Emails lost during the Bush administration.

The phony scandal is the one where the President is accused of directing his IRS to target his enemies.

The inquiry into the targeting of conservative 501c groups has unveiled a true scandal in that the IRS changed the law in 1959, but nobody who benefits from that really wants to do anything about that.....

So there is indeed a scandal that the IRS criminally acted to harass private citizens opposed to a sitting president during an election year, but just do not say the president--who was outraged and two weeks later insisted it was only a few rogue agents, before an investigation had concluded--because there is not evidence of that.

But we do not really know if the White House was involved, because we don't know who was ultimately involved, do we?

So why don't you shut the hell up, and hope that those responsible are found and prosecuted.

So after years and years of phony investigations, how many people in the IRS have been charged with a crime?

I know, I know, just wait, this new investigations gonna blow the lid off........:cuckoo::cuckoo:

love the emoticons idiot.

you're using as proof the investigations are "phony" the fact that Democrats have been stonewalling for years
Cry me a river Sallow, this is the IRS, not the WH. The American people have a much more personal relationship with the IRS than the WH, and they know that if we fuck up, the IRS won't cut us any slack. So obviously, this hits a lot closer to home and why we are much more interested in this story.
Seems you Nazicans didn't hold the past regime accountable. Even though Plame, White House Lawyers, Torture, wiretapping all had direct links to the white house.

See? That's what you folks are missing in the present. DIRECT links to the White House.

And way back when? That made NO DIFFERENCE whatsoever to Nazicans, like yourself.

Uh that is what the investigation is about ;)

Now if you can prosecute Booooosh get after it.

The fact is Sallow YOU are the hypocrite, you would actually applaud Obama if he WERE directing this.

They've been at this one for over a year, and have nothing.

Not only that? They leak almost EVERYTHING they get that "looks" bad in edited form to MAKE it look bad. THEN the White House has to release unedited versions of the same document to correct the public record.

It's pretty ridiculous.

Issa and you folks are looking for one thing..and one thing only.

The impeachment of a third Democratic President..and the last two being in a row.

That's pretty nuts.

In "real" investigations the party being "investigated" must cooperate and turn over evidence....this hasn't happened.

This is called a "cover up".

Now Sallow?

You would applaud Obama were he directing this, would you not?
So there is indeed a scandal that the IRS criminally acted to harass private citizens opposed to a sitting president during an election year, but just do not say the president--who was outraged and two weeks later insisted it was only a few rogue agents, before an investigation had concluded--because there is not evidence of that.

But we do not really know if the White House was involved, because we don't know who was ultimately involved, do we?

So why don't you shut the hell up, and hope that those responsible are found and prosecuted.

So after years and years of phony investigations, how many people in the IRS have been charged with a crime?

I know, I know, just wait, this new investigations gonna blow the lid off........:cuckoo::cuckoo:

love the emoticons idiot.

you're using as proof the investigations are "phony" the fact that Democrats have been stonewalling for years

Does that mean no one has been charged with anything?
So after years and years of phony investigations, how many people in the IRS have been charged with a crime?

I know, I know, just wait, this new investigations gonna blow the lid off........:cuckoo::cuckoo:

love the emoticons idiot.

you're using as proof the investigations are "phony" the fact that Democrats have been stonewalling for years

Does that mean no one has been charged with anything?

it means just what it said leftard

Ya'll need to stop. Every Admin from the invention of any sort of record keeping will always and forever "lose" it whether its records, emails, microfiche, etc
Wait, what?

Where was Issa? In fact..where were the Republicans?

5 million? And from the WHITE HOUSE??? :eek:

And it happened MULTIPLE TIMES:

Wait, what? 22 million emails?

Why weren't your heads spinning then?


Past misconduct excuses current misconduct, go it. Why is it you commiecrats always look for excuses for your dear leader instead of holding his regime accountable? Intellectual honesty just seems to escape you folks. If Bush did it, it was wrong, but you just can't bring yourself to say that about your dear leader.

Seems you Nazicans didn't hold the past regime accountable. Even though Plame, White House Lawyers, Torture, wiretapping all had direct links to the white house.

See? That's what you folks are missing in the present. DIRECT links to the White House.

And way back when? That made NO DIFFERENCE whatsoever to Nazicans, like yourself.

Considering you haven't a clue what I did or didn't say about Bush because I wasn't on this board at the time, you're assuming allot. I was no fan of Bush especially during his second term, but all you can come up with is the same old talking points giving your dear leader a pass. I can see why you wouldn't want to hold him responsible for anything because he is disconnected form everything, the most clueless POTUS ever.
The phony scandal is the one where the President is accused of directing his IRS to target his enemies.

The inquiry into the targeting of conservative 501c groups has unveiled a true scandal in that the IRS changed the law in 1959, but nobody who benefits from that really wants to do anything about that.....

So there is indeed a scandal that the IRS criminally acted to harass private citizens opposed to a sitting president during an election year, but just do not say the president--who was outraged and two weeks later insisted it was only a few rogue agents, before an investigation had concluded--because there is not evidence of that.

But we do not really know if the White House was involved, because we don't know who was ultimately involved, do we?

So why don't you shut the hell up, and hope that those responsible are found and prosecuted.

So after years and years of phony investigations, how many people in the IRS have been charged with a crime?

I know, I know, just wait, this new investigations gonna blow the lid off........:cuckoo::cuckoo:

Just one so far, but that is subject to change if a special prosecutor is assigned. The do nothing DOJ is looking the other way. A contempt of congress is supposed to have an automatic referral to a grand jury and your boy holder refuses to do so, of course he made sure his contempt charge wasn't referred either, which should have gotten him impeached, he clearly violated the law.
Ya'll need to stop. Every Admin from the invention of any sort of record keeping will always and forever "lose" it whether its records, emails, microfiche, etc

look at this moron. obviously the idiotic Left is completely ignorant how stupid they look using the "everybody does it" defense

first of all it is admitting criminal wrongdoing

second if kind of damages that whole "change" thingy theme

third it is proof from the Left there needs to be an investigation; and that it isnt "phony"
Very few real Conservatives are a fan of Bush, any of the Bush's.. If the establishment somehow gets that rat fink Jeb on the ticket I'll be totally pissed.. Of course we will have a Libertarian Candidate..
So there is indeed a scandal that the IRS criminally acted to harass private citizens opposed to a sitting president during an election year, but just do not say the president--who was outraged and two weeks later insisted it was only a few rogue agents, before an investigation had concluded--because there is not evidence of that.

But we do not really know if the White House was involved, because we don't know who was ultimately involved, do we?

So why don't you shut the hell up, and hope that those responsible are found and prosecuted.

So after years and years of phony investigations, how many people in the IRS have been charged with a crime?

I know, I know, just wait, this new investigations gonna blow the lid off........:cuckoo::cuckoo:

Just one so far, but that is subject to change if a special prosecutor is assigned. The do nothing DOJ is looking the other way. A contempt of congress is supposed to have an automatic referral to a grand jury and your boy holder refuses to do so, of course he made sure his contempt charge wasn't referred either, which should have gotten him impeached, he clearly violated the law.

Any crimes associated with way the IRS acted? Besides Lerner asserting her Constitutional rights?
Any crimes associated with way the IRS acted? Besides Lerner asserting her Constitutional rights?

I never thought I'd see the day when a so-called American would defend the IRS.


Do you go to the post office to jerk-off at their efficiency too?
So after years and years of phony investigations, how many people in the IRS have been charged with a crime?

I know, I know, just wait, this new investigations gonna blow the lid off........:cuckoo::cuckoo:

Just one so far, but that is subject to change if a special prosecutor is assigned. The do nothing DOJ is looking the other way. A contempt of congress is supposed to have an automatic referral to a grand jury and your boy holder refuses to do so, of course he made sure his contempt charge wasn't referred either, which should have gotten him impeached, he clearly violated the law.

Any crimes associated with way the IRS acted? Besides Lerner asserting her Constitutional rights?

Yeah. Forthcoming. Her computer crashed right after the IRS found out an investigation was started.
This entire thread is yet another example of the stunning hypocrisy of the left. The IRS breaking the law and targeting political opponents of the president is fine, and they will ridicule you if you believe it is newsworthy. We all know damn right well how they would be acting and how the media would be reporting this if a Republican were in office.

Though, they never proclaim to have any standards. They treated Bush with contempt and vitriolic hatred, wrote books and produced movies depicting his assignation, questioned his eligibility, went on paranoid conspiracy theories going back 3 generations to Prescott Bush.

And like they got hit on the head with a coconut and got amnesia these same hypocrites dare call Obama's opponent's behavior is "unprecedented".

Now the same people that sounded like Ron Paul libertarians under Bush are completely fine with warrantless wiretaps, drone striking American citizens, IRS attacking political opponents of the president.

First off..there has been zero proof of any collusion with the White House. This more seems to be a result of Citizen's United, a profound example of Legislating from the Bench. Scalia and his conservative block ruled in favor of reversing 100 years of legislation geared to remove the corrupting influence of wealth on the political process.

Second..these PACs have been breaking the law since the 1950s, when IRS rules were unmoored from the law. The law says that these groups must EXCLUSIVELY participate in social welfare projects and cannot become involved politically.

Third? The targeting of the NAACP and Charlie Rangel by the IRS had more overtones of political payback then the "targeting" of tea party groups. Which, like liberal groups, were 'targeted' because their names seemed political. All of these groups got their status, which was illegal.


Meaning since YOU think they are breaking the law it would be ok IF it were found that Obama WAS involved in this, right?


Sorry but what?

It's already been established that the Tea Party groups were breaking the law.

IRC 501(c)(4) provides for exemption from federal income tax of civic leagues or organizations not organized for profit but operated exclusively for the promotion of social welfare

That's the federal law.

What do you suppose the penalty should be?
Any American citizen who defends the IRS must be under audit or fear of one.
The IRS holds tremendous power over us.
If they choose to they can make your life a living hell.

Something is going on here.
The harder the congress pushes the more controversy.
Just one so far, but that is subject to change if a special prosecutor is assigned. The do nothing DOJ is looking the other way. A contempt of congress is supposed to have an automatic referral to a grand jury and your boy holder refuses to do so, of course he made sure his contempt charge wasn't referred either, which should have gotten him impeached, he clearly violated the law.

Any crimes associated with way the IRS acted? Besides Lerner asserting her Constitutional rights?

Yeah. Forthcoming. Her computer crashed right after the IRS found out an investigation was started.

Link for that total bs? And she tried everything to retrieve it immediately...poor little hater dupes- getting totally screwd and loving it...:cuckoo:

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