Emperor Obama And The Lawless Society


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
"in America, the law is King. For as in absolute governments the king is law, so in free countries the law ought to be king; and there ought to be no other."
Common Sense, Thomas Paine.

1. Because some seven million more voted for a failed and corrupt candidate in 2012, the America of the Founders has been dealt a deathblow.
There is no way to deny the above.

a. The Constitution, the only document that the people have agreed to be governed by, includes The Oath of Office: Article 2, Section 1 of the Constitution requires that before presidents can assume their duties they must take the oath of office.

"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.

Article 2, Section 1 of the Constitution requires that before presidents can assume their duties they must take the oath of office."

b. " Article 2, Section 3, of the Constitution mandates that the president “shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed.”... President Obama has decided that because Congress has not granted amnesty to millions of illegal aliens living in the U.S., he will do so himself....

2. .... the immigration “problem” that Obama is purporting to fix is the absence of a law granting amnesty to millions of illegal aliens. Rather than executing a law, Obama is making one up—arrogating to himself a function that the Constitution explicitly allocates to Congress. Should this unconstitutional power grab stand, we will have moved very far in the direction of rule by dictator."
Practical Thoughts on Immigration Imprimis

3. The fact is, even though it is clear and undeniable that Obama is a lawless tyrant, there are a great many Americans who still claim to support this lawless would-be dictator. How to explain this?

The answer is that America is no longer populated by Americans...but has become the political progeny of Marx, Stalin, Hitler, Pol Pot, Castro, and every other iteration of totalitarianism.

The people who support, voted for, the above are clearly not Americans in the philosophical and the political sense.....they are servants of beliefs which would have earned them approbation, exile, or even worse from those great men who created this noble experiment, America.

The Deus ex machina has been mis-education, indoctrination, greed and jealousy.
"Should this unconstitutional power grab stand, we will have moved very far in the direction of rule by dictator."

No, if it stands, it will be because you are wrong.

"Should this unconstitutional power grab stand, we will have moved very far in the direction of rule by dictator."

No, if it stands, it will be because you are wrong.

Now....this is very simple.....almost as simple as you are....

...does the dictator...er, the President, have the constitutional right to create laws?
"Should this unconstitutional power grab stand, we will have moved very far in the direction of rule by dictator."

No, if it stands, it will be because you are wrong.

Now....this is very simple.....almost as simple as you are....

...does the dictator...er, the President, have the constitutional right to create laws?

The actions of the President are subject to legislative or judicial reversal. Constitutionally.
"Should this unconstitutional power grab stand, we will have moved very far in the direction of rule by dictator."

No, if it stands, it will be because you are wrong.

Now....this is very simple.....almost as simple as you are....

...does the dictator...er, the President, have the constitutional right to create laws?

How can he be a dictator if the courts can do something like this?

Texas judge s immigration rebuke may be hard to challenge Reuters
"Should this unconstitutional power grab stand, we will have moved very far in the direction of rule by dictator."

No, if it stands, it will be because you are wrong.

Now....this is very simple.....almost as simple as you are....

...does the dictator...er, the President, have the constitutional right to create laws?
Yes. How could you not know about the constitutional methods used by the Executive branch of our government?
"Should this unconstitutional power grab stand, we will have moved very far in the direction of rule by dictator."

No, if it stands, it will be because you are wrong.

Now....this is very simple.....almost as simple as you are....

...does the dictator...er, the President, have the constitutional right to create laws?
Yes. How could you not know about the constitutional methods used by the Executive branch of our government?

PC is from the conservative crowd of ideological extremists who believe that the Constitution magically supports just about anything in the conservative agenda, and just about nothing outside it.

They will almost always argue that whenever things don't go their way, something about the Constitution must have been violated, or abused, or ignored, or misapplied.

They can't admit that sometimes they are just wrong.
Apparently, Obama has no respect at all for the Constitution. He has already said that if Congress passes a law requiring them to OK any deal with Iran (likely with enough votes to override a veto), he'll go to the U N. If he wants to represent Iran and go against our laws, maybe he should be deported to Iran after impeachment!
"Should this unconstitutional power grab stand, we will have moved very far in the direction of rule by dictator."

No, if it stands, it will be because you are wrong.

Now....this is very simple.....almost as simple as you are....

...does the dictator...er, the President, have the constitutional right to create laws?

How can he be a dictator if the courts can do something like this?

Texas judge s immigration rebuke may be hard to challenge Reuters

By trying to side-step the question.....the simple question....that I asked, you have, inadvertently, answered it.

So...I am not wrong......you are.
As usual.
Apparently, Obama has no respect at all for the Constitution. He has already said that if Congress passes a law requiring them to OK any deal with Iran (likely with enough votes to override a veto), he'll go to the U N. If he wants to represent Iran and go against our laws, maybe he should be deported to Iran after impeachment!
Apparently, Obama has no respect at all for the Constitution. He has already said that if Congress passes a law requiring them to OK any deal with Iran (likely with enough votes to override a veto), he'll go to the U N. If he wants to represent Iran and go against our laws, maybe he should be deported to Iran after impeachment!
Try reading a history book about president's and international treatise and get back to us....
Always amusing to see the acolytes of lawlessness rush to defend the would-be dictator.

Well.....since, under Obama's activities, there is no Constitution, and the defining functions are greed and jealousy, it should be easy to find an example the tyrants, the Liberal elites, urging theft by appropriation...

And it is.

4. Urged on by Obama, Pelosi, et al, the shock troops known as 'Occupy Wall Street,' demanded that the legally acquired wealth of those with more, be pirated......

....after all, "you didn't build that".....give it to the collective who did!

a. As Thomas Jefferson once wrote regarding the "general Welfare" clause:

"To take from one, because it is thought his own industry and that of his father has acquired too much, in order to spare to others who (or whose fathers) have not exercised equal industry and skill, is to violate arbitrarily the first principle of association, "to guarantee to everyone a free exercise of his industry and the fruits acquired by it."
US Department of the Treasury

Founding.com A Project of the Claremont Institute

QED....Emperor Obama and the Lawless Society.

"And if I laugh at any mortal thing, 'Tis that I may not weep"
Lord Byron

Try reading the Constitution. If Congress passes a law stating that they will have their say in the agreement and they override Obama's likely veto, the law will take effect. If Obama wants to violate that law, impeachment is appropriate. If enough Democrats are on board with the law (likely), a guilty finding and removal from office is possible.
Apparently, Obama has no respect at all for the Constitution. He has already said that if Congress passes a law requiring them to OK any deal with Iran (likely with enough votes to override a veto), he'll go to the U N. If he wants to represent Iran and go against our laws, maybe he should be deported to Iran after impeachment!
Apparently, Obama has no respect at all for the Constitution. He has already said that if Congress passes a law requiring them to OK any deal with Iran (likely with enough votes to override a veto), he'll go to the U N. If he wants to represent Iran and go against our laws, maybe he should be deported to Iran after impeachment!
Try reading a history book about president's and international treatise and get back to us....

Hey....how about you take the same instruction with respect to the United States Constitution.

I avoid the use of the Liberal "us".....so, get back to ME.

Try reading the Constitution. If Congress passes a law stating that they will have their say in the agreement and they override Obama's likely veto, the law will take effect. If Obama wants to violate that law, impeachment is appropriate. If enough Democrats are on board with the law (likely), a guilty finding and removal from office is possible.

"If enough Democrats are on board with the law (likely), a guilty finding and removal from office is possible."

Let's not live in a dream world.....they're not called 'Lock-Step Liberals' for nothing.
Apparently, Obama has no respect at all for the Constitution. He has already said that if Congress passes a law requiring them to OK any deal with Iran (likely with enough votes to override a veto), he'll go to the U N. If he wants to represent Iran and go against our laws, maybe he should be deported to Iran after impeachment!
Apparently, Obama has no respect at all for the Constitution. He has already said that if Congress passes a law requiring them to OK any deal with Iran (likely with enough votes to override a veto), he'll go to the U N. If he wants to represent Iran and go against our laws, maybe he should be deported to Iran after impeachment!
Try reading a history book about president's and international treatise and get back to us....

Hey....how about you take the same instruction with respect to the United States Constitution.

I avoid the use of the Liberal "us".....so, get back to ME.
It does not matter weho is in control, they all do things that are lawless...To only complain about one is like the blind leading the blind....
"in America, the law is King. For as in absolute governments the king is law, so in free countries the law ought to be king; and there ought to be no other."
Common Sense, Thomas Paine.

1. Because some seven million more voted for a failed and corrupt candidate in 2012, the America of the Founders has been dealt a deathblow.
There is no way to deny the above.

a. The Constitution, the only document that the people have agreed to be governed by, includes The Oath of Office: Article 2, Section 1 of the Constitution requires that before presidents can assume their duties they must take the oath of office.

"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.

Article 2, Section 1 of the Constitution requires that before presidents can assume their duties they must take the oath of office."

b. " Article 2, Section 3, of the Constitution mandates that the president “shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed.”... President Obama has decided that because Congress has not granted amnesty to millions of illegal aliens living in the U.S., he will do so himself....

2. .... the immigration “problem” that Obama is purporting to fix is the absence of a law granting amnesty to millions of illegal aliens. Rather than executing a law, Obama is making one up—arrogating to himself a function that the Constitution explicitly allocates to Congress. Should this unconstitutional power grab stand, we will have moved very far in the direction of rule by dictator."
Practical Thoughts on Immigration Imprimis

3. The fact is, even though it is clear and undeniable that Obama is a lawless tyrant, there are a great many Americans who still claim to support this lawless would-be dictator. How to explain this?

The answer is that America is no longer populated by Americans...but has become the political progeny of Marx, Stalin, Hitler, Pol Pot, Castro, and every other iteration of totalitarianism.

The people who support, voted for, the above are clearly not Americans in the philosophical and the political sense.....they are servants of beliefs which would have earned them approbation, exile, or even worse from those great men who created this noble experiment, America.

The Deus ex machina has been mis-education, indoctrination, greed and jealousy.

LOL, well I suppose we will soon see PoliticalChic change course and begin to attack those seeking the Democratic nomination for President. Yesterday the most conservative of the Republican field announced his candidacy for the office, Mr. Ted Cruz.

In fairness, we must begin to balance the assassinations of those who seek the high office of president, and so I begin. I will differ from PoliticalChic in that I will post evidence, allowing the reader to come to his or her own conclusion.

Fact-checking Ted Cruz

And exert from the link above:

Texas Sen. Ted Cruz became the first major Republican candidate to declare himself officially in the 2016 presidential race. In announcing his presidential ambition Monday, Cruz repeated a number of dubious claims we have heard before, and a few we haven't.

Some highlights:

• Cruz railed against a "government … that seeks to ban our ammunition." The Obama administration sought to ban a certain type of armor-piercing bullet, not all types of ammunition. The proposal has since been postponed.

• Cruz claimed that as a result of the Affordable Care Act "millions … have lost their health insurance." In fact, about 10 million people on net gained insurance between September 2013 and December 2014, according to the Urban Institute.

• Cruz also claimed that as a result of the law "millions [have been] forced into part-time work." There's no solid figure on how many may have had their hours cut to part time, but one analysis of monthly labor surveys said the number was "likely" a few hundred thousand."

For details on these and more issues please refer to the link.
How can he be a dictator if the courts can do something like this?

what a fucking fool :up: you used the words "courts"..., that was only ONE court.., damnnnn you fucking people are so fucking stupid :up:

Moon bats don't understand the Constitution, with its checks and balances, specifically written to prevent the country from becoming a dictatorship under people like Obama. They just mindlessly follow their leader, like lemmings. Hell, some of them even keep voting for years after they die!

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