the reason, of course, is that Rush Limbaugh has scared away more sponsors than Lindsay Lohan did at Betty Ford.

Forty-eight of the top 50 advertisers exclude the Limbaugh show now from their radio ad buys.”

Fugelsang: Limbaugh has lost ?more sponsors than Lindsay Lohan at Betty Ford? | The Raw Story
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If you think there is not a plan to repalce those stations then you're a more stuipi commie than you let on to be. BTW How many times are you commies going to post this same tired shit?
.... “The Rush Limbaugh Show” is dying in the ratings.

One trade publication called it ‘the end of right-wing, conservative talk radio.’”

He continued, “And the reason, of course, is that Rush Limbaugh has scared away more sponsors than Lindsay Lohan did at Betty Ford.

Forty-eight of the top 50 advertisers exclude the Limbaugh show now from their radio ad buys.”

Fugelsang: Limbaugh has lost ?more sponsors than Lindsay Lohan at Betty Ford? | The Raw Story

Now tell us how many of those fantom sopnsors were ever on either Hannity or Limbaugh.
drivebymedia...being the honest chap he is....believes the same thing about democrats when they lost air america

drivebymedia...being the honest chap he is....believes the same thing about democrats when they lost air america

The end of Conservative Hate Radio?

Cumulus Media, the second-largest broadcast company in the nation, is poised to drop Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity from its stations before the close of 2013, an industry source said.

The move would take the No. 1 and No. 2 talk show hosts off 40 channels in some of the nation’s biggest markets, Politico reported.

Read more: Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity may lose 40-channel Cumulus deal - Washington Times

Even if Limbaugh was dependent on a network that only has 40 radio stations, what makes you think that other stations in the same markets won't pick him up? In fact, what makes you think the local stations will drop him when their listeners call up and complain?
for lack of a better choice I happened to tune in to each show last week--

same old same old

I think Limbaugh was talking about this--

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